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Fantastic moments on meh attractions!


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Everyone has that emotion, that plus 1 attraction you've queued an hour for expecting a dull or boring experience, when suddenly mid ride a moment of pure excitement erupts for a few seconds before the ride resumes it's rather bland affair with life...


What are your standout moments of awful/dull/average rides? This could be any part of any ride...


To start off, the tunnel dive on Vampire and Runaway Train are both memorable moments on bang average rides... Baco's awfulness is at odds with the launch sequence... Most Intamin coasters have that fantastic first drop then meander for ages...


Let's try and have some proper discussion eh?

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1/ That corkscrew on shockwave being ejected from my post was interesting, rest was forgettable.


2/ The lights flying up the lift hill on Temple In The Nighthawk, rest of the ride is forceless and repetitive.


3/ The indoor area of Saw


4/ That tight Helix on Kanonen. Controversially not a massive of the ride but there's much worse coasters.

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Ooh, nice thread idea!


UK-wise, Vampire's tunnel immediately springs to mind.  Also, The Antelope at Gulliver's Warrington had a surprise drop somewhere which 8-year old me loved (see my blog post:  http://forum.maniahub.com/blogs/entry/317-what-was-the-thing-with-the-antelope/ ).


European-wise, Huracan at Bellewaerde is a standout for it's awesome pre-lift dark ride-esque section; the coaster section is a complete waste of a theme and location!  The vertical loop on Typhoon at Bobbejaanland deserves a mention for being so darn intense.  



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I'm not happy about Vampire being considered a 'meh' attraction in general. The dive might be the highlight, but the whole thing remains great fun even in its current butchered state. 


Mine would have to be Th13teen's drop and reverse, which is a really great trick but follows a main coaster section which falls well below 'meh' into the actively bad category.

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