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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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wow everyone take a deep breath... Ok long time lurker but this is my first post....

Yes it's frustrating that Merlin yet again fail to deliver a ride on time. But it's not because they don't care, they or DB want the best experience for people. It's the same as my cosplay. I want kids and adults eyes to light up and feel like it's a real hero visiting them, yes its not always possible with sick children doing charity visits but it's all about illusion and impact. You must give the first impact as a wow moment then you do believe. I could make a suit quickly, but when I am at a con I know that the 40 hours I spent just painting the thing by hand gives 200% more impact.

So hold on tight!

However, I am annoyed by the Marketing team and Merlin. I gave up my annual pass donkeys ago when Nemesis I opened! So a theme park trip is a once or twice a year thing. I put off going in spring and instead got evil Murdoch vouchers from the sun. This along with other media outlets stated opening in May. So I booked for June 7th but I doubt it will be open.

This opening mid season must soon backfire as people instead of going at either end of the season will just bundle it up for the end. I have now. Opening 1/2 way through the season means your under more pressure, marketing is more unpredictable and guest satisfaction is alot lower. I'd argue that although I want the best quality experience and we will, we wiil have to put up with delays for the better, I'd much prefer if Merlin switch to Easter openings and a focus on time management. So much marketing budget has been wasted and unless merlin are hit financially I doubt they will take notice.


On another note if it's DB wanting the best from this ride, I can't blame him. He's a premium product and I'm the same with my work as a filmaker.


Peace out everyone, the illusions will manifest soon, the train is delayed due to too much sunlight (I'm looking at you south-eastern!)



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The thing is, Galactica is an 'okay' experience that cost a fraction of the price - Alton have done the exact opposite and just opened the ride even when half the headsets aren't working and the other half out of sync. Ghost Train is pegged to be an amazing ride, something I would personally like to experience when they have perfected it.

It is annoying, however it cant be far off now - hopefully it will be over half term. We will have to wait and see! :)

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10 hours ago, James Allgood said:

Did I really just read 3 pages of people moaning it's opening late.... you've probably all got annual pass's you can just visit when it's open 

Problem is... Some Annual Pass holders (Like me and the nerds) have to travel down long distances and can't just visit on a whim like Alton Towers and the Smiler (at the time rumored) open day (Literally made plans at 9pm the previous night because luckily I was off the following day but had literally no idea whether we would be on it or just staring at it all day)

The same rules apply for those nearer Thorpe, they couldn't really have just gone up without first considering

"Do I stop over somewhere?"


"Do I drive up early and drive back late" - A very silly thing to do for everyone involved.

Even when it's open we need to plan to go down there, sometimes due to other plans / commitments it's not possible to visit more than once a year.

I completely understand the delay, clearly with all the ideas being put into this project some are not working well with each other and feels a bit naff, I think if Derrons name wasn't on it would be open now. It's only because Derron is a perfectionist and if his name and face is being plastered everywhere he wants it to be the very best... (Like no ride ever was) *guitar riff*


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"I completely understand the delay, clearly with all the ideas being put into this project some are not working well with each other and feels a bit naff, I think if Derrons name wasn't on it would be open now. It's only because Derron is a perfectionist and if his name and face is being plastered everywhere he wants it to be the very best... "

This is not quite the reason the ride isn't open yet. Also the project is still owned and managed by Merlin Magic Making (and will be throughout the ride's first two seasons) and so it's not a case of waiting for Derren's permission to open, as such.

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36 minutes ago, Archive said:

"I completely understand the delay, clearly with all the ideas being put into this project some are not working well with each other and feels a bit naff, I think if Derrons name wasn't on it would be open now. It's only because Derron is a perfectionist and if his name and face is being plastered everywhere he wants it to be the very best... "

This is not quite the reason the ride isn't open yet. Also the project is still owned and managed by Merlin Magic Making (and will be throughout the ride's first two seasons) and so it's not a case of waiting for Derren's permission to open, as such.

