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48 minutes ago, Mega-Lite said:

Rush doesn't. ;)

Oh don't worry I'm not questioning S&S whatsoever. Rush, Slammer, Ice Blast, Cliffhanger... Christ I could go on with rides that just don't run as intended.


I just think your comments towards Mark9's opinion were a little unthought; as to be honest, Fabbri kind of are awful.

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What surprises me most about the Dragon Falls retheme is how they've put aside any potential of keeping the Mystic East theme through any ideas made and just brought in yet ANOTHER "African safari" theme. Besides that it does look really good though. Also I suppose like with Transylvania it's wise enough to kill off a dying area...especially when Chessington decide this park ain't big enough for two oriental themes so kept Wild Asia.

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45 minutes ago, Kerfuffle said:

What surprises me most about the Dragon Falls retheme is how they've put aside any potential of keeping the Mystic East theme through any ideas made and just brought in yet ANOTHER "African safari" theme. .

 Well, tigers don't actually live in Africa. Lions and Leopards yes. Tigers?  Not so much.

But Tigers do live in Asia, and there is a population in China (which is presumably where Mystic East is based on) 

Also, there is a year of the tiger in the Chinese calendar. 

The tiger species at Chessington are Amur tigers, which used to inhabit parts of China (but now have gone extinct from the area)

So you could say that they're still maintaining an Asian theme. I hope they do (as long as there aren't any rude stereotypes attached). And I'm also pleased that hopefully with more up-to-date enclosures, the animals will have a better quality of life - as the current ones are very outdated (they still seem very well cared for and happy though).


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1 hour ago, Project LC said:

Merlin and there jungle brand obsession is responsible for that. The aim to turn the park into this consistent brand is just killing off any fun the place had left. 

I agree with this, I used to like Chessington because every themed area was different, it has become so samey and bland now.

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Chessington issue is it's bland and boring, with enthusiasts always talking about their nostalgia. The park cannot handle crowds and can't create any decent themes past and present, except Wild Asia. There has and has never been enough money spent to create detailed themes (like animal kingdom) and instead we get half baked ideas like having a fizzy drinks factory in transalyvania or a clown area (aka a cheap fairground). Chessington is soul-less and simply doesn't immerse you into the park. It's an awful park, just as bad as Ferrari land.

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I certainly agree the park is currenrly living off of its nostalgia which can't last forever. However to say it's never had a decent theme past or present is a bit harsh. The old chessington did wonders with their budget and pretty much transformed theme parks in the UK. 

Now Merlin have large budgets, invest it poorly in unfinished ideas, gimmicks and try to create brands in experiences which just leaves it feeling hollow. 

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3 hours ago, TPC said:

Chessington issue is it's bland and boring, with enthusiasts always talking about their nostalgia. The park cannot handle crowds and can't create any decent themes past and present, except Wild Asia. There has and has never been enough money spent to create detailed themes (like animal kingdom) and instead we get half baked ideas like having a fizzy drinks factory in transalyvania or a clown area (aka a cheap fairground). Chessington is soul-less and simply doesn't immerse you into the park. It's an awful park, just as bad as Ferrari land.

I can't agree with this, Chessington used to be a fantastic place proving that imagination goes a lot further than having a high-budget, however the park in its current state is bland, featureless, dreadfully operated and generally a terrible day out.  In my opinion of course!

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I have watched the dark rides documentary but whatever you say you cannot deny that fizzy drinks doesn't thematically make sense with transalyvania.


Yes I understand the budget is very low at chessington compared to AK but it feels if anything a bit of a poorly done rip off.

Personally I don't understand the constant hate towards zufari because although it has it's flawed, for me it's by far the best experience and attraction in the park (haven't done Kobra or df due to crazy queues).

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1 hour ago, TPC said:

I have watched the dark rides documentary but whatever you say you cannot deny that fizzy drinks doesn't thematically make sense with transalyvania.

It's a little known fact that Professor Burp's first name is Andrei, and he was in fact a Romanian businessman.  When the factory was finished, he did try to sell it to Andrex for the retheme since it matched his name so closely.  But that fell through, so he had to go with another bathroom product.........


That and things don't always have to make thematic sense if they just 'work'.

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I know that story; it's quite basic. However, it's like saying Galatica fits in Forbidden Valley because you can make up illogical stories that don't make sense and add there to please enthusiasts like nemesis creature was defeated and suddenly a space port with virtual reality appeared.

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Slags off Bubbleworks and then says Zufari is the best experience in the park despite that ride being the only one that feels like an actual Animal Kingdom rip off. Eesh.


Nostalgia is a powerful thing and it depends on your point of view. It was only ten years ago when the wheels were starting to come off at Thorpe and a lot of theme park geeks were saying they enjoyed Chessington more because it felt like a proper theme park and had a more pleasant and enjoyable atmosphere. So it's not just 90's nostalgia coming into play but for only a decade ago.


Love how you bought up Circus World though, an area that few on most theme park forums wold have ever visited and an area that barely lasted. :lol:


Finally, did you visit Chessington in the 90's?

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9 minutes ago, Mark9 said:

Slags off Bubbleworks and then says Zufari is the best experience in the park despite that ride being the only one that feels like an actual Animal Kingdom rip off. Eesh.


