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Project WC16 - New for 2016


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  On 8/14/2015 at 10:08 PM, xxbennxx said:

The Dungeons has been in existence long before Merlin came along, and all variants are just copies of a pre existing product but tweeked slightly for each city they pop up in.

Shrek's Adventure was designed, animated, and signed ofd by Dreamworks, who would not allow a cheap representation of their work, Merlin simply constructed it and operated it. Furthermore, they are now going to copy the dungeons model and clone the attraction several times.

Saw alive is essentially the same deal as Shrek, Lionsgate would have to have had say on the final product, as a poor representation of their brand is not acceptable.

I would argue that having an IP attached will hold the park to some of agreement that they represent the brand to an exceptional standard, which may prove to be a better finished product than an original ride.

Just a thought.


You say all this stuff like it's a bad thing. If it takes an IP and someone else to bring Merlin product to a higher standard, whats the problem. I don't really mind if Merlin don't sign something off personally.

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  On 8/14/2015 at 9:31 PM, Dodge2002 said:

People often make comparisons to European parks, but it just doesn't work like that. There is a massive variance in how much bang you get for your buck. Of COURSE Europa and Phantasialand are going to be better. Germany is a VERY wealthy country, and can contain most of its manufacturing within its own walls. And when a theme park aspires beyond its economy? That's when you end up with Disneyland Paris and £1.5bn of debt.

dlp's situation is almost entirely employment, hotel and cultural issues that have haunted it since opening. It is not comparable to Thorpe

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It is very reminiscent of the smiler marketing indeed.

If this does have an IP then we need to figure out what is current and has a theme to do with mind control or manipulation, though this whole minds wanted thing could be one massive red herring.

The font and colour scheme are interesting though.

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  On 8/16/2015 at 7:33 PM, JoshC. said:

Leaflets are now on park advertising the site...




It's not what I think it is, or want it to be, but similar in tone to that Lionsgate IP that everyone was obsessed with it being a while back...




Don't think the Minds Wanted stuff fits though.


A google search for visually similar images all relate to film, strangely



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Hunger Games really doesn't fit in with the Minds Wanted stuff, unless it was a ridiculously complex spin off.  Also, didn't a new park in Dubai get exclusivity rights to the IP?  Really can't see it happening at Thorpe to be honest.


I'm not getting Smiler / Ministry of Joy vibes either.  Yes, there's similarities in that they're about the mind and trying to change you, but the tone is completely different to me!

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  On 8/16/2015 at 9:05 PM, DeanGaryCox said:

I hope not... another IP of something that's too far in the past... thorpe are good at doing that!


You see, I see people say about Thorpe only going for dead IPs, but the 3 ones they have all round the season aren't really dead...


-Saw is one of the most iconic horror franchises of the 21st century.  Yeah, nothing's happening with it at a moment (though a reboot / sequel is apparently going to happen sooner or later), but everyone still knows what it is, and loads still want to experience it.

-Angry Birds has topped download charts with its new game and will be there for ages.  It's got a film coming out next year.  I bet merchandise sales are still really strong across the world too.

-I'm a Celeb still attracts millions of viewers, and still peaks between 8-10million in it's most recent series I believe.  It's got a contract for at least another 2-3 series as well I think.  It might be a bit past it in terms of which celebrities they attract and less things are surprising now, but it's still current and by no mean dead.

-The Fright Nights ones are a bit of a mix, but I think they've gotten good IPs for a theme park environment.


So Thorpe have gotten good IPs to be honest.  They may not be at the height of their popularity, but they're far from dead or out-of-fashion.  If WC16 is an IP, then I'm sure the park will have gone for something popular and with sticking power.

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  On 8/16/2015 at 9:14 PM, JoshC. said:

You see, I see people say about Thorpe only going for dead IPs, but the 3 ones they have all round the season aren't really dead...


-Saw is one of the most iconic horror franchises of the 21st century.  Yeah, nothing's happening with it at a moment (though a reboot / sequel is apparently going to happen sooner or later), but everyone still knows what it is, and loads still want to experience it.

-Angry Birds has topped download charts with its new game and will be there for ages.  It's got a film coming out next year.  I bet merchandise sales are still really strong across the world too.

-I'm a Celeb still attracts millions of viewers, and still peaks between 8-10million in it's most recent series I believe.  It's got a contract for at least another 2-3 series as well I think.  It might be a bit past it in terms of which celebrities they attract and less things are surprising now, but it's still current and by no mean dead.

-The Fright Nights ones are a bit of a mix, but I think they've gotten good IPs for a theme park environment.


So Thorpe have gotten good IPs to be honest.  They may not be at the height of their popularity, but they're far from dead or out-of-fashion.  If WC16 is an IP, then I'm sure the park will have gone for something popular and with sticking power.


They just seem to be brought in after the peak of popularity, and now generally on the decline... now tell me if I must be hiding under a rock, but if wc16 has anything to do with derren brown (it's being brought up far too often as a rumour), I'd almost forgotten about him, haven't heard of him in many many years!

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the whole way through ive been getting black mirror vibes, thats just me


but...I honestly don't think its a popular enough series to warrant a theme park attraction, which saddens me tbh. and also, thorpe have no deals with channel 4 either, so there's that

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The only thing I can think of concerning black mirror would be to make you sit on exercise bikes and try and power the park lol.

Sure it would be an "experience", but one any of us would like to have?

Motiongate Dubai are indeed building a hunger games area but I do not believe it is exclusive.

Thorpe park do not have exclusivity on saw, both Universal studios Florida and Hollywood have had saw mazes at HHN whilst saw the ride at Thorpe was open to the public.

I do not think Lionsgate do exclusivity clauses, so Hunger games is plausible but with the run down factory style exterior, not likely.

Still anybodies guess.

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  On 8/16/2015 at 9:05 PM, DeanGaryCox said:

I hope not... another IP of something that's too far in the past... thorpe are good at doing that!

Going back to this, Derren Brown is doing a large UK tour starting in November 2015 and ending in July 2016. Looking at his tour dates, he's doing shows in Woking in the last week of April, and then he has a week off. So if this ride is planned to be opening in May sort of time, he will be in the area ;) (I know that's definitely looking into things too much though).

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  On 8/17/2015 at 10:29 AM, Ryan said:

Going back to this, Derren Brown is doing a large UK tour starting in November 2015 and ending in July 2016. Looking at his tour dates, he's doing shows in Woking in the last week of April, and then he has a week off. So if this ride is planned to be opening in May sort of time, he will be in the area ;) (I know that's definitely looking into things too much though).

I really didn't realise he was still quite a big thing, thanks :P

I remember quite a few years ago he was on TV with the attempt to hypnotise anyone watching it, who else remembers that aha?

I really do hope if it's loosely based on derren brown, the effects are out of this world!

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Well if we're going down the Derren Brown route for a bit.


Svengali. One of his biggest shows, people remember it because it was so different. Look at his eyes, same colour. 


Svengali is also the show the automaton appeared in, is very Victorian and so forth. He is still a huge name and is well known by the public. 


A lot of his stuff focuses with the eyes, manipulating minds and stuff. He does a lot of social experiments which could be what this is, minds wanted. Okay, pulling of illusions in a ride might be a difficult task, but with clever effects any illusion can be created near enough. And he's such a show man, he's got a huge persona which is easily portrayed in live theatre or on a TV screen so there's nothing to say it can't work. Plus, the Derren Brown rumours have been circulating for a while and even for projects before this one so it's been thought of before. Plus I think it could be really cool if done well. It could easily have the dark element, a humour element and so on.

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