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On quiet days they only use he front station and run 4 shuttles, when both stations are in use it's usually on 6, sometimes 5 (they have 7, but run rolling maintenance so there are never 7 in service). It was on 5 last Sunday, and on our ride we didn't stack at all. To get the absolute maximum throughput it needs to be on 6, any fewer and they'll be waiting for a shuttle to get back.

It can get much more than 1400 (the theoretical is less than the often quoted 1800+, but I suspect 1600ish is still possible), however in reality the lack of baggage room slows things down significantly. Even when not running flat out it's easily one of the highest throughput coasters in the UK.

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Towers on Thursday were running 2 trains on nemesis and sending one around empty every time...

Now that pee'd me off far more than them just running one...

Was the queue out the station at all? They run one empty if they're not filling trains (Cos it's hassle loading two trains and not filling), but the second there's a queue on the ramp then they should use two trains - if they weren't doing that then they're in trouble.


The Smiler has run 5 trains almost the entire year, apart from the first week of September onwards (same time they removed it from ERT) to prepare for Scarefest. Then an unfortunate issue which led to it being on 3 trains the past weekend. I believe it may well be up to 4 trains now (as the Queue didn't go over 30mins this afternoon according to ride times).


Oblivion usually runs a minimum 4 shuttles when on one station, 5 shuttles when doing dual station (up to 6, they have 7 like John says).


Thorpe are just utterly useless at everything.

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Out of curiosity, why is project stealth having 3 trains when it is only able to run two at any one given time and why is the project finished so early? Usually things are left until the last minute! It’s Great to see a new coaster at TP though.

The additional train allows the park to improve the reliability and ensures the capacity is at its best each day as we plan to run two trains every day of the season. Those of you who have ever queued for a coaster when there is only one train running will know you often lose the will to live after two hours so this improvement is good news for our guests.



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Train 2 lives, however it only lived for about an hour before having to be removed again. Stealth was closed until around 1:15 today and kept breaking down repeatedly. Also something I noticed, I dont know if its been like it all season but it appears to me that the last 3 segments of triangular track have been repainted as they look all shiny and new with no wheel marks. 

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