Mer Posted December 26, 2011 Author Report Share Posted December 26, 2011 Had a lovely day overall yesterday. Was lovely seeing my dad and everyone, they are all so lovely It was a shame my step brother wasn't there all day. Basically last year he was meant to be with his dad but he then decided to bugger off to South Africa with his bird. This year my dad and step mum assumes he'd be with his mum as usual regardless of what happened last year. But at the last minute his dad said he wanted to see him, so dad and step mum made a compromise. So he woke up at his mum's, got to see me, my brother and grandparents and then his dad picked him up and he went there for dinner and stayed the night. My dad moved house earlier this year and this was the first time we've visited. It is lovely Really nice and cosy, and they have 2 hens in the back called Tina and Chestnut :PThen when I got home my other grandparents were still there, chilled with more drink and watched the usual Christmas soaps lol. Drunk so much yesterday! Got to my Dad's at about 11 and had a sherry, then a malibu and coke, then champagne with dinner, then port, then a vodka and coke. Then had a nap in tue taxi home, had more port at home, then sherry, then a lime vodka and lemonade...then might have had a second one? I can't remember But because they were spread out throughout the day, plus all the filling food, I didn't ever feel drunk, just merry/very tipsy :PYou can't beat the taste of sherry though, it just screams Christmas! Anyway, currently got the grandparents here again and had a lovely second Christmas dinner with them earlier, we're now chilling in front of the TV watching the Strictly Come Dancing which we Sky+'d last night haha! Hope everyone else had a lovely day yesterday and is having fun today! Laelda_95 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoshC. Posted December 26, 2011 Report Share Posted December 26, 2011 This Christmas wasn't really the best for me.Normally, the days leading up to and days after Christmas Day is when family come round / we visit family, etc. etc. The actual day, the people in my house (My mum, nan and myself - and my Granddad when he was alive) would spend the day together, and just do our own thing. It's normally the same for everyone else; just together with the people who they live with for Christmas. The past couple of years have been different. Last year, my cousin and her 5 year old son (my second cousin?) spent Christmas with her dad at his then fiancée's; now wife (bit complicated; long story short - her parents, my uncle and his wife, are divorced, but usually were able to spend Christmas together until my Uncle found a new partner). My cousin, however, didn't like it over there because it was 'boring' and how 'laptops were banned for most of the day', and silly little things like that. They were invited there again this year, but my cousin didn't want to go for the reasons aforementioned, as well as more, and instead it came about that she more or less invited herself and son to our's instead.No one in my house really wanted them round, but it's sort of hard to say no. So, for most of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, it was a case of looking after my second cousin, because his mum took the day as an opportunity to literally not do anything. Don't get me wrong, everyone deserves a break and all, but that includes me as well, and Christmas is normally a day of relaxing and helping with a bit of cooking for me. What was somewhat more annoying was that, because my second cousin is mad about going on a DS (he had his own, but broke it a few days ago), I wasn't able to go on my 3DS whilst they were around, because he threw a massive strop whenever he couldn't play on mine. It also meant not being able to charge the video camera I got for Christmas, or really do much at all other do run around after my cousin every five minutes. On top of all that, despite getting many presents at the time (far more than I remember when I was a child), he kept saying going on about all the other presents he was going to open when he got to his nan's house in the evening, and kept whining about when his granddad (my Uncle) would be coming. So, it wasn't really a relaxing Christmas, and probably the first time when it was the materialistic side of Christmas that I looked forward to more than the family side.Now, having read over that, I've got a feeling that I may be coming across as selfish, heartless or whatever else. I'm probably coming across slightly as 'OMG, my Christmas was terrible because I couldn't play on my games or do what I wanted to do for one day!!!1!'. I'm not. Simply put, I wanted one day with those in my household to be able to relax, have a bit of fun, not have to stress over anything and just enjoy Christmas Day. I don't think that's wrong in any way, is it?Sorry if this has turned more into a Rant, but ah well. Don't get me wrong, I'm no Scrooge or whatever, and I'm enjoying the festive season, but yesterday was not really a day I would've dreamed about wanting. Nonetheless, glad other's have enjoyed the day and hope everyone else had a great Christmas! