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On 3/16/2021 at 7:48 AM, JoshC. said:

I wonder if they've made any changes to Saw too and got rid of the bag room for shelves? Less space so slightly more challenging there, but it's possible.




I'd assume / hope that these bag holds have switching access so you can only access your own trains bags? With the number of trains on Saw that probably wouldn't be possible so I hope not.


Either way, this looks like a right old mess. I don't think it should be too much to ask that if they are going to do something they do it properly and professionally, this looks like it's neither.

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3 hours ago, pluk said:


I'd assume / hope that these bag holds have switching access so you can only access your own trains bags? With the number of trains on Saw that probably wouldn't be possible so I hope not.


I know a couple of years back Thorpe looked at replacing the bag room with lockers which were somehow synced with the ride / riders. As you say, Saw is tricky, especially if it's an odd number of cars, as then it's not always the case that the same two cars offload every time, like with 8 cars. Ultimately, I think cost was the prohibiting factor then.


Obviously if this is just straight budget cuts I can't imagine they would do something which was previously considered too expensive. Equally though, I guess it's still within the realm of possibility they would consider just cutting it if they have to save money.

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6 hours ago, JoshC. said:


3 weeks can be a long time, but remember that during those 3 weeks the ride will be testing regularly for staff training. Whilst something could still be done, it takes away time from training whilst it's installed, checked for safety, etc. And I believe that the ride has been running for training lately.


We can see the new theming has already been installed. Maybe there's more to add to it though.


As I say, at this stage I'm expecting that when the pool is filled with water, it will look like a boat that's there is sinking, and the rest could be for some sort of special effect, like some sort of water splash/fountain/explosion. But no idea really, so curious to see what it is.


I've actually realised the metal theming 'thing' has been gone much longer, in the February pictures it is not there either so hopefully it is actually being restored elsewhere, the amount of scaffolding put up around it would make me think this is more likely (why go to the care and not just rip it out?).


The pool looks like it has water in now although clearly it is not fully set up as the remote control boats boundary is sitting on the path still. Hopefully the boat is something interesting!

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2 minutes ago, Mattgwise said:

What I am truly shocked by is the image of the RR boats! For the first time since 2002 they've actually cleaned the boats! They look super shiny! They were also covered this winter for the first ever time! The park is finally realising they should clean and look after their rides! The future is bright!


I think the budget ended with the flat rides we was all craving being added to Alton Towers

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I dont think there anything to say that hasnt already been said... I would say the state of the park is embarrassing but I dont think Merlin have enough shame to be embarrassed by anything. 🥴 

I guess the glimmer of hope is that this season (and maybe the next few ones) will be setting the park up for some much needed overhauls and cleanin up. Especially seeing as Merlin are going to have to start competing with that London Resort soon but then again... 😞

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Bit late to the party on this one but I'm a bit annoyed they've got rid of the bag rooms and replaced them with shelves, as I know people who have had belongings stolen from these and certainly in summer its hard to wear something that can store your phone etc. securely. I guess as people are saying its probably all about budget and cutting down staff costs, shame.


Can't say there's a huge amount to get excited by from the photos but I'll reserve judgement hah.


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23 hours ago, JoshuaWAH said:

10/10 entrance. Gatekeeper's keyholes have nothing on this


39 minutes ago, Martin Doyle said:

I hear Efteling has this entrances pictures all over the guest services!!


Not saying there's anything wrong with making comparisons, or that Thorpe's entrance is good, but I do find it interesting to make comparisons between Thorpe's entrance and some of the best theme park entrances in the world. It's as if there's an expectation for Thorpe to always be up there with the best, and I never understand why*.


Thorpe's entrance has a lot more potential than the state it is in at the moment. But does anyone realistically expect it to ever be spoken of up there with some of the best entrances out there? 


Just seems like an odd pedestal to be putting the park on, especially when you know that the park won't be able to reach for that level.


*I'm sure someone will come with the 'But Merlin say they're second only to Disney' argument. Yes, they're the second largest, but they're not the second best. I'm sure, internally at least, Merlin would admit that themselves too, if being totally honest. If people are still trying to equate size with quality, then people really should get hit with a dose of reality.

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2 minutes ago, JoshC. said:

*I'm sure someone will come with the 'But Merlin say they're second only to Disney' argument. Yes, they're the second largest, but they're not the second best. I'm sure, internally at least, Merlin would admit that themselves too, if being totally honest. If people are still trying to equate size with quality, then people really should get hit with a dose of reality.

For Merlin its pretty bad tbh. Look at Alton's entrance, the iconic corkscrews over the plaza. Alton is probably one of the most iconic tbh. So its not really even a merlin thing. If you look at old pictures, it does look a little better. But still. Heide and Garda seem to have better entrances, as does the Legolands. Chessingtons is the only other one that is bad to be fair.

