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About Rich

  • Birthday August 12

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  • Favourite ride
    Nemesis Inferno
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Thorpe Park

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    Theme Parks, Stage Lighting, Special Effects. Work at a theme park :)

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  1. I rarely post on here anymore but Mer that video is made so well. Well done!
  2. I strangley found Colossos very bareable and the music is great! I overall really like the park and I agree Flug isn't the best I still find Swarm better! Krake is a good ride. I quite liked Big Loop maybe because it had Corkscrews old trains from Alton Towers which made it special for me! The top spin is actually run pretty well and I like the Huss section of the park! Desert Race is great also, I am not a fan of SLC's and this one is no exception, painful throughout! Scream is probably the best drop tower I've ever been on, it really is an incredible ride with an incredible soundtrack! Overall though I really adore the park!
  3. Rich

    Paultons Park

  4. 2005-2006 were the best looking!
  5. Rich


    It's just the usual one without the hump (same as Blackpools)
  6. No idea where you heard thay but Cobra has not been repainted since it was put in...
  7. Filling the inside of the track with sand does decrease the noise as it dapens the vibrations.
  8. Rich

    Paultons Park

    The Stinger is staying as part of Critter Creek, the new coaster will be for 2016!
  9. Rich

    Paultons Park

    Here is the new release from the park regarding Critter Creek next year! https://paultonspark.co.uk/blog/2014/12/545/paultons-park-2015-whats-new
  10. Rich

    Paultons Park

    It will be an excellent addition and I'm sure there will be lots more developments and things released soon regarding this area :-)
  11. Rich

    Paultons Park

    At this present time I can't say but can confirm it won't be part of "The Stinger" but will be included in Critter Creek.
  12. Rich

    Paultons Park

    The Stinger has been completey re-painted with dark green track and light bold green supports. Wind in the Willows building is being kitted out inside. I should imagine a lot more will happen after Christmas leading up to it's official opening.
  13. Went last night for a few hours and must say it is without doubt the best lit park at night, it's just really pretty! Rameses laser and clubish music I am not a massive fan of, felt sorry for the operator who had it constantly shining in her eyes. In the 5 minutes I was standing in the queue it was starting to annoy me. Without doubt it looks nice, it's just irratating after a while!
  14. They can't "stall" as that means it doesn't have enough momentum, as they are powered all the time this is not the case. They fault, this one way more than a certain other one in the UK which has done this once this year. It faults and for whatever reason wether it's a faulty sensor or overspeed etc, causes the fault and tells the ride to slow down and stop at its earliest convenience. It doesn't matter which side it stops as long as the ride stops. As I said though Kobra appears to be having a lot more issues than Edge when it comes to this. They have tried many things on Kobra I believe to reduce the faults, one of them slowing the ride which has caused it to behave a lot better.
  15. I went to chessington on Wed afternoon and even Vampire was on 2 trains (using both trains) with no more than I saw 6 people per train because there was no one waiting!
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