Nostalgia is a powerful thing and it depends on your point of view. It was only ten years ago when the wheels were starting to come off at Thorpe and a lot of theme park geeks were saying they enjoyed Chessington more because it felt like a proper theme park and had a more pleasant and enjoyable atmosphere. So it's not just 90's nostalgia coming into play but for only a decade ago.


Love how you bought up Circus World though, an area that few on most theme park forums wold have ever visited and an area that barely lasted. :lol:


Finally, did you visit Chessington in the 90's?

No because of my age. I've never really enjoyed chessington and instead I've visited Alton Towers and Legoland far more in my childhood. I only remember 3 things from going to chessington when I was younger, 1 of which was bad. This compares with thorpe where Thorpe Park where I have some good memories of CCL, stealth, OG and Tidal Wave.

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Circus world was great fun for a kid. For a start, it had an actual circus. Imagine that! A show at a UK theme park!


Your thoughts on the coherence of Bubbleworks within Transilvania are so wrong it's hilarious. How you've come to such conclusion without the knowledge of experience over those who lived it I have no idea.


The disaster that is Zufari was the final nail for Chessington for me. It was their opportunity to do something spectacular, an experience not to be missed. But without the ideas or skill to pull it off we have been left with that dull overblown Fungle Safari. It's probably the single biggest wasted opportunity I can think of within Merlin.

The rest of the park crumbles.

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4 hours ago, TPC said:

I know that story; it's quite basic. However, it's like saying Galatica fits in Forbidden Valley because you can make up illogical stories that don't make sense and add there to please enthusiasts like nemesis creature was defeated and suddenly a space port with virtual reality appeared.

Come now, I'm sure very few themes in this country actually "make sense" to the majority of visitors; namely because they're not looking to find out or "learn the story" as such. It's a theme park not a museum! If it works and they have fun- who cares? 


To say Bubbleworks was a half baked idea because it didn't fit in is a very ignorant thing to say. Surely just because "Transylvania" connotes spooks and horror, doesn't mean it has to be all that? Anyway, Bubbleworks was perhaps the best-produced, most fun atrraction in the country; the fact that it doesn't tie-in with your preconceptions about a Transylvania themed area, surely doesn't override your judgement of it actually being a great attraction?


Its also funny you call the park soulless... can't have started visiting more than a couple of years back? The reason it was so popular back in the day was for its silly, slightly off-the-wall sense of humour. Whimsical yet dramatic. Full of spirit! As for the park not being "immersive", well, that shows more than anything that you've only met the new Merlin-era Chessington; because I quite agree, it is very bland, generic and cheap looking now, a shame really. :(


But perhaps just bare that in mind when other members talk of their fond memories from the park? It was once very different, very impactful and very fun. You might not understand, given your experiences, and that's fine. But just bare it in mind. :) 

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16 hours ago, TPC said:

Instead we get half baked ideas like having a fizzy drinks factory in transalyvania or a clown area (aka a cheap fairground).

So the Bubbleworks was a "half-baked" concept you say? Tell me more! Would you care to admit to us that apparently CatCF and Nemesis Sub-Terra were world-class dark rides?



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Bubble works was funny and random to ride but that doesn't mean I found it amazing. I've never been a fan of Chessington and it will continue to be that way until the park sorts it self out. The newer marketing style I do quite like (still doesn't beat the amazing Heroes Wanted marketing at legoland) but you cannot have 3 areas themed to Asia- land of the dragons, wild Asia and mystic east. It's quite frustrating because the park could be far more interesting and enjoyable but instead it's an awfully built and run park compared to thorpe and even towers.

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Since when has Land of the Dragons been Asian?


There's nothing wrong with having two Asian areas as long as they are distinctly different (India and China/Japan/Singapore are vastly different cultures) so I've never had much issue between the two areas... Of course with Tiggers being added the two areas might become one massive one mind...

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3 minutes ago, HermanTheGerman said:

Hahah, probably because the filter broke years ago and they cba to buy a new one. Its been filthy looking for ages. Shame though, that turf is just going to get walked over and ruined. 


Yeah the water was pretty skanky last time I visited ?

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2 hours ago, TPC said:

The newer marketing style I do quite like (still doesn't beat the amazing Heroes Wanted marketing at legoland) but you cannot have 3 areas themed to Asia- land of the dragons, wild Asia and mystic east.

I'm pretty sure having multiple Asian areas isn't the problem with Chessington..

Mystic East and Wild Asia aren't really that similar anyway.. 


The problem of the park is mainly the  string of ruining awesome rides, or not putting enough effort into some projects that could great- but end up executed awfully..

Professor Bubbleworks looked brilliant, as did Terror Tomb.. But Merlin as every knows had to screw up rides that were generally brilliant, and gave us botched re-themes like the Imperial Leather Bubbleworks and Tomb Blaster.. Which seem very similar to the originals, but with most of the fun ripped out..


Zufari from what I can remember had its budget cut last minute- which is maybe why its so flawed.

Don't get me wrong its not the worst experience on the park (thats not saying much), but its still feels incomplete.. And the theming at points seems like they got some cardboard and painted it to look like a cave.. :lol:


Overall I couldn't care less if the new Tiger Falls is themed around an Asian theme.. I'm more concerned about whether Merlin will actually give this a decent budget, and whether Merlin will actually make some effort to give us a decent attraction.

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