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Logger's Leap


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Yeah my last 2 visits have started with loggers being shut until around midday?

Seem to be doing alot more checks/delays compared to what it used to be like.

If they do eventually get rid of loggers, it'll be fun to see what that huge area can become!

I think all of thorpe's rides need doing up/removing to be honest. Loggers is breaking down a lot these days, storm turd is well it's storm turd... Rumba rapids tends to be down a fair bit and there's really nothing exciting about it, no good effects or anything. The only good water ride I would say thorpe have is tidal wave(depth charge is also useless as it is so low throughput it gets 60 minute queues in the summer...)

Loggers is having too much down time, it is nearly always closed in the mornings and when it does open, it breaks down within a couple of hours, to reopen and break down again. What I would love to see is a high throughput water-coaster in the place of loggers, storm turd removed and rumba rapids refurbed with new theming, effects and just a faster and better rapids ride overall.

Would be nice to see a year dedicated to water rides and giving them all a major spruce up.

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I remember on my last day pre-GCSEs, I was at the back of the boat behind my friends...and as soon as we hit the water on the main drop, I just saw them disappear in a combination of mist and a LOT of water! (My friend who was sat in front of me had come into school in an AMAZING Mexican mariachi outfit...and it would've been helpful if he was allowed to wear his sombrero on the ride!!! :P)


But to cut a long story short, the forecast had said rain for that day. It didn't rain all day. We had AMAZING weather! But Loggers was sure to turn tables with that eventually! ;)

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What I hate about loggers is the fact you have to take your bags on. It's the same as Tutuki splash at Portaventura. I hate getting my bag wet which contains my phone etc. really puts me off going on the ride in general and bag boxes are seriously needed in the station.


Difficult when there can potentially be around 100 people on the ride at once... 

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On swarm there's 56 people on the ride at once and a potential 100/200 people in the station(it is really cramped sometimes). They have a bag drop which works, I don't see why loggers can't aswell.

I know there isn't a convenient place for a bag drop and bag boxes wouldn't be big enough but maybe there could be a bag drop near the entrance somewhere, meaning you only put your bag in if you want to and it's easier to get your bag afterwards.

Just find it annoying how my bag has to get soaking and to me it doesn't matter if the ride is broken or open because I won't be riding it anyway.

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