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The Smiler Incident 02/06/2015


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Have read all the links included and there will be nothing on there to confirm or deny until the 15th when they publish the Broadcast Bulletin.


The writer of the email (the creator of the petition) was definitely jumping to conclusions.


"10 Jun 2015 - With over 1,000 Ofcom complaints so far, Ofcom will now investigate Kay Burley's interview with Nick Varney."


He knows well that most people won't bother following the links and seeing the actual truth on the Ofcom site.


What I did notice was that the complaints logged between 02/06 - 08/06 for the interview were 1002, the only number higher was only 21 more and remember that the interview didn't even happen until over halfway through that week...

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Oh look here is another news story about an Alton towers breakdown that was blown out of proportion!! I knew this would become a regular thing....

Great. The moment the newspapers seem to cut the bullsh*t being put online...The Guardian starts it all over again!!! Why do these guys have to do this to a single theme park just trying to recover from an incident that should never have happened?! :angry:

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I'm glad all these stories of rides being evacuated safely are major news now. It only reinforces the fact that rides at Alton Towers are safe and are run properly. You can just feel it in the Guardian and Mirror stories that they are desperate for something awful to happen. Their sadness that no one fell off to their deaths during an evacuation is almost tangible. 

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If you scroll down that Mirror article to the photo taken whilst they were on the ride, there are numbers. Underneath it states


Victims: (Left to right) Joe Pugh, Leah Washington, Daniel Thorpe and Vicky Balch


Having gone to all the effort to label and number and photograph each, they havent even got the order right.


But that is about the accuracy I expect from news papers.


(By the way. I have vowed, after reading all of the B*****s the papers have written, never to buy a newspaper again. I can only surmise that if they are this accurate with something I know a bit about, then everything else they write is equally 90% error. If I want fiction I will read a book)

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Alton should have said "The articles are incorrect, the rides are open, they were closed temporarily earlier in the day for routine inspections, which happens at some point on most days, and has always done so since the rides were built".

People are so dumb they don't realise that the news outlets just copy each others stories, so once one breaks a story about a rollercoaster being evacuated, all the others just copy of them instead of checking the facts first, hence why the dumb**** saying it must be true because ITV reported it, well no **** Sherlock, ITV just copied it from somewhere else, ever thought of that?

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'Incorrect' not 'false', false implies the events didn't happen, that the story is a lie, we all know the rides did shut down, just not for very long, so the story is not false, but incorrect, or misleading, but it's not false.

It might be splitting hairs to you, but in a Court and to a blood thirsty media amped up on the hysteria of leg chopping rides, there is a massive difference and accusing them of lying about something which most know to be an everyday occurrence (even if you mean to say incorrect but false is a shorter word to use), is not going to do them any favours if this same blood thirsty media pick up on it, imagine the headlines ' Alton Towers covering up daily death trap ride failures'.

Merlin have done a great job of media containment up to date, it would be a shame to see them take a major beating over a simple slip of the tounge by one of the web team.

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Haven't posted on here in 6 years, but have been following this thread carefully just out of interest since the incident. 


I have just come across this and thought it would be worth posting to make some of you happier! 




1,100 complaints to Ofcom on Kay Burleys interview!

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There is a certain irony and problem with the way we view life in this country.. Or more, they way the media are controlled and allowed to report on things.

The 4 victims in this accident were named ASAP, the injuries have been reported on with little sensitivity to the 4 victims, the friends and the families.

The videos were shown as soon as possible, showing their full faces, covered in blood and their screams.

Yet a 14 year old boy who has committed attempted murder is not named and gets his face blurred out of photos.

I know we all think this has had some poor reporting, but the media in this country is a complete shambles in general!!

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Yup slightly warped that the law says you cannot name the 14 year old who broke the law, but it's OK to name a crash victim and show their blood soaked face on TV over and over.

Mind you I can understand the reporting restrictions on the child all the time he has not been convicted, but I think these reporting restrictions should be lifted once a guilty verdict has come back, it's very rare that they are though.

So I guess this is the first day this week, Alton Towers hasn't been on the news round here.

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