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  • 1 month later...

On Saturday, WWTP was only playing in the bottom half of the Stealth plaza, and not in the bit near Sunken gardens or in the Stealth queue (I presume this is something to do with one "zone" being turned off because of the Swarm's marketing board things being up)? Also, Stealth's launch on EVERY ride didn't do the full countdown, it was more of a *revving noise as train gets ready to launch* then just "3" and it was almost as if the operator had deliberately pressed the mic button to stop it... ;)On a plus note, Canada Creek's new system is good, covers a much wider area, can imagine it will be great at FN&Blow it up. :rolleyes:

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WWTP hasn't played in Stealth queue since my visit in early august (3 visits). I don't think it is to do with the marketing of Swarm as that seems to have its own few temporary speakers, but I could be wrong.It is very boring queuing for Stealth without any music.I don't like the new Canada Creek playlist. Don't feel that enough of the songs are "country" enough.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone know if this years FN music for all the Major Coasters is an actual song or if it's internal to Merlin? It's like a drum&bass/Saw type of song with a rock hint to it, was booming nice and loudly in Inferno's queue! Whatever or wherever it is I want it haha :)

They're once again mostly tracks from Saw, Saw 3D I Believe.
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Loved the detail of a twisted "Happy Birthday" theme playing across park. Heard it around the park areas. Sadly, audio is seriously lacking around park, not the tracks themselves but the quality of the link/ speakers, some dipping between their usual themes and FN themes and just not knowing what to play.

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Loved the detail of a twisted "Happy Birthday" theme playing across park. Heard it around the park areas. Sadly, audio is seriously lacking around park, not the tracks themselves but the quality of the link/ speakers, some dipping between their usual themes and FN themes and just not knowing what to play.

I noticed this too, especially around Colossus. The Colossus Station was the worst, as the operator had to press a button on the sound panel after the FN theme had finished playing, or else the normal beatbed theme would play. Stealth's "it's only a dream" didn't play on every launch either. And yes! the happy birthday thing I heard whenever Samurai started a cycle.
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Stealth's "it's only a dream" didn't play on every launch either. And yes! the happy birthday thing I heard whenever Samurai started a cycle.

Yesterday they were alternating the launch sound every launchIt was 1. 3 2 1 go go go 2. Its only a dream3. 'The train is about to start moving' - launches - (which is hilarious)4. Just silence and then launchesI liked that they were doing that.And yeah the samurai happy birthday track is so cool and creepy, it was good because it was my friends birthday haha.Also I'm glad to hear the detonator humpty dumpty track back now :)
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Such a British attitude.. "It's not that bad" at the prices they're charging for people to get in, things like this should be perfect. Glad to hear about the amount of work they've spent on it though, though there are still many zoning issues with the audio.

I aggreeI went to thorpe park when it first opened this year and the flying fishes pa was broken, I when I went last week it was still broken!!!!
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Hi all,I was at Thorpe Park on Tuesday and heard a really good song when I was down near Rush/Vortex etc. It was when I went to the lockers. The song was a chart song I'm pretty sure and it was very upbeat with a female singer. I can't remember the words but one of the last words before the song ended was 'gravity'. I've been trying to find out what the song was, could anyone help? perhaps there is a playlist that I could have a look at as It's driving me nuts!Thanks in advance :)Daz

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Thanks but I've already listened to this one but it's not the same song. Another thing I can say is that immediately after the song finished, Rihanna's 'Cheers' started playing so seeing as her song is in the UK top 40 it would seem logical to assume that this song would be or have been/soon to be in the charts

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Well, just been to the park today and the fright nights audio is once agan dire, lacking any of the consistecy of 2007/08 when there were distinct area themes, we now have ride specific audio (such as rush announcements which arnt linked to central control) and everything else is a standard loop, ie: Colossus station plays the same as stealth... terrible, dire lack of effort once again, it really cant be that hard just to assign the tracks used a few years back, which were all royalty free...Oh and the less said about Samurai the better, it has a full on eurorave tune for the cycle, so has been entirely pikified, but then plays its usual fn music for loading, eugh. So inconsistent. However, I love the eurorave tune, does anyone have it or know what it is? I'm certain its a public domain club track from the 90's or early 00's, It's horrible as fright nights music, but works so so well for samurai in the dark, unfortunately the first outweighs the second (but I still love the tune).Also disliking vortexs music, please could the likes of Mr neilfever go back and show them how to do fright nights well? :')

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In regards to royalty free - does the park not pay a performance rights fee (I presume they do, considering they play whatever chart music they want anywhere they want).Therefore, it shouldn't matter what is played. As long as its been released to cd... so where's the Elfman tracks or anything else equally as epic? As RobD says... dire lack of effort.Music is one of the most important things in creating an atmosphere, yet it is always completely overlooked at thorpe.

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Music is one of the most important things in creating an atmosphere, yet it is always completely overlooked at thorpe.

What a turn of events then. Back in 2005 or so, Thorpe was the only park that had proper (ish) theme park music on all its rides. Now it's the other way round and music is either mismatched, cuts out or non existant. Why they can't get Inferno's dispatch music on properly is beyond me.
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