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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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I understand what you mean, but I genuinely believe that the "world's first" label will be in relation with the rides mechanisms. As we know, this is supposed to be a "psychological ride" which couldn't be classed as a world's first whatsoever because The Smiler and Thirteen have branded their rides as psychological experiences as well, hence me believing the ride itself will be the "world's first" rather than the theme.

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Or it'll be something like 'The Worlds First Derren Brown Created Ride'

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therefore won't we be exposed to The World's Second Derren Brown Created Ride within the next 10 years? [emoji23]

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It sounds ridiculous, but I can just see them doing it. Reminds me when they advertised Smiler as the 'Worlds First 14 Looping Roller Coaster' because it won't ever lose that title but it always will be, obviously they'll be coasters with more inversions but they can keep those tag lines because of how its phrased. I'm hoping it's not like that though, but didn't they advertise I'm A Celeb as a World's First too?

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Merlin's obsession with USPs is a big problem... Everything HAS to be easy (read, simple) to market to the masses, presumably because it's easier to get things out there, Derren Brown being involved is a good case in point, as he has a lot of branding in the UK already so it's less work to get the idea across... You know it's going to feature some random psychological aspect (and Merlin aren't letting you forget it either), purely because his name is attached to it...


Of course, Merlin aren't the only ones obsessed with it all, plenty of parks go for world's tallest/fastest/boring coaster, but I guess it's mostly due to some of the strangest claims Merlin have pushed forward (IAC/Saw/Thirteen) that we all feel rather skeptical about this...


Perhaps if the focus shifted towards getting in confirmed quality over quick gimmicks, things might be a little bit different...

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Pickout whatever you can, taken this afternoon.


I also got a look from the X fire escape and unless my eyes deceived me, it looked like they were constructing what is commonly refereed to as drywall inside, it wasn't drywall, it was plywood or something similar, but to me it make it look like they were constructing a maze type walkway.

I also tried to quiz a few staff and the only thing they would confirm was DB's involvement, which was as "creative consultant".

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No, they said the construction budget is £20 million, in a dark ride the money is spent on many other things.

Doesn't any dark ride effects/scenery come under construction though?  Or is that just the ride hardware?

Obviously construction doesn't count marketing costs but are they usually included in the quoted cost of a ride?

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It hasn't been announced anywhere the total budget of the ride. All we know is that it's Thorpe's largest and the building itself is costing £3 million to build. Taking it different sources say Swarm is between 18-20 million this I would assume will be more than £20 million. Maybe the ride itself is costing the £20 million with more ontop for the building itself, marketing etc which could put it into the early rumoured £30 million. Thorpe will no doubt say how much it is costing eventually and will cobble it all together as it makes it look much more awesome that way. Would have looked weird if they said Swarm as a coaster from B&M cost I think it was £9 million so another 9 was spent on everything else. Big numbers are much easier to market.

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As SCB says, there's been no confirmation or reports about the total cost of this project.  I've no clue where RR has got this "reported" £20 million number.


All the rumours I've heard have suggested £30-35 million for the entire project.  But then I've also heard rumours that it's not that large, and is more like £22-24 million.  


I expect we'll be told a number in a future press release, since it looks great in advertising, but until then, we're in the dark about cost.

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I think we all think that this ride is going to be from Simworx.


It makes a lot of sense as they likely have a very good working relationship with Merlin, with the imminent order and Installation into at least 6 more Shrek Attractions.


They Also did Angry Birds 4D


If you are going to use a company for a ride with screens and effects, you are going to stick to what you know, and those who are likely going to give you a discount.


Also they are UK Based meaning that liaising with Derren is a hell of a lot easier as he can physically go to Simworx and oversee any video or illusion they are creating for him.


I really don't see who else could be manufacturing this thing, I guess we have to wait and see now, but leaks will start to come out I am sure.

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I know it sounds stupid, but I love that Merlin choose to use brickwork on the ground around all their new attractions rather than tarmac or concrete. I can't stand the cracked and worn slabs of concrete that some of the bigger parks use!


it does look alot nicer, I remember there being lots of happy fans on here when we saw that they'd used it for Saw the ride haha

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I know it sounds stupid, but I love that Merlin choose to use brickwork on the ground around all their new attractions rather than tarmac or concrete. I can't stand the cracked and worn slabs of concrete that some of the bigger parks use!

Shame that the rest of Thorpe's flooring is patched up and disjointed, or a road. Agreed though that the newer areas look much nicer.

(Actually, why are some of Thorpe's paths roads?)

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