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On 5/23/2023 at 6:08 PM, JoshC. said:

It's not impossible to imagine there being a spinning car, or a backwards row / rows, on this. But at the same time, you have to wonder if:

1. It really needs it. This is the UK's tallest coaster, do we need anything more?

2. If it will be too much. This is going to be a fast, hard-hitting ride, unlike any of Mack's other spinning coasters. Adding the spinning to it might be unnecessary. 

I agree with the first point, but in terms of the second point; will Exodus necessarily be any more intense than, say, Ride to Happiness, which solely uses spinning trains?

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4 hours ago, tactic said:

Definitely seems so. I’ve totally forgotten the roadmap for when everything is installed. Is it supports after all those pins are in place and if so when are we likely to see them being put in?

The pile driving looks to be taking far longer than the original plan, however footers and pins should be getting installed now, with track and support delivery in July with vertical construction due to start towards the end of that month. 

Hard to tell how much is remaining of the piling, however looks 2-3 weeks behind the schedule to me. 

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Not a fan of a YouTuber acting like it’s HIS playground.


Not a fan of quite random YouTubers being allowed access out of a media day (see Jumanji construction media day).


TBF I’m not sure there’s actually anything to look at? So again tour is random.


The Thorpe Park passholder page on facebook has always got people for an exodus site tour as a VIP experience then you go and let Americans in (which look like they’ve broken in as it’s not done via Thorpe’s social media) it’s a slap in the face to those people.


Not a fan 👎

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Just seems that every few months there's yet another drama with either Taylor or Sarah. The very earliest one I can remember was just them being rude at IAAPA - pretty sure it was something about how B&M didn't want to engage in conversation with them (which is justified considering IAAPA is an industry conference and are therefore there to gain business, not to ponder to the needs of enthusiasts), as well as them pushing to the front of crowds to get footage for their YouTube channel.


Here are some tweets from the director of comms taking about it:



Another one is that after the tragic incident at Icon Park, they updated the tags on their Icon Park videos to include tags such as 'Icon Park Accident' and 'Icon Park Accident Video' etc to drive more traffic to their content... obviously a very disgusting thing to profit off of such a tragedy.


The third thing I can think of right now is that they did a paid promotion for a payday loan company with ridiculous APR levels (I think it was like 1000% or 10,000%?), something which is actually illegal in the UK, but granted not illegal in the states - just pretty immoral to accept money from a company whos profit comes from the less fortunate.


Incidents like the above tend to happen every couple of months, so just keep an eye out - I'm sure they're due another one pretty soon.

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I think it’s important to take a balanced view on some of those points. In relation to the IAAPA, there’s two sides to every story, and whilst what they did might not have been great, I’d hope they learnt from it, and maybe B&M did too. 

The question around the payday loan company, whilst it might be immoral, I’d argue how many sports teams and organisations have funded themselves off tobacco and gambling companies. Is it any more immoral than that? 

However the icon accident if true is simply immoral and unquestionable on every level. How anyone could profit from a tragedy and expect to be held in any form of regard is beyond me. I don’t actually know why they would do that to themselves, as it may have driven short term growth but at what cost? 

Either way, does that make Thorpe immoral for using them to help grow and promote themselves? I’m not sure I know where I sit with this one. 

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Oh it's THEM! I'm always on the peripheral of seeing cOMmUnItY drama on Twitter, but do remember all these things happening.


Jack and the chaps are far more savvy (and maybe... just nicer?!) from what I see online and the content they put out - the only faux pas Jack has really made is the whole "Fright Nights speculation" thing when he knew exactly what was happening as was involved with the whole creative process, however, he handled that very well in explaining it, and was quite a unique situation as he couldn't really SAY that he knew about things until the teasers started.


tldr: Love JCK SLKSTN ❤️


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  • 2 weeks later...

the music HUR, HAR, HUR oh the funny music HUR, HAAA, HRRRRR, oh the funny






soon things will start to take shape. it will be a mass exodus of the highest order when this happens. we will be delayed by storms hopefully not, because we want to fly high

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Bit late on this but yes its nice to see that Jack is allowed to do his updates etc, just unsure if he works for Thorpe or not? Seems to be a sketchy line.... either you do or you don't is this paid for is he part of the consultancy group or is he just a fan walking around. 


I do feel sorry for the other UK youtubers, why does Coasterstudios get to go on site but Legends like DGOfficial who have been putting in a load of hard work arn't getting any access, seems like access is being gatekept? 

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56 minutes ago, Glitch said:

Bit late on this but yes its nice to see that Jack is allowed to do his updates etc, just unsure if he works for Thorpe or not? Seems to be a sketchy line.... either you do or you don't is this paid for is he part of the consultancy group or is he just a fan walking around. 


I do feel sorry for the other UK youtubers, why does Coasterstudios get to go on site but Legends like DGOfficial who have been putting in a load of hard work arn't getting any access, seems like access is being gatekept? 


As with anything else; it's not what you do, it's who you know.

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His Thorpe ID says Partner then marketing.


It’s definitely who you know as he got in via Kieran working for the park. Now he does promo posters/ photography.


Then he’s “marketing” for project exodus, hence why he’s allowed. I think bringing guests in adds no value and creates a dodgy relationship. I don’t think he should be allowed to bring in whoever he wants

If it wasn’t for who you know, then I wonder if everyone had an equal opportunity to get this role….. would they?

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