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Thorpe Park Trip Reports

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  On 10/8/2014 at 12:59 PM, Project LC said:

I know I do complain about Thorpe a lot but I do like some of it. Unfortunately there is no near by alternative so I put up with them. However it has come to the point where I would just prefer to save my money and go to better places less frequently.


 Thank god you joined a Thorpe Park fansite then.

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  On 10/8/2014 at 10:10 PM, Altitude said:

^ Well I'm sure a moderator will more than happily delete your account for you (to save you the trouble).


Unfortunately TPM doesn't give out Priority Passes to it's departing members I'm afraid.

Just for reference, would never remove a member for arguing or not liking Thorpe Park. Some of the complaints about the park are pretty legitimate remarks.

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  On 10/9/2014 at 7:18 AM, Mark9 said:

Just for reference, would never remove a member for arguing or not liking Thorpe Park. Some of the complaints about the park are pretty legitimate remarks.


And just for reference I wasn't being serious, in case you didn't realise...

(Not being patronising, sarcasm is hard to get over the internet.)

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Went to the fright night preview tonight to see a few familiar faces and celebrities! ;)

I don't think there could have been more than a couple of thousand on park, as the mazes peaked at 45mins max; and when one was 45mins the others were 5(with the exception of studio 13 not going under 45 all night).

Ride count:

Slammer-1 :D

Samurai- 1

Saw- 1

Swarm- 1

Detonator- 1

Stealth- 2

Rush- 1

Maze count:

Blair witch project- 1

Studio 13- 1

My bloody valentine- 1

Cabin in the woods- 1

-The rides were pretty much walk on all night, except for when we got jumped by a whole group of celebrities who decided to take up a whole train, however the queues were non-existent all night.

-Rides on FULL CAPACITY, 2 trains on coasters!!! I'm sure the park expected it to be busier, as all rides were walk on and going half empty.

-Did not get in Saw alive due to it breaking down and re-opening with a 45minute queue later.

-Amazing effects on tonight, flamethrowers on saw, mist on nemesis and stealth and effects in mazes were amazing.

-Cabin in the woods was much improved to last year, felt longer and the scares were brilliant. Well themed too and saw the character which was chosen on facebook by the public! :D

- Blair Witch was interesting... I thought it was an amazing use of space however the actual experience itself wasn't great. I liked how it was a walk through the woods and there were a few good scares. The final hut was good aswell.

- My Bloody Valentine was better than I remember, got the tunnel route which was quite scary and people infront got split from the rest of their group :o. Very fast paced and much better lighting this year meaning theming was visible. Also audio in maze queue

-STUDIO 13. What can I say? This was brilliant! 1000000/10(if that's even possible). I commend thorpe for making such an amazing maze, the theming was brilliant and the fact that it felt like a conga maze but was actually free flow made it great aswell! The scares were amazing and the maze was absolutely fantastic. Can't wait to do it again, the finale was brilliant aswell. The only downside was the long wait, but it was worth it! The maze was very popular and I can see why!

Total Rides and Mazes: 12.

Can't wait to go again, amazing event and if you are considering going to it, go! The roaming actors were great aswell(when there were some) as they made a photo frame and would suddenly scare everyone! Get down to this event, thorpe you have created something amazing I loved it!

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Really good preview event yesterday.  I have posted my reviews in the Fright Nights topic so I'll just post the ride and maze count here.


Maze Count:

My Bloody Valentine x3

Cabin in the Woods x2

Studio 13 x1

Saw Alive x1

The Blair Witch Project x1


Ride Count:

The Swarm x2

Stealth x1

Nemesis Inferno x1

Colossus x1

Saw: The Ride x1

X x1


TOTAL:  15

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Okay then. S13 was hugely meh. MBV was still awful. Cabin seemed worse or just more boring. Saw Alive was averagely itself. Blair Witch was great fun.


