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About paige

  • Birthday 09/22/1998

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    stealth or nemesis or hex ??
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    chemistry and being annoying

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  1. paige

    2021 Season

    I would love to see Thorpe have a proper go at doing themed areas again, I first visited when they were starting to lose any sense of direction but there was still a nice infrastructure there. Over a decade later and I don't think it would be as quick or simple to go back into themed areas again (if you want them cohesive and done well). I would really expect them to go down the themed route properly and commit to it, but the current trend of IP attractions and the nature of said IPs makes me wonder if it is something that could really work any time soon. I think Angry Birds land really dampens some of the parks potential seeing as it replaced Amity and now you kind of have Tidal Wave and Stealth with similar theming but kind of not together. I'm not sure when the IP for Angry Birds is due to end though, it must be soon unless they are extending it, but I feel like it is kind of running its course now. I think if Amity was redone with the dodgems, detonator and the cinema as well as Tidal Wave and Stealth it has potential to be really good and perhaps the nicest area of the park... Of course, maybe there is a way in which themed areas can be done nice and properly again, maybe I am just being a bit too fussy lol
  2. Oh yes this is happening Depth Charge (3)Detonator: Bomb's Away (3)Mr. Monkey's Banana Ride (2)Nemesis Inferno (3)Quantum (3)Rumba Rapids (2)Rush (3)Samurai (3)Stealth (4)Storm in a Teacup (3)The Swarm (4)Tidal Wave (3)Vortex (3) Mr Monkey's - Stealth ❤️ +
  3. I think Stealth is definitely the best coaster at Thorpe by a fair bit, when I was younger I used to LOVE Inferno but as I've gotten older I have just realised I like Stealth a lot more. It might be a bit grumpy and temperamental at times (same lol) but for me it is the best Thorpe has to offer! It's ironic as Inferno has just been leaving me dizzy and light headed when I come off it but I can cope with Stealth's launch several times in a row, old age is treating me well hahaha
  4. Wow, I joined this forum almost six years ago and after a two year long hiatus I am back, maybe? In true me style my laptop died as I went to start writing this post x starting as I intend to go on I am now a perpetually stressed chemistry student but I still like the rolling coasters, and unlike me 4 years ago, I have been to Alton Towers. I have actually been to Alton Towers several times this year and haven't visited Thorpe once HAHA!! It's funny how I mentioned trying to get my friends into theme parks, I took my flatmate to Alton Towers along with ScARyCoAStErBoY (lol) and she said Hex was boring, but it is progress. BUT HI GUYSSS, looking forward to annoying you all with my wrong opinions again when I find the time 😙✌️
  5. BUMP!!! don’t forget the polls for this meet close on Monday (providing I’m able to remember in my exhausted state) get voting !!
  6. Thank you all again! I ended up trawling through this topic a bit later than intended, but so far what you're all saying is matching up with what I'm finding however I've found a few interesting points that are raising questions for me to look into. It is much appreciated
  7. helix is meh balder is better club for LIFE
  8. Thank you for all of the responses I've received to this so far, it's proving to be a huge help already! I intend on properly checking through and reviewing the topic on Wednesday 25th October as that's when I'll (hopefully) be coming to the end of my research period so I'll be looking to consolidate any of my findings. If anyone might have any interest in my final findings I may make some mention of it somewhere on the forums... Can't guarantee it'll be the most interesting of reads though
  9. hello pals, to cut a long story short but still quite long as this is me, I'm currently carrying out a research project that's basically looking at motion sickness on theme park rides (as well as how and why any treatments work by looking at how they react with the body on a molecular level... did you know the nhs suggests antihistamines to help?? ok I'll stop, I wont bore you with that nonsense) and before I can begin even thinking about trying to write up the dissertation, I need to do my research. for the whole cause and effect aspect of it I need to be able to ramble on about what triggers such adverse symptoms and I'm hoping to contact some parks and potentially ride manufacturers as I need to at least attempt to expand my research beyond books and the internet, but I don't want to go in totally blind or with such a small idea of what perhaps makes myself of those I know feel a bit iffy. so what I'm looking for from you, my dearest frequenters of such rides is simply do you get sick? not just nauseous, but do you ever come off a ride feeling faint/dizzy etc.? can you tell me any ride types you absolutely avoid as you know you'll come off feeling the wrong way? do you know anyone who gets especially sick? ever been on a ride that you're often more than able to handle and come off feeling less than okay on some off chance? if you have, or know someone who has, let me know! any kind of help would be greatly appreciated. thanks guys love u all PS: I will be having to include screenshots of any relevant responses in a research log, if you wish to have your usename and profile picture obscured let me know, but if I like your post then I will be including a screenshot of your post in my notes and that by giving me your response, you are permitting me to include it in my research log
  10. what has happened to valhalla?? I know a lot of the effects tend to get turned off but it was the worst I’ve seen it. if it wasn’t for the fact the queue moved quickly and o was fairly chilly as it was I’d have been more disappointed. also, bpb really needs to expand their crepe supply
  11. paige

    Towers Meet 2017

    hex is SO GOOD. so good. I love it
  12. so as those of you who know me will know, I am normally running around with my phone in my hand taking photos of everything, the weekend was no exception really. I've mashed together a little montage of the clips I have because I think it would be nice for those who went to look back on, also I think alton towers is a really, reeeaaally pretty park so had to showcase some nice shots of the towers in there. I know it looks like we only went on three rides lol and some of the clips are quite shaky but its hard to hold a camera steady with a limp and I felt a bit iffy for some of the time but I TRIED OK GUYS enjoy (you will more than likely have to be on a desktop to watch this because copyright stuffs)
  13. thank you to everyone who came this weekend, even though it was horrifically warm!! I think that a special thanks is in order to ryan. all I did for this meet was write up the initial post and start the thread, since then I have taken a bit of a step back from organising to focus on my exams so ryan completely stepped up and totally organised the legoland meet and also went about sorting rooms, transport and the cash involved for everyone who needed it in this meet. if it wasn't for him we wouldn't have had a bed to sleep in and I for one appreciate all that he's managed to do for the past couple of months! our next meet is in just over a month for minster of sound. if you're over 18 and attend the MoS even itself, don't forget to book your ticket as soon as possible and let myself or ryan know if you would like help with booking a room. just please make sure you bring some factor 50 and a lot of water... my umbrella can only provide shade for so many people at a time (ha ha haha) I hope everyone manages to stay cool as the coming week is supposed to be even more scorching, see you in july!
  14. so as you all probably know by now, the tickets for MoS have indeed been released you can get some more information on the event itself and book your tickets HERE, remember to select Saturday, 22nd July otherwise you'll be all by yourself (even though some might prefer that it kind of defeats the purpose but sure each to their own) if you want to attending the MoS aspect of the meet you must be OVER 18, but feel free to just join us during the day if you're under 18 or simply don't fancy attending the evening event, just ensure you let either myself or @Ryan know so we have an idea of who will be where! people who will be attending MoS tend to make their own arrangements with booking hotel rooms for the saturday night, so it would be suuper helpful if you could make it known if you'd like to be involved in that too for the sake of the members who need someone to split the costs of a room with
  15. so glad that there's no real footage of me screaming my head off after that drop on pirate's falls lol thanks for a nice meet to those who came, I decided very last minute to pop along and I'm glad I did! there were a few bumps throughout the day *points at ryan who didn't turn up until midday* however a lovely time was still had with our small group! we look forward to seeing those who'll be coming to the towers meet in a few weeks, and dont forget that the ministry of sound meet is coming up in july too!
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