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The Smiler Incident 02/06/2015


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I agree with most of what's been said about Merlin's way of handling things by people on here.

Anyone who has seen my posts on theme park forums will know that I am usually the first to kick up a fuss when things aren't done right by Merlin, and I have for many years criticised a lot of their decisions.


But, they way they are handling this terrible situation is very, very respectable, especially considering the amount of trash they are having hurled at them by the media and insensitive individuals like that so-called "interviewer" on Sky News.  Nick Varney in particular has kept his cool despite the amount of rubbish he is having to deal with from them when he needs to be focused on the recovery of people and investigations.  This incident is very serious, but the complete nonsense posted in newspapers suggests a lack of research, and to post lies on national news is just wrong.

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That's bang out of order to say...

Frank and Kay had an argument at an office party about who should have the last word on some program they were doing, he lost his temper and slapped her.

Whether or not Kay Burley is a bitch on or off-air, or is a difficult interviewer is still not a reason to be slapped and doesn't make her deserving of it, and what you said, Ian-S is insensitive.

LOL so do I take it you agreed with the way she interviewed him?

Interview implies asking a question, get the answer, then ask another, either related or not, she didn't let him finish one sentence and quiet often interrupted him before he'd even started talking. She is a repulsive, fear mongering hack undeserving of her position, nothing more.

If that makes me insensitive, guilty as charged.

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I actually feel very disgusted with the interview. The response to video of the interview on Twitter echos the feelings of this forum. I actually feel strongly enough to report this to the Broadcasting standards guys. Does anyone know how to go about doing so. And does anyone else dancing joining me in complaining. I'm surprised she doesn't get slapped with lawsuits for making slanderous claims like "so all your rides were unsafe before then, that's what you are saying isn't it?".

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The sky news app has an interesting headline:

"The boss of Alton Towers has told Sky News safety measures "were not adequate" at the theme park - as four more rollercoasters were closed after an accident.

Nick Varney said the group was adding "another layer" of safety measures to existing rides as a "precaution" against the prospect of another accident.

Alton Towers has been closed since the record-breaking Smiler ride came to an abrupt halt when two carriages collided, injuring 16 people, on Tuesday."

At what point did he say safety measure were not adequate???

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The sky news app has an interesting headline:

"The boss of Alton Towers has told Sky News safety measures "were not adequate" at the theme park - as four more rollercoasters were closed after an accident.

Nick Varney said the group was adding "another layer" of safety measures to existing rides as a "precaution" against the prospect of another accident.

Alton Towers has been closed since the record-breaking Smiler ride came to an abrupt halt when two carriages collided, injuring 16 people, on Tuesday."

At what point did he say safety measure were not adequate???

He didn't, he said something about improving procedures and then she accused him of it, but he didn't have chance to rebut her before she'd gone on to the next question talking over him.

It's an old legal thing, 'claims not rebutted are taken to be accepted', so they will now use that to justify the headline.

Which as we all know is horse ****.

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I got 8 minutes into that interview and the rest wouldn't buffer (thankfully). She's the most condescending, scaremongering, insensitive interviewer I have ever watched. To CONSTANTLY inturrupt him whilst he was talking about the extra safety measures being put in place is one thing, but to come out and say None of us care about Merlin's sympathy and all we want to know is if someone has lost a limb is another. 'Sir, sir, sir' Jesus Christ be quiet.

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If you decide to complain to OFCOM don't just write Kay Burley sucks, put down all the things listed here in a coherient manner and then maybe she will change her tune in the future.

These people often get away with it because nobody complains, everybody assumes someone else has and the complaints have either been ignored or worst still, they find this style of interviewing to be entertaining, like it's some sort of perverted big brother style TV show, it's no wonder we have a generation of people who treat people with such disrespect when we have television presenters, who in many cases are looked up to as some sort of folk hero, acting this way.

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Oh yes. Don't worry. I'm going to complain, but will sit and write a detailed and concise letter. I have complained to the NHS, Local MP, train service and many many more. I'm a seasons letter of complaint writer!

I plan to address her dis-interest in the interviewee.

Constantly taking any words said by interviewee out of context.

Her aggressive manor and demeanour.

Her constant interruption.

Her rudeness throughout.

He insensitive questioning when asking if someone had lost a limb.

Her attempt to sensationalise the story by implying the rides had been running unsafe, with no evidence or even suggestion as to why she kept questioning this, and making the point time and time again.

And that's just off the top of my head! It will probably be tomorrow when wife and baby go out before I can write a proper letter.

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The way this story has snowballed over the last three days truly shows you the magnitude and seriousness of the crash. Saw, Fury and Rattlesnake being closed seems to now be the top story on BBC news at 6. I do feel like the fuss today from the media would not nearly be as big if Chessingtons coasters hadn't been closed. It seems to have made the story far larger and the media more critical of the way Merlin run their parks. 


The only positive I can get from this is seeing some great aerial shots of the parks in action. 

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What Merlin should have done was run those rides on ultra low capacity, even yesterday they had very short queues. We often take mini-me to Cheesy after school and the place is more often than not completely empty.

It shows what little they know of the industry that it's taken them three days to realise Saw is closed and isthe same manufacturer.

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They have been mentioned, especially in the link to Saw the ride and from the H&Se report confirming their involvement. But you'd think their link to the fatal Texas Giant incident would have been brought up for reasons of sensationalism by now.

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Have you guys never witnessed Kay Burley before? 



Bit off topic but that's classic Burley - breaking the news to volunteers searching for April Jones live on air that the missing person inquiry becomes a murder inquiry. I remember seeing that live and could not believe she did it. 

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