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The 'Definitely 100% Totally Going to Happen' London Resort

Liam T

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  • 1 month later...

quick update:

Paramount have acquired the land highlighted in red from a tarmac company who formerly owned the land. Paramounts goal I believe was to acquire the whole of the pointy bit, so they're still consulting with another business in getting the land.






The current building height proposals

Buildings - 32m

Structures - 50-60m (the report states: "eg. themed mountain"... Paramount mountain centerpiece?)

Rides/rollercoasters - 40m

Hotels: 40-50m


30% of guests from overseas is projected, equaling to an average of 16000 a day... So they predict an average daily crowd of 53000!


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  On 1/25/2015 at 9:47 AM, darkadder312 said:

I am glad to see it more developing now to being reality great competition for Merlin which hopefully will make them up their game will defo be visiting Paramount when it opens.


I think that Merlin have become complacent and I really hope Paramount UK goes ahead and encourages some good, old fashion competition which should motivate and push Merlin to try harder and deliver better.

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Given the way Paulton's are going recently, I really don't think Paramount Park should be the reason why some (southern) Merlin theme parks need to be looking over their shoulders.


Then again, I'm still not sure Paramount will be as successful and challenging towards as people make out any way...

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  On 1/25/2015 at 5:26 PM, Project LC said:

53,000 people sounds pretty successful to me. Even half of that its still way higher than Thorpe. £30m on a low investment year, maybe not all on the theme park but that's still very high. Also with its large media coverage, perfect location, it would be hard for Paramount park to not be a serious competitor. 


I just really can't see them averaging 53k a day.  Even if that's what they predict, I just really really can't see that happening!


Then there's still questions of will it actually be any good, will it be well received, how will it fare in the long term, how will it be marketed compared to the Merlin parks, etc etc.  


At this stage, I don't think there's any reason to say either way whether this will be successful or not.  But I sometimes feel people make it out to be the best thing since sliced bread, but I just don't think it will be that good or game-changing.  

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  On 1/25/2015 at 6:03 PM, Tommy said:

I'm assuming that includes all the other amenities there, and not just the park!?


One would assume so, it's pretty much focused on the area as a whole, with a park as a bonus...


Of course, the quality of the park could make Merlin stand up and take notice, even if their current stance towards it is a sort of "don't care" attitude, which is equally a dangerous mistake to make...


Paramount will be very easy to advertise as well, especially with the BBC IPs added in as well... What would sound better to kids? Angry Birds or Dr Who?


As for Paultons, they need some continued expansion/investment to reach the slightly wider audience that the likes of Lego and Chessie hit... For now it's still firmly within the 'local park' motif that a lot of high quality independent parks are at...

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  On 1/25/2015 at 5:57 PM, JoshC. said:

I just really can't see them averaging 53k a day.  Even if that's what they predict, I just really really can't see that happening!


Then there's still questions of will it actually be any good, will it be well received, how will it fare in the long term, how will it be marketed compared to the Merlin parks, etc etc.  


At this stage, I don't think there's any reason to say either way whether this will be successful or not.  But I sometimes feel people make it out to be the best thing since sliced bread, but I just don't think it will be that good or game-changing.  

Those predictions will have percent errors on them and they clearly do not expect those sorts of figures in the first few months. 53,000 people on average will more be around 2nd or 3rd year in summer. Its a rough guide which generally has to be overstated to encourage investment and increase the chances of gaining planning permission. See 53,000 as best case scenario. 

Its likely that the park will change the way things are done in the UK industry. It wont be as clear as some people make out but to say it will have no effect just seems highly unlikely. 

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You would need to see a full in depth break down of the numbers. I would not be surprised if 53k as an average was a best case scenario for year 1. I'm not saying that on the best day it will get 53,000 people I'm syaing that if all goes to plan and its as successful as they hope it will be then the average for year 1 will be 53k.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

New info: Paramount UK have signed a deal with Aardman Animations who make the Wallace & Grommit and Creature Features. 




The press release we saw a few weeks back said they're not just going to use Paramount IPs but also IPs which are typically British, so it's not impossible to suggest rides based on Harry Potter and James Bond. 


We could also see IPs from Paramount Pictures such as Star Trek, Indiana Jones, Mission: Impossible, How To Train Your Dragon, Transformers, G.I. Joe, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Terminator.

Edited by Will
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On my local radio yesterday when coming into work from Gravesend (A few mins from the park) It was reported that the plans for it to go ahead have officially been approved and building work is going to start shortly.


They will be using the building contractors who built the Olympic park (who in turn will naturally get other sub contractors) and my dad who works for this said company for the Olympics and still does the odd job for them now is being contacted for a 7 year job on the site, but the first couple of years will literally be clearing and flattening the area.

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  • 1 month later...

I decided to do a little research into this park, mainly to see if the general consensus of the board here that it'll beat down Merlin has any merrit, which it may well do, or perhaps it won't, as far as I can tell....

Paramount themselves have very little to do with it (in fact in real term, absolutely nothing), they have just licensed their name and film IP's to the project owners (just like the Paramount parks in the USA and Spain that have nothing to do with CBS/Paramount Films, they are owned by Cedar Fair) Paramount Park Murcia is a similar setup, nothing to do with Paramount, just licensed the name.

The owners are a consortium including the BBC, ITV, some small venture capital firms, and a large Kuwaiti investment firm called Kuwaiti European Holdings (who own 75%).

London Resort Company Holdings Ltd is the owner of the project, the don't own the land (yet), but that is just a formality since the owner of the land is one of the consortium that owns LRCH.

I'll leave it up to you to make up your own mind about that, only to say if you have formed your opinion of the park based on the fact 'Paramount are involved and are cool because they made Marvel movies' then think again.

For all we know, Merlin may well be involved in the project themselves, being one of the smaller unnamed investors in LRCH.

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Merlin are not likely to be a small investor. Why would they invest in something that if it does well will eat their profits and why would they let Merlin invest in the first place.

Despite paramount not owning the project they do have an image to maintain. So like Thorpe and lionsgate, there will be talks going on with what they can and can't do. LRCH will have the creative lead but paramount will provide an input to make sure it is up to standard.

Currently the project doesn't have many big names of the industry in however that will change. When planning permission is approved I'm sure they will start head hunting for the best. They are spending a lot on this and I'm sure LRCH expect the very best. After all their aim is to make money. So they have to be good so people tell friends and they encourage people back.

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