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The Swarm


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That happened a few years ago with the likes of Inferno, Colossus and probably a couple of others that I can't remember. It created an awful amount of congestion and did not really work.

With Swarm, it would be even worse, as there's no where safe for guests to wait and for staff to be made aware of single riders - it would be logistically speaking, near-on impossible. I don't think a SRQ would work for Swarm's station design anyway. Would probably end up like the front row queue, being given a pass, expect you'd have to wait inside the station by the batcher to get on..

The front row system will probably end up obsolete soon too; confusing and not that necessary really..

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For a brand new ride the organisation is very poor. Stealth had a very good queue line, but they removed the single rider queue for some reason. I am all in favour in SRQ if it gets those empty seats filled. That is if those seats can be used in the first place as the Swarm is seems to be having more problems with seats as on Sunday there were some seats that were not able to be used which happened a lot at the beginning of the season.

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With SRQ's- I kinda see why Thorpe removed them. From an operational standpoint, removing them makes things run more smoothly. You say it would fill empty seats BBJ- but surely that's only of any good when it actually comes from the stand-by queueline as it increases the rides actual throughput. Having a SRQ can increase queue-times and create more faff all for the sake of filling a seat which probably would have been quicker and easier to just send empty.

It was a nice bonus for people who loved re-riding but that's as far as I can say really.

I'd also scrap swarm's front row queue as well. Just let people go where they want to go but if one side is running low, direct people to that side. I think people over-complicate things (not on purpose of course) thinking that it will increase throughputs and make things easier but sometimes, for some occasional things, it's better to leave the guests to sort it out for themselves.

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If they desperately wanted a front row queue then there's probs just about enough space to split the two sides queues...

But that wasn't what I meant really, Raptor has no bag drop (or front row queue, but it does have single rider), but because they only batch 14 people per side each time, it alleviates any issue of empty sides (which is quite common on Swarm) and due to the position of the bag 'cupboard' being at the front of the platform (where you end up passing it before getting on AND getting off the ride)...

Basically, Swarm's station, in comparison with Raptor's especially, is exceptionally poorly planned and as a result causes problems with both getting on and off the ride...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Posted Image

I'll assume many have seen this on TPM's Facebook page, but more theming has been added to Swarm - a telephone box!

Looks quite nice, even if it feels like it's been pushed out of the ground with the rubble on top! :P

Great to see more theming being added to the area. Just requires a bit more theming at the end of the course (near the brake run / final turn, which hopefully will turn up when Island A is in use) and it's perfect.

No doubt some people are beginning to think 'Why can't they do this for the other coasters?' - but I'd ask the question, what small-scale theming pieces would you add to the likes of Colossus, Inferno and Stealth (in particular), and where could you put them? (Saw is the exception, as there's no doubt they could add more, and have the space to do so)

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I just realised it's meant to look like it has been torn out of the ground and flipped over. I guess the swarm didn't get great service whoever it called. :P Anyway, its great to see some theming being added after some months of the coasters opening. But I do agree that the final turn should have some theming there. When the island will be in use for the 2015 coaster, in no doubt will plenty of theming be seen.

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Why isn't it red? [/pedantic]

Tis good really, dunno what else they could add in future... Indeed, I doubt we'll see any major stuff until the island is used...

As for the other rides, they don't need any extra theming (aside from Inferno getting the backside of the volcano), rather a repaint and spruce up...

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Why isn't it red? [/pedantic]

I think it was once red, but like a lot of stuff that's been mishandled by The Swarm, it's covered in black ash/rubble/debris. I would've liked to see more of the original apple red colour though, as it'd make it stand out more and would just look better with more than a single colour to it.

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That is pretty cool. Makes a change from all those upturned vehicles. It may just be the lighting but I think I see a bit of the original red on the box, though I too would have preferred if the red was more noticeable/dominant. I also thought it was black because it had been burned/scorched, though I suppose if it had been, the glass would have exploded. :P

Sort out those reliability issues with the effects and this will be truly amazing. (like it isn't already)

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Quick notes from today:

*Telephone box is excellent! Has its own speaker and makes broken ringing noises etc. There is a lot more red colour on the 'rear' side which you can't see in the photo.

*Fire set to go off every 7 or so trains - shame as looking down on the massive fireball from the inversion is the best feeling, lot's of trains will be denied this viewpoint. Assuming it was just too expensive to set off for every train. Spent quite a bit of time on the Swarm island today and only saw a successful fireball twice... It basically fails to ignite every time. Sad times.

*Helicopter turnaround had the tiniest of water splashes, fire engine splash was turned off completely.

*LEDs should look great for Fright Nights. Just hope they can get the last few ones working.

Still not a fan of seeing staff members sit on the station track and have a chit chat while people are boarding. Which reminds me, putting Swarm to one side, I don't think I've ever seen the majority of Thorpe Park staff look as miserable as they did today. Seriously guys, a smile costs nothing!

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Went yesterday - Fire triggered once from what I saw, then got the smell of gas for a bit, then nothing! Water was coming out of fire engine and only coming out slightly when the train passed the helicopter. No sound effects were played and oddly tvs and music turned off around 6pm.

To be fair though didnt get to Swarm until about 4pm so can't comment on what worked before that point in time.

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