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6 hours ago, 2542464 said:

It's an entrance. Not looking like the entrance to some local secondary school or a prison probably shouldn't be that hard to beat. Something as simple as using fancier gates would've probably helped with their evident security requirements but whilst maintaining a theme park feel.


Yep - those gates are literally bog standard security gates - could have at least got them in a branded colour!

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16 hours ago, JoshC. said:

Thorpe's entrance has a lot more potential than the state it is in at the moment. But does anyone realistically expect it to ever be spoken of up there with some of the best entrances out there? 


Just seems like an odd pedestal to be putting the park on, especially when you know that the park won't be able to reach for that level.




Deep down I'd like for them to aim for something higher than the bare minimum. Thats the only crux really.

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Just now, Mark9 said:


Deep down I'd like for them to aim for something higher than the bare minimum. Thats the only crux really.


I agree. 


I see how my post has been misinterpreted. My point was more comparing Thorpe to some of top theme parks round the world seems stupid given that nothing that the park have done for pretty much the last decade gives us any indication that Thorpe should be considered anywhere near that level really. Obviously this being a Thorpe-focused forum, people focus on Thorpe, but I genuinely can't think of any park that's regularly compared to some of the best parks around with no reason. Just seems weird is all.


As it stands the entrance looks dire. I try to keep an open mind with these things until they're ready, but yeah, I can't see it improving much beyond its state. 


7 hours ago, 2542464 said:

On other matters Quantum has been removed from the Thorpe Park app (as has DBGT and TWD). 

Rumba Rapids has also increased its height restriction to 1.1m according to the app.


Curious about Quantum. It's still on the website, and isn't listed as opening later like DBGT and TWD. It has also been testing. Wonder if it's just a mistake made whilst they updated the app?


Rumba Rapids' height change is a blow for the park. I believe both Congo at Towers and Vikings at Legoland have had their restrictions increased too. Whether it's a Merlin change because of the renewed focus / concerns about rapids following the Drayton declaration (and with those rapids set to reopen), or if it's coming from manufacturers is an unknown. Either way, it's a hit to the park's line up for smaller guests.


Zodiac has also had its restriction increased to 1.1m (not sure if that's happened recently or last year?). But again, that's a blow too. It leaves 6 rides at the 0.9m range (Depth Charge, Flying Fish, Banana Boat and Old Town rides). And as there's no rides with a 1m restriction, those are the only rides kids can go on until they hit 1.1m. 

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I think what doesn't help Thorpe is the way the entrance plaza has often evolved into a mess of temporary fences and queues.


The plaza itself needs fixing more than the entrance itself (beyond a clean and repaint). It's not really the worst in terms of building and gates, just standard compared to other similar sized regional parks.

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(Spoken in a Coasterbot style dialogue) “What makes a decent theme park entrance?”


Right! Here’s the basic fundamentals that should result in a decent theme park entrance:


  • Clear and straightforward navigational layout 
  • Visually welcoming presentation 
  • A hub/point which can handle a moderate amount of guest volume 

At this point of time, Thorpe’s entrance fails to achieve any of these. You park up or leave the bus only to find a mess of corrugated steel fences and a confusing queue to park checks. You are greeted by the further view of chipped buildings and ageing features, leaving no form of excitement buildup. 

Ok, let’s settle this! Not every theme park entrance is going to feature some stunning thematic street or centre-piece, at or beyond the turnstiles. Thorpe is one of these parks.


The ideal thing would be extensively strip back or completely flatten the existing entrance area for a hugely renovated or brand new entrance. Something like Paultons park wouldn’t be too unreasonable IMO. Security (and even temperature) are inevitable in this shaky world, so permanent fixtures must apply. 

The bridge section (post-turnstiles) is perfectly suitable and shouldn’t need too much work. But don’t get me started on the dome!

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5 hours ago, JoshC. said:


Either way, it's a hit to the park's line up for smaller guests.


Zodiac has also had its restriction increased to 1.1m (not sure if that's happened recently or last year?). But again, that's a blow too. It leaves 6 rides at the 0.9m range (Depth Charge, Flying Fish, Banana Boat and Old Town rides). And as there's no rides with a 1m restriction, those are the only rides kids can go on until they hit 1.1m. 

If only they had a family enclosed Vekoma coaster.. It would do wonders for the park's younger audience.


I actually agree with the actual entrance not being the problem, but the area around it needs improvement IMO.

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I think the problem with Thorpes entrance is to sort it you really have to flatten it and start again which would obviously cost a lot of money.


Things like security, Covid checks etc have had to be implemented, usually with little notice and little budget and you get where we are now - that said realistically if you was to start again other than some maybe more modern buildings and better styling I’m not sure it would function majorly different as it does now? I guess you could well have more space for things and have more security lanes etc to Improve efficiency.

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