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The 2016 Thread


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Crust has indeed closed. 


The only time it was ever busy was the 2011 fireworks event, because it was right next to the viewing area.  And even then, it wasn't exactly popular because  of the prices and lack of quality.  One can only assume they were locked into a contract, which was why they didn't leave sooner.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 25 July 2016 at 8:12 PM, BaronC. said:

It should be said that these are premium in price - £6 for steak burger, ~£4 for noodles and £3 for a portion of chips I believe - but this is a reflection of the quality of food.  A nice thing for the park to be trialing in my opinion! 


Ha! As always with Merlin parks, compared to the US (Six Flags/Cedar Fair...) this is an absolute bargain.  


All Americans I know who go to the parks here are SO impressed with the food offering and pricing - especially Temple at Chessington. 

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As much as I may moan at Merlin a little too much, food is one of the things they usually seem to do right (except Burger Kitchen). 


Whilst it it may not always be amazing, I find the food quality they provide to be of very good quality especially for a theme park. Places such as Smokehouse BBQ, Roller Coaster Restaurant, Fin's and even Woodcutters usually offer decent food. 


Comparing their food food to places such as Oakwood, Drayton and even DLRP (shocker), their food typically seems better. 

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Merlin is pretty good with food IMO, Thorpe in particular has pretty great food.

Alton Towers being pretty decent also, (well Burger Kitchen is...Meh.)

I gotta admit when I was at Six Flags Over Texas the food was unbearable..

Like it took ages to get the food, it was overpriced, and ended up being worse than McDonalds..

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  • 2 weeks later...

One thing that needs sorting is the amount of cobwebs everywhere!  In some difficult to reach places it's (somewhat) excusable, but they are everywhere - on the ceilings of ride stations, scattered throughout queuelines and they may as well rename Rumba to Spider Rapids!


Unless it's new budget Fright Nights theming? :wacko:

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They're taking over, kill them with fire, or perhaps not.


We do seem to have suffered a rather large increase in spiders this year, perhaps it was the mild winter followed by a reasonably good summer didn't kill as many off, I must have evicted at least 30 this week alone, and a friend posted a photo of one she found in her kitchen on FB that was a good 8 inches across.

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Cant help but think whats happened to merlin parks this year ...... It's fair to say operations at the parks this year have hit an all time low ....


So frustrated after afternoon/ evening at the park... 


From staff not following procudures like checking restraints on 2 coasters.


To slow load / unloading on rides for no reason.


rude staff and queue management,


however I do have a positive for the lovely team on stealth tonight



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Which ride didn't they check the restraints on tonight?


Overall I found the staff to be fairly pleasant tonight, the guy operating Slammer had a particularly wicked sense of humour too along with his "puff fairy assistants", if anything it was the stupidity of some of the patrons that surprised me.


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7 hours ago, Ian-S said:

Which ride didn't they check the restraints on tonight?


Overall I found the staff to be fairly pleasant tonight, the guy operating Slammer had a particularly wicked sense of humour too along with his "puff fairy assistants", if anything it was the stupidity of some of the patrons that surprised me.



Totally agree about the Slammer operator and team in general.  Summer Nights have always had quite a relaxed atmosphere, especially when ride queues are non-existent, and just adding in the bit of humour really was a highlight!

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17 hours ago, Ian-S said:

Which ride didn't they check the restraints on tonight?


Overall I found the staff to be fairly pleasant tonight, the guy operating Slammer had a particularly wicked sense of humour too along with his "puff fairy assistants", if anything it was the stupidity of some of the patrons that surprised me.


Colossus, we were estoped on lift because the restraints wernt checked and whitnessed a family kicking off because there row wasnt checked. 


I agree that there are some lovely staff and atmosphere at thorpe but last night I only saw an awsome guy on stealth onload/offload

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Once on Rush the staff didn't check my restraints and I was panicking that I would fall out. I was planning that once it started swinging I would quickly jump out and lay flat on the ground, and maybe roll to the side. I had of course forgotten that it's the ride itself that locks you in, not the staff. I was 12 to be fair. Watching the staff check everyone else's restraints and not mine made my mind go to dark places - Final Destination 3 roller coaster crash kinda places. Anyway, when it comes to Colossus and saw, you're more likely to die from the head banging than falling out of it.


Alright, since I'm here, tell me straight - I'm going to thorpe this friday (16th) but the weather is looking pretty naff. It's still early and weather forecasts in this country tend to be not that reliable, but if it ends up being what it says it will be, how much will it affect my day?




I need a plan, people! I know I could have directed this to the quick questions thread but I don't think people actually look at that lol

It's my friend's first time and I want him to lose his Thorpe Park virginity with as many rides as possible. Yes I just said that.

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2 minutes ago, chrisgeorgiou46 said:

Alright, since I'm here, tell me straight - I'm going to thorpe this friday (16th) but the weather is looking pretty naff. It's still early and weather forecasts in this country tend to be not that reliable, but if it ends up being what it says it will be, how much will it affect my day?




I need a plan, people! I know I could have directed this to the quick questions thread but I don't think people actually look at that lol

It's my friend's first time and I want him to lose his Thorpe Park virginity with as many rides as possible. Yes I just said that.


Thunder storms can close quite a few rides down (for obvious reasons), but only when the storm itself is taking place.  Light to medium rain only closes down one or two rides (usually smaller rides), and heavier rain may close a couple of the coasters.  Rain can of course make some faster rides a bit more uncomfortable, but it can add to the experience!


If it's raining in the morning, it usually puts some people off visiting, so it might end up being a bit quieter too.  

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16 minutes ago, BaronC. said:


Thunder storms can close quite a few rides down (for obvious reasons), but only when the storm itself is taking place.  Light to medium rain only closes down one or two rides (usually smaller rides), and heavier rain may close a couple of the coasters.  Rain can of course make some faster rides a bit more uncomfortable, but it can add to the experience!


If it's raining in the morning, it usually puts some people off visiting, so it might end up being a bit quieter too.  



Awww maaaaaan, doesn't sound too good. To make matters worse, it's my brother's wedding the day after, and the only two days that they expect rain next week are Friday and Saturday, the two days I actually need it to not rain. The rest of the week has great weather. Why do you do this to me England? Thanks anyway! I look forward to trying out the ghost train for the first time. I hope we get at least one ride on everything...seeing as it's halfway through September and dismal weather.


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