S13: 1

MBV: 1

Cabin: 2

Saw Alive: 1

Saw le Ride: 1

BWP: 1

Stealth: 3

Swarm: 1

X: 1

Depth Charge: 1

Rush: 1

Slammer: 1

Colossus: 1

Ninferno: 3


And before the preview event we also did Loggers, Detty, Colossus, Rush and Inferno between 4 and 5.


Fair to say was mightily impressed with the way the event was run. They added the second trains to the coasters between 5 and 6 (although removed Colossus and Inferno quite quick but can't complain was still walk on!) All rides bar Fish, Loggers, Rocky and Carousel were open (yes even Mr Monkey!)

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Here I go on my trip report from yesterday

Maze count

Studio 13 1

Cabin 2x

My Bloody Valentine 1x

Blair Witch 1x

Saw Alice 0x (because the thug kept braking down)

Ride count

Inferno 2x (one night ride)

Colossus 2x (one night ride)

Rumba Rapids 2x (one at night)

Samurai 1x (at night)

Saw 1x (at night)

X x1

Swarm x1

Storm Surge x1 (at night)

Total 16

Didn't do as many as planned best considering I was only at the park 4-5 and 6-10 although I still got a fair few rides when I was there, plus some strange choices for night rides.


Blair Witch is a lot better than last year, felt more of an experience and better pacing

Studio 13 is a decent replacement to the asylum

The park looks so pretty at night

Colossus front row at night is beautiful and beautifully smooth

Inferno is even better at night,

Rumba is surprisingly good at night (underrated IMO)

Samurai at night is actually good

The park had a creepy atmosphere with the darkness and rain

No queues most of the time

The opening of the event with the director was a good touch

Thorpe at night is just great in general

Low lights

Storm Surge existing (first and last time I do storm surge at dusk)

Getting wet feet on storm surge

Saw Alive breaking down

Waiting longer on 1 train op Colosssus due to fastrackers for front seat (made a 5 min wait become a 10 minute wait)

Not being he first public group on Studio 13 (we were at the front but there were 10 of us but they could only take 8 in a group)

Asylum still has the edge so far

Some if cabins features from last year were missing, flashing queue lights, spinning tunnel, moving doll etc.

Lack of scare actors

Naked grey tempory fences are bland and ugly

No park wide theming

Saw being rough again

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I went Yesterday, arrived 9:45 am left at 9;20 PM. Phew, I was very tired! Here I go:

  • Saw x2
  • Swarm x3 (1x backwards and 1x night)
  • Stealth x2 (1x night)
  • Colossus x1
  • Nemesis Inferno x2 (1x night)
  • X x2
  • Storm Turd x1
  • Rumba Rapids x1
  • Dodgems x1
  • Slammer x1


  • MBV x1
  • S13 x1
  • CITW x1
  • BWP x1
  • SAW x1



  • I count getting stuck on SAW as a pro, because it all adds to the experience and its a good story to tell my friends. We were stuck in the indoor syringe bit, and when the light came on, I saw that the syringes were filled with what looks like purple Millions.
  • Best ride I've had on Inferno, got really intense at night
  • Smoothest ride on Colossus ever.
  • Went on X twice in a row with no one on our train.
  • Pizza hut was yummy.
  • First time on slammer, my comment as I got off of it was 'It went upside down an me head hurts. Meh.' as with most rides now.
  • Mazes aren't as bad as I thought, I was getting really (and I mean REALLY) scared before, then I was laughing my way throught them.
  • I managed to do the thing with the fence near Rumba/ Stealth where you can take the ball off the fence thingy like in 'Forp Goes Wrongly'


  • More theming and roaming actors
  • Loggers, Samurai and I think Vortex down for the whole day
  • Dodgems smell awful
  • Swarm opened a bit late
  • Blade and hammer effects not working on Saw
  • Wet feet on Storm Turd (and also the fact it exists)
  • I didn't get to take a selfie with the director :(
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So first day of FN then. The downside of living in Birmingham is the 9hr round trip Fright Nights requires, due to there being fewer trains at night and being limited to coaches in the morning due to my own unwillingness to pay peak rail prices. Was it worth it? I'll answer that with my ride count:

Stealth x12

Swarm x8

Colossus x7

Inferno x6

Detonator x5

Saw x3

X x2

Rush x2

Depth Charge x2

Vortex x1

Slammer x1

Zodiac x1

Total = 52


*Inferno and Colossus on top form.

