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THE SWARM: Construction Updates


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There's a static camera (apparently worth £6,000 didn't ya know? :() taking photos every 15 minutes, which it will collate into a stop-motion sort of film showing the construction of The Swarm. The Developer's Diary releases stills that the camera has taken that are of significant importance such as the completion of a new element e.g. the corkscrew, or the starts of something else e.g. the plane. At other times, they'll capture the up-close-and-personal shots of things like the trains as well as various viewpoints of the ride once completed and feed them to us nerds. :)As for Go-Merlin... no idea. We're the OFFICIAL THORPE PARK FAN-SITE, after all... Marc do something about that pls. :)

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Quite strange that they haven't installed the inline twist track yet. There's obviously some logic behind the reason as to why, but judging from the views of the picture, that is going to be a very tight squeeze by the looks of things... Should be interesting to see that track piece be installed. I think they will put the helicopter in before they finish that final curve and a lot of the plane won't be constructed until they have got the cranes and other machinery out.

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We've listened to your feedback...for weekly updates on THE SWARM check out THE SWARM - Developers Diary

From Thorpe Park's official Facebook account. Weekly updates, you say? Yer pls. Mind you, no matter how impressive The Swarm is looking, I doubt we'll see an update like the one above every week. So yeah, y'know... pinch of salt and that. :)
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