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51 minutes ago, Coaster said:

Potential X retheme if the Walking Dead sponsorship has come to an end?

Hmm I’m not sure they would Re-theme X again. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but walking dead is probably the most complete experience of the coaster there has been i can’t see them changing it again before the coaster is at the end of its life.


Could be wrong though stranger things have happened !

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1 hour ago, Coaster said:

Potential X retheme if the Walking Dead sponsorship has come to an end?

Hmm I’m not sure they would Re-theme X again. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but walking dead is probably the most complete experience of the coaster there has been i can’t see them changing it again before the coaster is at the end of its life. I would guess they would just renew with AMC now till the time comes they want to remove it.


Could be wrong though stranger things have happened !

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😲 Wow - I think you might be on to something Josh!


Coaster I think I agree with you about TWD though.

The X:\NWO text on that poster is making me think it’s maybe something to do with X too, especially as it’s in a pyramid. 🤷‍♂️ Thats pretty Egypty already I guess?


The Walking Dead as a brand is pretty dead in the water now isn’t it. Seems strange if they’d spent all the money theming X to that, only to pull it out a few years later, but I guess the same can be said for scare mazes to some extent, and they’re sometimes only up for a matter of weeks before being scrapped.


2022 is only a few months away, but they could pull off another X retheme over winter if they really wanted to.


If it is X:\Pyramidz - Can we have Revenge of the Mummy scale theming please! 🙏  (ever the optimist)


As for Old Town - it’s got to be the site for a big 2023 coaster hasn’t it. It must be!

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You certainly could fit a (small) Raptor into the X pyramid...in theory.


In reality, ripping out the track, and then building a new coaster inside the building would be wildly impractical. So I wouldn't expect to see something like that.


Of course, they could just rip out the whole pyramid, and along with the Slammer site, that opens up a big plot for a new coaster. But then ripping out the pyramid has a whole host of knock on effects, and would itself be expensive.

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11 hours ago, JoshC. said:

Of course, they could just rip out the whole pyramid, and along with the Slammer site, that opens up a big plot for a new coaster. But then ripping out the pyramid has a whole host of knock on effects, and would itself be expensive.


Reclaiming land from a lake is probably even more expensive though I’d imagine, and they’ve got an entire island already reclaimed just sitting there.

By that logic I agree it would seem odd if they decided to “delete” X:/NWO’s building (+slammer) for a new ride, but it would be a great place for one in the long term wouldn’t it, and would really change the park, rather than just “slapping a new ride on the side of it”, which supposedly didn’t work financially in Swarm’s case.


This is a long shot, but perhaps management are thinking of investing in a major multi-year change / rejuvenation in the existing park by finally replacing X, Slammer, Loggers, potentially even Storm surge and Derren too, then in the future expanding the “new Thorpe Park” by building something out on to the reclaimed island behind Stealth? 

It might sound far-fetched, but this is the company building multiple entire Legoland parks from scratch. They can afford these sorts of investments if they want to.

With the London Resort threat apparently looming, this would make a statement.


🤷‍♂️ Doubtful I know. It’s fun to speculate though isn’t it.


I bet it all just turns out to be another f****** walk-through thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's been many rumours today especially about it being Rocky Express' last day today, with people being told by some staff to get their last ride on it today.


Obviously you should always take these things with a pinch of salt, but it's an interesting development of things if true, given the Loggers/Platform things. And usually no smoke without fire. Interestingly there's been no conversation about Timber Tug or Lumber Jump, but then again, they're not classic Thorpe rides.


Of course, Rocky is old and has arguably been on its last legs for a while now. So maybe it's just retiring out of necessity. 


A watch this space thing for sure.

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Interesting about Rocky Express.


Sea Storm at Chessington is a similar Mack model isn’t it?

That’s been closed recently.

I wonder if they’re retiring Rocky slightly earlier than planned to be used as spares, since Old Town is soon to go.

Timber thingy and Lumber whatever could disappear overnight and I don’t think anyone would notice.


I’m wondering if another B&M is being planned for Thorpe.

In the past they’ve apparently been bought in batches of 3 or so at a time, and with Merlin opening 2 B&Ms (Chessington and Legoland in China) soon, could a third one be destined for Thorpe?  The long awaited hyper perhaps?


Whatever happens, I think for the first time in 10 years we are about to see the start of some very interesting times at Thorpe!

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38 minutes ago, Inferno said:

Timber thingy and Lumber whatever could disappear overnight and I don’t think anyone would notice.

I have a feeling they will move these over to the area near Depth Charge was, they would actually fit in better there. Perhaps where the old Containment shipping containers are currently, or the old site of Sea Snakes and Ladders, or even Wet Wet Wet could go as I don't believe that was used at all this year.


There would likely be a need to keep them IF Rocky Express is truly leaving as that even less children's/family rides. Was fun having the "possible" last ever (two) ride on it. Guess we shall see over closed season and into March.

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On 11/1/2021 at 12:07 AM, Mattgwise said:


I have a feeling they will move these over to the area near Depth Charge was, they would actually fit in better there. Perhaps where the old Containment shipping containers are currently, or the old site of Sea Snakes and Ladders, or even Wet Wet Wet could go as I don't believe that was used at all this year.


There would likely be a need to keep them IF Rocky Express is truly leaving as that even less children's/family rides. Was fun having the "possible" last ever (two) ride on it. Guess we shall see over closed season and into March.


"Jumping Jellyfish" & "Swinging Swashbuckler" incoming for 2022.

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11 hours ago, 2542464 said:

I've heard rumours that Rocky Express is being removed whilst the other small rides (TT/ LJ) in that area are being relocated to make way for a "family-&-thrill" coaster (if that makes sense) which will open either 2023/2024.


We're those rumours from the janitor or one of the staff at Burger King?

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