*Detonator being generally amazing (it's still one of my favourite tower rides)

*Laughing at self-entitled VIP pass holders getting angry about not being batched ahead of the 20 people in main queue.

*Re-rides on Colossus and Swarm


*Poor reliability (Samurai and Loggers closed, significant downtime on Vortex + a few minor breakdowns elsewhere)

*Low capacity in the morning (all coasters) and late evening (all but Stealth)

*Long queue to collect pre-booked AP ticket - print at home would be so much better

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Went Yesterday Had a great Night arrived at 3.15pm left at 10.05pm 


Ride count 


Stealth-5 (1 front row)

Nemesis inferno-4



The Swarm forwards- 4 (1 Front row)








rumba rapids-1

depth charge-3


33 rides in total Think that works out at about 5 rides an hour. 


Positives- The coasters had two trains most of the evening.

The new fish and chip restaurant is brilliant. 

Nemesis mist and stealth smoke was working to great effect and there was smoke near tidal wave which created a scary atmosphere while walking in that part of the park 

No lights on in the rumba rapids tunnel actually made the ride more scary :lol:

Saw Shawn Sanbrooke and got a photo with him. :)


Negatives- A train was taken off at about 8.30pm  on Colossus and swarm which was justifiable on Colossus but on swarm was unacceptable as the Que was quite clearly long enough to justify two trains.

Logger's leap and samurai were shut.


So that's it Looks like fright nights is going to be the best event they have put on for a while. and I would recommend just for the coaster's in the dark. The roaming actors were a lot scarier than they have been before one was extremely creepy with a teddy bear and one had a chainsaw. they were lurking on the bridge when we arrived. and proceeded to chase guest's around for the rest of the night. Was happy with the amount of rides I got on you have done well thorpe park. :)

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As Thorpe allow rerides that's less of an issue though, as a lot of people just stay on. On my last ride yesterday both sides of the station were completely full, with a short wait beyond that. Quite a few people around me in the queue were commenting on how slow it was compared with 'earlier' (I.e. on 2 trains). Swarm really is an utter misery to wait for on 1 train, due to the split queue it's one of the worst in the park when the queue in the station is long.

They also closed the bag store later in the evening, which suggests that staffing levels might have required it to go down to 1 train at some point (I'm not sure what Thorpe's policy is here, just speculating - does the ride ever run 2 with the bag store shut?).

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My ride count for yesterday...

1x Nemesis Inferno

1x Carousel (first time on it probably last time as well...)

1x Rocky Express

1x Loggers Leap

1x Slammer

1x X

1x Studio 13

1x My Bloody Valentine

1x Cabin In The Woods

1x Colossus

1x Saw: The Ride

1x Swarm

1x Stealth

13 rides in 8hrs and 30 mins ain't so bad

(I was there from 10:30 till 21:05 so I suppose that ain't too bad although if I didn't queue for mazes that I thought were a bit boring after doing them I probably could have gotten so much more in, which in hindsight I wish I did tbh although the atmosphere was great as I was with friends but year fright nights was a bit of a letdown, rides at night?? Definately not so, Stealth in the dark was amazing, so was Saw as the fire effect went off on the drop, I love night rides they make a ride so much better but I think Stealth takes it as my number coaster there now I just love the thing!

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Right then.