No, it's not down to his permission but I can imagine if when Derren, known across the world for spectacular plot twists and ideas, visited the attraction and saw it was a steaming pile of rubbish and they went "Yeah, we open like this yeah?" He would have quite a few words with MMM or Management and go "Yeah... I don't think so"

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At the end of the day all we know is the ride isn't quite there yet. Personally I'd expect it would have been a joint decision between Derren and management, as Derren will know exactly what he expecting things to look like and be able to advise management of it is correct or not. Management would have made the final decision and I'm glad they are taking advice and making the attraction the best it can be.

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19 hours ago, Owen said:

Am I the only one who's kind of relieved? 

Its understandably annoying however at the same time I'm glad they're taking time with it. On the other hand, they should have left it as coming soon. 

Ah well, I guess we will just have to wait a week or so extra.


18 hours ago, swooddow said:

I totally agree with James on his point. At the end of the day's what's another couple weeks in the grand scheme of things ! 

I'm sorry to be pessimistic guys; but I think it will be longer than a week or two! :( 

But hey ho, when it is ready it is ready. I am devastated and understand why people are disappointed, but I second the general consignment; I'd rather board when it is ready and perfected rather than have a terrible experience after all this waiting! 

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The ride has to be the best it can be. When you spend huge amounts on a ride it has to be good or word will spread. Nemesis sub Terra had a bad word of mouth and look at it now. Merlin don't want a repeat of that, they want an attraction to pull people through the door to make them money. The creators will want it as good as possible as it's their child but management are money focused.

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I'm not going to judge when it'll be ready as the truth of the matter is we just don't know! I say a week or so as the park have only said it won't open this week (meaning until June1st). At this point it's just a waiting game - however if it means the attraction is fantastic it is a game I am willing to participate in. :)

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I'd rather the opening be delayed than have another Sub Terra 2, look how quickly word of mouth spread that the ride was awful, not even the improvements could fix the already tarnished reputation.

And now that ride is closed, maybe permanently.  

DBGT seems complete, it just needs that seal of approval from Derren & Thorpe before letting loose on the public and the ever so harsh enthusiast community, so please everyone REMAIN CALM. :good: 

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13 hours ago, Liam T said:

I'd rather the opening be delayed than have another Sub Terra 2, look how quickly word of mouth spread that the ride was awful, not even the improvements could fix the already tarnished reputation.

And now that ride is closed, maybe permanently.  

DBGT seems complete, it just needs that seal of approval from Derren & Thorpe before letting loose on the public and the ever so harsh enthusiast community, so please everyone REMAIN CALM. :good: 

Hm Sub Terra was closed for design and cost reasons and nothing to do with quality of the experience (otherwise it would have closed straight away surely, *ba dum tiss*) Although the same general team that did Zufari, Sub Terra, The Smiler are now doing this, good track record havn't they.

From what I hear the Ghost Train is not complete otherwise it would be open, since Merlin management, Thorpe Park management and Derren Brown are currently screaming for it to open whether its ready or not. The 'creative perfection' line is, as is always the case, PR spin. People will just have to wait until the team get the ride working. :)

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Sub Terra also had some H&S concerns to boot...

It also opened in a finished state, it was just awful and needed tweaking... It was actually quite good until the scare corridor was added when they changed the order of things around...

Poor design is not the same as opening unfinished... Not sure where that idea has come from...

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2 hours ago, Benin said:

Poor design is not the same as opening unfinished... Not sure where that idea has come from...

Well I originally said that sub Terra was a terrible experience which could contribute to why they don't want to open dbgt early. Word of mouth and all that. So that idea seems to have come from people misunderstanding what I said.

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Given that we dont actually know what still needs perfecting its worth mentioning seven lamb and a number of other electrical contractors are working on the Ghost train atm.. So part of the issue must be related to the trains. As thats seven lambs specialty 

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A watched pot never boils (which is actually a lie as it boils in the exactly same time as the same pot un-watched, unless your presence changes the heat absorption rate which it doesnt normally - and they say I over think things).

So what I meant to say is that it will open when it opens. Hoping for an early june-ish date is just hope and is opening you up to being disappointing when it doesn't open in early June. You are basically falling into the trap that Thorpe fell into by stating a time period.

Basically the only thing you can say is "I look forward to riding it, if it opens."

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