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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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28 minutes ago, Insider said:

This community has got too untrusting. Timed tickets are happening, either accept the comment or move on and discuss any other aspect of the ride. 


You cant just create a username called Insider and expect everyone to automatically believe you. 


What is your source? Where is the proof?

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It's not that We aren't trusting, it's more the the fact we aren't stupid either. Without any sort of proof at all we can't take anything as fact, if it's true good on you, I'm sure the resort will be really happy with you spreading secret information - but for now everything that's said without proof is mere speculation.

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I have actually heard that a while ago as well (I'm sure it was on here) when Thorpe had been asked about the queue lengths and they said they had plans in place to manage this but couldn't say anymore at that time. Would make sense if it is hugely popular, could even use the Reserve n Ride system in some capacity. I would still like the option to queue for it as well, would probably like to do it more than once and when I actually wanted to. 


Who knows! Hopefully more will be revealed shortly. I hope they reveal an opening date soon. 

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20 minutes ago, Insider said:

providing proof for every given comment within this community is something which I have despised for a long time. How is one supposed to provide said proof without potentially destroying that avenue of information?



Ahhh how soothing to hear some logic. It's odd how some people treat these things like its a kind of court case. It's not a game of secret agents for goodness sake, and whether the information posted is true or not will become clear soon anyway, nor does it really matter either way to be honest..

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If the timed system does come to fruition then that suggests to me low throughput - whilst this is an assumption rather than fact, why else would they need such a system?


Correct me if I'm wrong but it appears to me that the idea of installing something with high throughput has gone out of the window in the past two years; IAC doesn't even reach 200pph and they've destroyed the throughput on Air this year.

Many existing rides at Thorpe and the other parks have lower throughputs this year as well such as X, Rattlesnake, Oblivion, Fury etc.

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This has probably already crossed everyone's mind but is this Insider guy the same person who was posting stuff on Instagram?


Personally I'd think a timed system would only exist if all the cars aren't finished, as someone said before. Can't imagine Merlin/Thorpe would want to enforce a timed system if they don't have to! Only ride I remember having it before was the Jungle Coaster at Legoland, and as far as I remember it went away after a while. (it wasn't for opening, can't really remember why it happened).

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^^ If I remember correctly the timed ticket system on Jungle Coaster was used after they put those weird boxes on top of the cars, as this slowed down throughput horribly!


I remember being stuck in one of those boxes with a wasp the whole way round once. Urgh.

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1 minute ago, Coaster Jamie said:

^ If I remember correctly the one on Jungle Coaster was installed after they put those weird boxes on top of the cars, as this slowed down throughput horribly!


I think this was the case, as far as I can remember! Any idea why they put them on? I've always assumed H&S changed their minds on the ride or something similar

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1 minute ago, Insider said:

Not convinced that guy was real either - if you add the number to your contacts that was on the Instagram account, and then opened Whatsapp, it comes up with someone completely different (a different photo), to the guys Twitter profile.


Didn't know that :P He wasn't really posting in the right place to be sharing stuff about the ride really anyway

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1 minute ago, EpicSmatty said:


I think this was the case, as far as I can remember! Any idea why they put them on? I've always assumed H&S changed their minds on the ride or something similar

I seem to remember it being down to locals complaining about noise (people screaming), not 100% sure though.

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Jungle Coaster was due to noise complaints. 


Timed tickets isn't a bad idea, it doesn't mean a low throughput. It just means people won't be waiting around for hours in a queue to ride it because it's going to be popular. I would definitely prefer a timed ticket when it's busy than queueing for 2 hours or something. 

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Weekends sure but why on earth would they need off peak timed tickets during the week. I seem to recall The Swarm sat at an average of 30mins all day on its opening day. 


They're either expecting this ride to perform miracles for off peak attendance or it must have a dreadful throughput, if it did have a timed ticket system. 

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Derren did say something in an interview (when someone asked him about the queues being massive) along the lines of, "Merlin have it all figured out". I really do hope they he is referring to something other than this dreadful rumour of timed tickets for the first few months... (felt the need to emphasize that it is only a rumour and the chances of this actually happening are 50|50).

In other news, Derren Browns Ghost Train has 3 reviews on Google, even though the ride isn't open...

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This has arisen, apparently it has been sent out to various team members.




I am am slightly concerned about its legitimacy, however it has been confirmed by various employees. I also enquired about the ticketing service and received the response that this is "definitely will not be a ticketed service for the first few months". I am not sure about either of these statement, however they are intresting to say the least.

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Fingers crossed that that information is true. Although surely the picture would've been kept secret, and employees would have been asked not to share the information.

I remain hopefully, but we can't be too sure whether it is true or false until directly confirmed by the park.

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