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Does anyone know when the Chessington/Merlin Passholder Preview Day will be available to book please?

It's advertised on the Chessington Website as the weekend of the 15/16 March (which annoyingly clashes with the Thorpe Park weekend!) but there is no sign of being able to book your tickets. It's just over 2 weeks away, and the Thorpe Park tickets (for the same weekend) are available, so it must be very soon?

Many thanks in advance!

An update on this, tickets are now available to book: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/chessington-world-of-adventures-resort-passholders-members-preview-weekend-tickets-10734811109

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The thing I hate about ride sponsorships is the often do a crappy job of it (Dragon falls with billboards in the tunnels) the last good sponsorship I remember is Bubbleworks and imperial leather (although everyone hates that for some reason <_< ) and maybe Rumba rapids although they didn't 'Un-sponsor' it very well..

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I actually think this is a pretty good match...especially compared to some we've seen in the past. The Yoohoo range is all about selling animal toys and promoting education of conservation to kids. An animal based product sponsoring animals, more sense than berry-men sponsoring a north American themed river rapid ride.

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Just a few things I saw today.

-Vampire queue line has been touched up, They have repainted the railings.
-Scorpion Express is looking alright, they have added a lot of stuff too it, its not longer just a single cacti :P I think you will all be surprised by the back drop too.
-Like I said before Rammy is good to go, I think they have already started training staff on it.
-Market Square again looks great, all the paving is done, there just adding some planters and other bits to make it look all a little nicer around the area now.

That is about all really, the parks still a construction site but they still have a week to finish everything up.

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^ They really need to bring back the strobes in the fountain finale!

Yes they do! The video obviously can't show strobes because of the frame rate, but seeing it plunge in to total darkness with the bright white flashes is a beautiful thing.

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Just a few things I saw today.

-Vampire queue line has been touched up, They have repainted the railings.

-Scorpion Express is looking alright, they have added a lot of stuff too it, its not longer just a single cacti :P I think you will all be surprised by the back drop too.

-Like I said before Rammy is good to go, I think they have already started training staff on it.

-Market Square again looks great, all the paving is done, there just adding some planters and other bits to make it look all a little nicer around the area now.

That is about all really, the parks still a construction site but they still have a week to finish everything up.

Do you have pictures from your trip?

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Sadly I never did the Original Bubbleworks as the first year I went to a Chessington was 2006 when the hideous ducks invaded, although from the POV's I've seen online, the old one looked a lot better.

I have ridden it though when there were strobes and have to say the ride felt better with them as I loved it when they worked as it really added to the atmosphere.

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