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2023 - World of Jumanji

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For me personally considering CWOA's target market I thought it'd be one of these:



But with the 1.4m height restriction I'm not sure though.

It might be one of these:


Especially considering the launch aspect, and that it's clearly a very "unique" coaster compared to the other rides at the Merlin theme parks.

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I think there’s a lot of family thrill coasters that would actually suit the park.

Including (but not limited to the following):


1/ Gerst family launch similar to Pegasus/Fire Chaser Express 


2/ GCI woodie, more akin to Heidi the ride (maybe Wickerman)


3/ Vekoma “next gen” so like Lech/Aqualantis but maybe less intense 


4/ Mack launch like Slinky Dog Dash


5/ That “family focused” RMC concept 


We will just have to see I guess. 

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On 5/17/2021 at 5:12 PM, ThorpeAddict said:

I really hope the coaster is different to what's shown on the plans there. A boomerang style coaster is not a high throughput coaster that the park desperately needs. Also a weird decision if they go for a 1.4m coaster considering Chessingtons target market. 

Besides, I think a boomerang would be perfect, IF the new area is to be Australian themed. My plan exactly! Or keep the wing coaster design, as themed to a rare golden eagle. Also in Australia.


Edited by 08newmanb
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  • 2 months later...

Planning permission has gone in for this development. 


Plans show that it is indeed a wing coaster and almost certainly from B&m. A year ago and prior I'd have laughed and called people mad for suggesting a B&M. Capacity won't be great with 720pph and a single 6 car wing train seating 24. The ride will feature back and forward launch and take around 1 minute. 2 other junior rides can also be seen in the plans. A somewhat strange addition to be hopefully coming to Chessington, but will certainly be interesting following construction of a coaster for the first time at Chessington in nearly 20 years if this gets planning permission! 















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An odd choice to say the least. Like what on earth was the brief for the ride to end up with an energy guzzling winged shuttle coaster as the best option*. 


However if it is Jumanji themed it would mean an IP that isnt dead for once. Providing they go with the newer films based off a video game and not the board game original...


*Subject to planning permission. Better hope London resort doesn't object on environmental grounds. 

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20 hours ago, Mattgwise said:

Could this unusual choice of a B&M actually be because they've got a package deal and we have that hyper coming to Thorpe in 2024? 😉


I was just saying to Josh you do have to genuinely wonder if they have got a package deal going because it does seem incredibly odd to go for this choice when there are no doubt cheaper options available!

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On 8/14/2021 at 9:40 AM, Mark9 said:


It's so refreshing that after close to two decades and no real major investments built in the park, that there is so much positivity in this thread. 


There's sooo much this park needs, but I'm at a loss to understand why they think that includes a (relatively) low capacity 1.4m coaster with another vaguely jungle theme. 


Everything about it is so odd.

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So much positivity on this thread!
Be happy for a new coaster.

RE the IP, perhaps Jumanji will have a new film coming out in the next few years, apparently the budget is significant so hopefully we will be getting an excellent immersive experience.

The rollercoaster looks different and I look forward to trying it. * Pending restraints don't discriminate against tall people. 

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20 hours ago, Glitch said:

So much positivity on this thread!
Be happy for a new coaster.

RE the IP, perhaps Jumanji will have a new film coming out in the next few years, apparently the budget is significant so hopefully we will be getting an excellent immersive experience.

The rollercoaster looks different and I look forward to trying it. * Pending restraints don't discriminate against tall people. 



Considering enthusiasts have been crying out for investment in Chessington for decades, does it not say something that there might be something off with these plans that the response has been muted at best? There's going to be differences of opinion but collectively we do kind of know what we are talking about, don't we?


Should we have been happy for a new dark ride, something else we have been crying out for for decades, when we were given DBGT?


Other than it is something, I'm intrigued to know what particular positives people find in these plans. They literally have an empty field to work with, a completely blank canvas, quite a rarity in UK developments. Is this really the best thing they could do with that and a pile of cash?

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I really do wonder why they've chosen to go for (seemingly) a launched, shuttle B&M wingrider. 


If we take a look at it from the marketing perspective, this coaster ticks the following boxes:

-Chessington's first coaster with an inversion

-Chessington's first launch coaster

-The world's only multi launch / swing launch wing coaster

-The world's only shuttle wing coaster

-Potentially first Jumanji coaster / land


That's a lot for the Merlin higher ups to get their motors' running.


So the question is, how did this come about? Was it:

1. "We're finally going to invest in a new coaster at Chessington. It's been a while, so chuck as many firsts into it as possible, and the people will come! ... A launched, shuttle, B&M wingrider with a big IP with multiple firsts, plus being the first inverting coaster at the park...brilliant!"

2. "We're finally going to invest in a new coaster at Chessington. It's been a while, so let's do a TON of market research and see what the people want. ... Wait, you want a launched, shuttle wing coaster with an IP...o-okay?"


The thing is, neither option would surprise me.

But, if it's the former of those option, it's a huge risk. And every single cautiously concerned comment highlights that, and could very well be echoed with a wider audience.

If it's the latter, that's much more interesting. It's still a huge risk, and something on paper that sounds good doesn't always translate to success in real life. But it could also show that us as enthusiasts simply over-think these things too much. If that's really what the wider audience are saying they want, then so be it, right?



In any case, I'm still amazed and confused by the choices here. I have a hundred questions, and only time will be able to answer them. One thing of note is that concept art for Legoland Sichuan also suggests that a similar style ride could come about. Are Merlin and B&M working together on something weird and different? Who knows. 


Still, in any case, this is projected to have a maximum theoretical throughput if 720pph. It won't get that, and will probably end up averaging around the 500pph mark. That's simply not good enough for what one should hope to be a new headline attraction for the park. 

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10 hours ago, JoshC. said:


So the question is, how did this come about? Was it:

1. "We're finally going to invest in a new coaster at Chessington. It's been a while, so chuck as many firsts into it as possible, and the people will come! ... A launched, shuttle, B&M wingrider with a big IP with multiple firsts, plus being the first inverting coaster at the park...brilliant!"

2. "We're finally going to invest in a new coaster at Chessington. It's been a while, so let's do a TON of market research and see what the people want. ... Wait, you want a launched, shuttle wing coaster with an IP...o-okay?"



I think it's safe to say it didn't come about how it should; by someone who knows what they are doing designing an excellent ride and the theming and marketing evolving around that. The tail wags the dog at Merlin.


10 hours ago, JoshC. said:


Still, in any case, this is projected to have a maximum theoretical throughput if 720pph. It won't get that, and will probably end up averaging around the 500pph mark. That's simply not good enough for what one should hope to be a new headline attraction for the park. 


And this is the real crux of it, why I'm negative on the project overall rather than indifferent. However good this ride actually is that throughput is absolutely not good enough. Regardless of any other consideration, the whole thing should be back to the drawing board on that point alone. 

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