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Park Operations


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It really shows the kind of people some of Thorpe's staff actually are, they think that they can get away with whatever they want because it's the end of the season!



As for park operations, all coasters were on one train (apart from X which I think was on two, and not sure how many Saw was on).  It's what I have come to expect of Thorpe so it was no surprise.


It's indefensible really however I will point out that for a lot of the staff, after Sunday their contracts are terminated and most probably won't be returning. So for them, why should they care, we are talking about Staines finest after all  ;) .


It's completely wrong and as you point out, the staff on Inferno did make an announcement that staff won't be riding so they did what they could to stop the bad behaviour. Trying to get them off though would just hold the ride up even more.

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What Management should have done was said to all staff hang about after, once the GP have left, you can have some rides to yourselves for a few hours, it's not like Thorpe has a curfew or anything.

There was a young lady moaning in the slammer queue on Saturday about wanting fast-track cos she's been waiting so long too, some people just have an unrealistic sense of entitlement, there are some really nice staff at Thorpe, and they don't deserve such **** from people, having said that there's also some arseholes who deserve to be put on Rumba Rapids in nothing but a tea towel while it's raining.

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The thing I hate about Thorpe is they never cater for a wide range of guests, ironically larger guests usually can't get the restraints down in the Colossus trains but that's the only bleedin' coaster that actually keeps me secure

I think that is down to the manufacturers TBH.

If manufacturers designed the product with sizes in mind then the rides would cater for small-to-big guests.

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  • 4 months later...

Not too bad yesterday, 80 minutes was the most on Colossus I saw on the signs, it kind of went in fits and spurts, when we first went to Swarm about mid-day, the queue was 30 minutes, then at 2pm both Swarm and Stealth were walk on while at the same time Inferno was over 45 minutes (not 5 minutes after we'd done Stealth, the queue was back to the 30 min sign).

X had a massive queue, we didn't venture close, and Saw was closed (probably due to the wind), Slammer was running but we didn't go on it, and the other flats (Quantum, Rush etc.) were virtual walk-on or wait one cycle.

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Wonder how busy it was and if the park offered anything (yes I KNOW it was out of their hands, but always looking for positive stuff)...


They were offering free tickets to return later in the season to anyone who pre-booked and priority passes for a future visit to AP holders by the sounds of it (source:  Theme Park Worldwide).  Pretty standard response from the park in these sorts of situations.

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Yeah join the club, my boy was gutted when I told him. I'm hoping they're as knowledgeable as the AT web team who don't even know the name of their rides and it's just a case of left hand not knowing what right and is doing.

Maybe someone should start a petition to bring it back, I'd happilly contribute chocolate for such a venture...

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Do have to wonder if these sort of really pointless petitions ruins the integrity of ones that really matter...


Want to actually get the park to do something? Contact them directly via post/email/everything... What is the point of a petition when it won't force the park to do anything? Actual direct contact is always the best way, irrespective of the likelihood of standard generic response...

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Nope, just burnt the anthills with my giant magnifying glass...


And dropping truthbombs, those sort of petitions (over really daft things, such as when football fans want a referee banned from their team etc) do ruin the integrity of those that could actually be a positive change that means something...


And besides, contacting the park directly is likely to do more than a ridiculous petition... That's the truth of it...

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We've seen that people's opinions can change the park's mind in the past - just look at the original pricing structure of Summer Nights (£15 for AP holders, £18 for non-APers down to £5 and £15 respectively).  



200 people emailing Thorpe saying they want to see Summer Nights return will mean a lot more to them than 200 people writing their name on a third party petition saying they want it to return.

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Such a bad day of operations for the park today:

Colossus on one train all day. Inferno on one train for hours. Stealth opening an hour+ late, Colossus several hours late, Detonator late. Saw on 6 cars? X on 2? (60min queue!)

No queue time boards working on the rides for several hours at start of day. No 'main' multiple queue time boards working all day.

Breakdowns on Vortex, Slammer, Inferno. Samurai closed all day.

So many exit riders. 2 cars closed off for main queue in Colossus most of day because of it. Not cool when when a train is getting dispatched every 5 minutes on one train... So painful.

And what's with the ever growing annual pass entry queue but only having one staff member and a single dodgy turnstile scanning passes!? Loyal pass holders get into the park so much more slowly than day ticket holders.

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Such a bad day of operations for the park today:

Colossus on one train all day. Inferno on one train for hours. Stealth opening an hour+ late, Colossus several hours late, Detonator late. Saw on 6 cars? X on 2? (60min queue!)

No queue time boards working on the rides for several hours at start of day. No 'main' multiple queue time boards working all day.

Breakdowns on Vortex, Slammer, Inferno. Samurai closed all day.

So many exit riders. 2 cars closed off for main queue in Colossus most of day because of it. Not cool when when a train is getting dispatched every 5 minutes on one train... So painful.

And what's with the ever growing annual pass entry queue but only having one staff member and a single dodgy turnstile scanning passes!? Loyal pass holders get into the park so much more slowly than day ticket holders.

Sounds like a pretty bad day for operations today :/

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Such a bad day of operations for the park today:

Colossus on one train all day. Inferno on one train for hours. Stealth opening an hour+ late, Colossus several hours late, Detonator late. Saw on 6 cars? X on 2? (60min queue!)

No queue time boards working on the rides for several hours at start of day. No 'main' multiple queue time boards working all day.

Breakdowns on Vortex, Slammer, Inferno. Samurai closed all day.

So many exit riders. 2 cars closed off for main queue in Colossus most of day because of it. Not cool when when a train is getting dispatched every 5 minutes on one train... So painful.

And what's with the ever growing annual pass entry queue but only having one staff member and a single dodgy turnstile scanning passes!? Loyal pass holders get into the park so much more slowly than day ticket holders.

Blimey that sounds worse than BPB was today!

And that's bad!

Why are UK theme parks so incompetent at everything these days?

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The queue time boards not working was so frustrating. spoke to a lady visiting with her kids who said that she had queued up for 3 rides which had all broken down - same thing happened to me but only on Slammer. Sizeable queues, one trains ops and misleading queue time boards isn't great. Ok so they can't control how many people queue for a ride but if a coaster has a sizeable queue then adding the other train you would think would be common sense- unless of course it's out of action or not signed off by engineers but if it is a case of "not being enough demand" that is a blatant cop out. Ashamed to say I got fast track for Saw only because we had to leave at 3pm and it is my nieces fave ride- told my sister I resent giving £6 (gone up from £5 last year) for a piece of paper essentially (well and to cut down queue time) when if things were managed better maybe queues would have been more manageable potentially. When I read about summer nights and told my sister she was gutted - that was the main reason that she renewed her family pass. I agree about petitions being great for charity causes etc but I don't think in the case of summer nights it would work. Someone set up a petition about that 12p ticket thing and it probably got them nowhere - so I doubt that a petition to bring back summer nights would do much (if it did I would happily sign)

It's frustrating because they introduced summer nights in 2013 which gradually built up popularity only to scrap it which is just going to disappoint guests. I get that they are a business and have to make money and that you can't please all of the people all of the time but I do wonder if they go out of their way to p£&s people off. I have Merlin membership - another thing which was a great idea for people who can't afford to buy a pass upfront but that's been done away with - there probably was people that signed up to it, abused it for a fe months and then cancelled but then others who that is their only way of affording a pass - especially families are penalised. Not all families can afford to fork out a few hundred quid in one go. I'm very doubtful if I will actually bother with a pass once my membership runs out in September (to their credit they gave people with Membership a free 6 month which is good of them) - I'm just a bit disheartened with Merlin at the moment - and today was my first visit of the season

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