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mer Posted December 25, 2012 Author Report Share Posted December 25, 2012 MERRY CHRISTMAS TPM! It''s Christmas and the considerable amounts of alcohol have gone to my head lerrrl MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM MER Or should that be Mer-ry Christmas? Han30 and Liam T 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Liam T Posted December 25, 2012 Report Share Posted December 25, 2012 Mer you look lovely & very festive! Merry Christmas TPM! Without setting the festive mood off too much, this year hasn't been a very exciting Christmas for me! and this morning was really a "urgh do I need to get out of bed" rather than a sprint to my presents. A shame really but it gives me determination to make 2013 Christmas alot better! Tomorrow we celebrate my grandfathers birthday & the annual family get-together so that should put the Christmas sprirt into me! But apart from the presents/seeing grandparents & dinner, today has been rather bland. But finishing this post on a higher note, I hope everyone enjoyed today, saw The Queen in 3D! And had a very Merry Christmas! Mer 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mer Posted December 25, 2012 Author Report Share Posted December 25, 2012 Why thank you Liam We've had an average Christmas Day really, but without my grandparents coming over for dinner like in previous years it was a tad more "dull" and quiet. We're having them over for another Christmas dinner tomorrow though and maybe seeing other family Today's gone really quickly We got up later than usual though and because it's been quieter with just the 3 of us I guess it feels like less has happened etc. I'm getting drowsy so I'm off to get some Coca Cola...and vodka Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dan9 Posted December 25, 2012 Report Share Posted December 25, 2012 Maybe it's just me but I've never understood drinking on Christmas Day. Why would I ever want to be drunk with my family? The prospect sounds horrendous to me. Sidders 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smidget Posted December 25, 2012 Report Share Posted December 25, 2012 I had one glass of Sex on The Beach but I don't fancy getting drunk today! (Totally not a festive drink in the slightest but it's too nice to not want) Oh and Liam, my little sister woke me up at 6:15 this morning. Needless to say I went back to bed at half 9 once the presents had been unwrapped... Liam T 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mer Posted December 25, 2012 Author Report Share Posted December 25, 2012 I don't really get drunk I just get tipsy and relaxed. To be honest I drink sherry and port for the taste as they help me feel Chistmassy The vodka and Coke though...Erm... I would never get proper drunk in front of my family though with the exception of a party/occassions where others were drinking Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MarkC Posted December 26, 2012 Report Share Posted December 26, 2012 And once again... It's the Christmas Season Every year people celebrate it in different ways. For people like myself and Dan9, it's to catch up on family! However what is the true meaning of Christmas? Many people believe that it's all about Jesus' birth however that is starting to get forgotten. And darn right it should be! I myself am a catholic however for me the real point of Christmas is to be Mer-ry (stolen from Mer who I must admit is looking rather pretty in that photo ) So this Christmas guys, remember to be merry cos it might be your last Christmas So Merry Christmas to all ye wonderful people PS. If you believe I'm ever flirting with you... I most probably am Hello Mer. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mer Posted December 26, 2012 Author Report Share Posted December 26, 2012 Not sure what to say to that...thank you for the compliments though, even if you are like 8/9 years younger than me! FYI Christmas for me isn't about drink It's about being happy and festive and appreciating your family, not worrying about the usual everyday stuff. I just love the atmosphere and feeling it gives off! Partly because it reminds me of being a child and I'm a very nostalgic person. I don't feel like I have to put on a smile as I'm already smiling! In addition to that, there's all the lovely food (everyone loves a roast dinner right?), the smells, the sounds, the decorations, a chance to get dressed up...I could go on forever! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mark9 Posted December 26, 2012 Report Share Posted December 26, 2012 I had a wonderful Christmas, the first one in this flat. Nothing better then being completely chilled out, knowing we don't have to go anywhere or do anything strenuous. Presents are one thing, enjoying good food, good drink with good television and good company is even better. Love waking up on Christmas morning. Boxing day is another thing altogether, it reminds you of peoples greed such as the tube strikes meaning people who have to work cannot get across London or the hustle and bustle of Boxing day sales. Mer 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoshC. Posted December 26, 2012 Report Share Posted December 26, 2012 Yesterday was really great for me - it just felt so fantastic. Nothing special really happened - no 'major' presents (sweets, clothes, a couple of games), and just the standard Christmas lunch which was as amazing as ever. But, I dunno, it just felt great. Maybe it's because I'm valuing my time at home more now I'm at uni, but everything about yesterday just felt so special. Happy holidays everyone! Mer 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tom Posted December 26, 2012 Report Share Posted December 26, 2012 My immediate family are away in New Zealand so we celebrated a few weeks ago so it was a different experience spending time with my cousins and aunties in Cornwall. Stressful with small children and thoroughly not enjoyable! Oh well, there's always next year! