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Thing is, Thorpe have an apocalyptic theme on Swarm Island, they'll have a dark psychologically scary ride with Ghost Train, they have a horror ride ride with Saw and now possibly another horror attraction with Containment?

If it was done in a large theme park with a darkly themed zone where all of these rides were located then it would make sense, but Thorpe is too small, and the positioning of these rides are sporadic at best!

People had a problem with depressing warehouses and destruction before Ghost Train and Containment even came along. Personally I never saw it in that way, but Thorpe are pushing things a little too far now. I'm genuinely confused at where the hell they are heading with the park! I'm looking forward to Ghost Train, but this Containment idea is getting me a little concerned.

It's honestly starting to shape up as the bleakest day out in Britain!

Partaking in geekery since 1985

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Is it just me who thinks that once you've paid for entry into a theme park, all rides and attractions should be included?

Yes? Okay.


Standard attractions should of course be free, including free from fastrack sanctioned queue-jumping. But something that is clearly beyond the every day, something that offers an experience that is in some way exceptional and can only be achieved by being time and labour intensive, then that is clearly acceptable to be a paid extra. Not to do that stifles their own potential. 


I suppose the key to it is this; if the paid extra can turn a profit of its own accord (from design and build all the way through to operation) then there is no issue, but if a paid for attraction is effectively subsidised by those paying their general admission then getting nothing for it, then that's an issue. It's just the same as things like Mos nights; that they exist is of no consequence to people who don't pay extra to go, as the ticket sales pay for its running cost. We don't say they shouldn't run those because it is in some way unfair on those only staying for the day?

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I've just realised there may be some method to this madness.

Based on current statistics and recent trends, it is unlikely the Derren Brown ride will open until May. This leaves the start of the season with 2-3 months without the new attraction, which could lead to lower gate figures.

As a result of trying to maintain gate figures at the start of the season and keep interest going, Containment will be used as some form of sweetener to keep the ball rolling.

In other words, Containment could well be used in a way that Sanctuary was whilst the Smiler was undergoining final touches before opening.

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I've just realised there may be some method to this madness.

Based on current statistics and recent trends, it is unlikely the Derren Brown ride will open until May. This leaves the start of the season with 2-3 months without the new attraction, which could lead to lower gate figures.

As a result of trying to maintain gate figures at the start of the season and keep interest going, Containment will be used as some form of sweetener to keep the ball rolling.

In other words, Containment could well be used in a way that Sanctuary was whilst the Smiler was undergoining final touches before opening.

One video the guy did say May but nobody picked up on it.

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In other words, Containment could well be used in a way that Sanctuary was whilst the Smiler was undergoining final touches before opening.

The same Sanctuary that closed two weeks earlier than expected due to no-one being interested in it outside of Scarefest?


That may well be the reasoning behind Containment opening throughout the year, but it'll be interesting to see if it remains open once the Ghost Train opens.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

So Containment doesn't appear on the park map. It's not on park either.

False alarm?


I think so. I'm guessing it'll return for fright nights 2016? I'm not sure how much of a success it was last year though...


I enjoyed it at least, it just wasn't scary :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, the planning got approved, subject to conditions. It has to look like the images submitted, constructed in accordance with the flood risk assessment as standard. The other one that all planning things get, is this.


The reserved matters for which permission is hereby granted must commence not later than two years from the date of this permission, or not later than five years from the date of the outline approval.

So let's think about it. What if they don't want it for this year, but are thinking long term. Put it back for this FN in a more permanent form, leave it over closed season and open it up for 2017? Get planning in now on the current MTDP with the current floorspace etc then they don't even need to consider it when they write up the next MTDP. Either way, whatever they're doing it's been approved and they have 2 years to start work on it. 

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