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20 minutes ago, 'Airtime Falcon' said:

They need to listen to their fans on this one


That's why the Wii U failed...


The Wii U did fail but I still enjoyed the console immensely. Splatoon is my personal highlight and I'm hoping a sequel is now in the works for the Switch. I'm glad the Wii name is dead.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just been spending the entirety of the evening playing the remastered Skyrim and even after over 4 hours playing...and two dragons slain...I can definitely share my thoughts.


Overall, gameplay was just as good as the original, and even though the game had been remastered on the exact same engine used for Fallout 4, the graphics had only improved a little...but for a 5 year old game making its way onto a next-gen console, that is still an improvement.


But besides that, I really had missed the game since last playing the original game on my Xbox 360 way before getting an Xbox One so playing the remaster was a great feeling. :D

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I've started playing the Escapists on XBOX One lately (currently free with gold) and I've loved it so far! The basic goal is to escape different prisons. If you need help with Center Perks, the first prison, here's how I escaped in five game days:


First get a sock and some soap to make a sock mace. Stay out of trouble or it will be confiscated and you will have to make it again. Then spend every exercise period and free period training your strength until it is about 90. At every meal eat until you have 100 energy then go back to training. Next start a fight with a guard and steal their baton. Next force a lockdown by starting a fight with every guard you see. When the lockdown is in force carry on attacking guards until the main gate opens. Now run!


I've also started getting alot better at Call of Duty Zombies.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

That Nintendo Switch announcement was... poor...


The price point is slightly too high, especially without a packaged game (1-2-Switch SHOULD be included, much like Wii Sports/Nintendoland), and the launch titles just seem sparse (LoZ looks amazing though)...


I'm holding off until Christmas methinks, if I'm REALLY desperate to play Zelda I'll get the Wii U version, but a Christmas with Zelda AND Mario is something to be enjoyed...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 4 months later...

So Team Fortress 2 was updated the other day. "Jungle Inferno" brings new jungle-themed maps...assumedly as well as the long awaited Pyro overhaul! And yet people say Valve don't do enough these days. Well, they also brought as a new animated short for sure!!


Oh yeah and did I mention Saxton Hale's back? Yep, this update has it all.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm playing through Super Mario Odyssey at the moment and it's taken me a while but I really do believe it's one of the best games of all time. Nintendo have created a game that is so special and exciting and fully deserves all the praise its got. It's this generations Super Mario 64. 

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  • 1 year later...

Last Friday after my last exam for 1st year at uni I decided to buy a switch and hop on the odyssey bandwagon (well almost 2 years late!).


Much like everyone else here, I’m absolutely loving the game! I cannot decided whether I prefer this or Galaxy (which was my favourite video game of all time).


I’m so glad they went back to the non-linear formula because whilst 3D land and world were good games in their own right, they just weren’t true 3D Mario games so odyssey was a smart move!

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  • 4 years later...

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