I have to say last night was, without a doubt, the best Fright Nights I've been to so far - mainly because I finally plucked up more than enough courage to do mazes! :)



  • THE SWARM: x1 (front row)
  • SAW - The Ride: x3 (front row once - and I got stuck another time!)
  • Nemesis Inferno: x1
  • Stealth: x1 (in the dark)
  • Detonator: x1
  • Rush: x1


  • Studio 13: x2 (1x front)
  • My Bloody Valentine: x2 (1x front)
  • Cabin in the Woods: x2





Studio 13:

Definitely not my favourite maze on the night. Although the acting wasn't bad and the themeing was decent, it was still FAR too rushed and there was a lack of actors throughout the maze. Still, at least give some light (literally!) to the strobe maze and the chainsaw pursuit at the end! But apart from that, the maze was a little naff...


My Bloody Valentine:

After emerging from Studio 13 for the first time rather disappointed, My Bloody Valentine did an EXCELLENT job of making up for those missed scares! The first time I did it (which was definitely my best), I was at the front, therefore getting a great jumpscare upon entering! (actor banging the door at the same time as jumping out from behind - similar to 'Vampire: The Haunting in the Hollows'). Following that, my group ended up getting broken down so much that I was ON MY OWN for the last section! The only thing I didn't quite like about MBV was the flow of the story. I could've sworn I saw TWO Harry Wardens in one place!* But THAT was made up for in my second time where Harry suddenly bursts out at the end and chases us out! :D


Cabin in the Woods:

Overall my favourite maze! After my first time, I was just lost for words for how great it was! What got me most is that there were FAR more routes than I was expecting, as I thought there'd be a line of doors at the start, you chose one, and were on that route for the rest of the maze - and as it turns out, I was wrong...for the best! I even got the best scare of the night in there as well! (The first section, in what I remember was the door on the left in front of you. I assume it was a forest scene, but I was just going around the corner, and suddenly an actor BURSTS out from the black cloth separated by supposedly tree trunks and gets right in my face!). After my first time, I had already decided my next objective - go right round and do Cabin again! Top maze imo! :D




* Probably because I was there too! ;)

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Went back to Fright Nights last night and was a mostly positive day

Ride count

Swarm 2x

Inferno 2x

Stealth 1x

Saw 2x

X x2

Colossus 1x

Quantum x1

Rush x1

Detonator x1

Maze count

Cabin 3x (one braving it alone)

My Bloody Valentine 1x

Saw Alive (finally) 1x

Blair Witch 1x

Studio 13 1x

Total 20


Face it alone was excellent (an experience I'd recommend to those brave enough)

Inferno is running like bliss currently

Studio 13 was running better today

Swarm is great too

More scare actors

Thorpe still looks pretty at night



Samurai was dead all day (hopefully I didn't kill it Thursday)

Rumba down all day

Stealth broke down for an hour or so when we were on the platform

There were 7 rides and 2 closed at one stage

Lots of badly behaved and disrupted guests

Overall, pretty good day, the previous one may have had the edge though

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Okay so from my visit earlier today:


Stealth x7 (1 front row)

Colossus x2 (1 front row)

Saw x1 (front row)

Inferno x3 (1 front row)

Detonator x3

Slammer x4

Loggers Leap x1

Rocky Express x1

Swarm x3 

X x4

Dodgems x2

4D Cinema x1


Didn't bother with the mazes as the rides had no queues and the Mazes had fairly substantial ones and I didn't want to stand around in the rain in a t-shirt (I wasn't prepared for rain...)


As part of my 16th birthday I also got the privilege to go on a rides backstage tour - and wow absolutely phenomenal the Stealth Bunker really shocked me with how much actually goes into the ride! Very much enjoyed the experience and can't wait to do a Coaster Climb next season



  • First Stealth Front Row ride I've ever had!
  • Inferno and Colossus seemed to run very smoothly and fast on my rides
  • Rerides in the dark :wub:


  • Rain
  • Lots of stacking with the Inferno trains 
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