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MarkC Posted January 1, 2013 Report Share Posted January 1, 2013 And what an amazing year that was! After hosting the amazing Olympics celebrating the diamond jubilee, watching Mr.Bond acting with the queen and Prince Harry getting drunk and stripping in Vegas, we have welcomed 2013 with a bang and I wish to you all that you have a joyful and successful new year! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mer Posted January 1, 2013 Author Report Share Posted January 1, 2013 Had a really fun time last night with my family Some people may view it as "boring" but they are good fun and a good laugh! Plenty of alcohol too And seeing my little cousins is always lovely Want to do it all over again! 2012 is odd to look back on; started it off feeling like the luckiest woman ever in a wonderful relationship which I didn't think would go wrong. Ended the year single and suffering from depression! Or maybe it's not odd, maybe it's just life. And all I can do is laugh about it I guess! I feel better about being single now (in some ways it's a relief, but I would like a new man, now I have faith that there are lovely, decent men out there!) and the antidepressants are working their magic now. Onwards and upwards! As for 2013; well it's looking good so far! London meet in 4 days, Guildford meet in February and DLP in March! BRING IT OOOOON! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EC! Posted November 30, 2013 Report Share Posted November 30, 2013 I thought 'd revive this as Advent starts tomorrow as well as christmas being less the 26 day away now!! I honestly haven't got a clue what I want but all I really care about is the food (I know I'm a greedy bugger), Is anybody getting anything nice or hope to get anything nice for christmas!? CharlieN 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pluk Posted November 6, 2014 Report Share Posted November 6, 2014 Christmas must be nearly here... Got to admit I'm a bit of a sucker for the John Lewis ads, loving this years one. It's going to be an unusually good Christmas for me this year as I'm not working; off from midnight Christmas Eve until 2nd Jan, that's pretty much unheard of in policing and I'm going to enjoy every second of it! GladiatorFanKyle and Mer 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GladiatorFanKyle Posted November 6, 2014 Report Share Posted November 6, 2014 Favourite thing about xmas is the atmosphere! Gets you all cheery! Also the christmas specials of my favourite shows I'm hoping to get a Macbook as I need a decent computer as my ipad cant charge and be used at the same time ! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pognoi Posted November 6, 2014 Report Share Posted November 6, 2014 I hate the John Lewis ads now, Charlie Brooker does a great job of summing it up here: (contains aggressive language) But I like christmas. This is the third year ever I'm not going skiing for it, so instead I finally get to do winter wonderland! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryan Posted November 6, 2014 Report Share Posted November 6, 2014 Favourite thing about xmas is the atmosphere! Gets you all cheery! Also the christmas specials of my favourite shows I'm hoping to get a Macbook as I need a decent computer as my ipad cant charge and be used at the same time ! Definite first world problems pognoi, Tom and JoshC. 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoshC. Posted November 6, 2014 Report Share Posted November 6, 2014 Christmas shouldn't be a thing till December to be honest. I'll see you all in this thread in 3 and a half weeks time! Kerfuffle 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kerfuffle Posted November 6, 2014 Report Share Posted November 6, 2014 that time, hopefully you've changed your profile pic! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paige Posted November 6, 2014 Report Share Posted November 6, 2014 I might get a barrage of moans from this, but I just don't really like Christmas anymore. It's not because I'm a cynical killjoy who hates all things good and nice and happy, but it's all so commercialised now, all about who's getting the most and what they're getting. What's the fun in Christmas if there's just so much stress and hassle for one day in an attempt to make it 'perfect'? I appreciate the core values of Christmas, but it all seems to be getting lost, less about family, spending time together (and the birth of Jesus if we want to drag religion into this, but I won't) and more about posting pictures of your 'haul' on Facebook, finding out how much your presents cost and telling everyone. What's the point in knowing months in advance that you're getting a £4583729834659873 something or other? Sure, it's nice to receive things, but come on... Kerfuffle and Mer 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kerfuffle Posted November 6, 2014 Report Share Posted November 6, 2014 I might get a barrage of moans from this, but I just don't really like Christmas anymore.Tell me about it! I somehow see Christmas nowadays as being a whole month of stress and panic. Every year, its always the infamous "ERMAGURDWUTAMIGONNAGETTHEFAMILYANDFRIENDSFORXMASAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!"......and furthermore, I'm NOT the religious type! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pluk Posted November 15, 2014 Report Share Posted November 15, 2014 John Lewis have been trumped... Kerfuffle 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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