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'I'm a Celebrity' Maze


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  On 4/9/2015 at 5:56 PM, Coaster Jamie said:

The point I'm making is that they should ensure that the attraction has a high throughput when it's going through the planning stages.  For example, with the trials, have two identical rooms set up so they can get double the amount of guests through the maze on peak days - then they can run just one of them when it isn't peak.


They were building this maze from scratch, so they should have considered throughputs.  It's the same with the FN mazes, the only one that ever shifted a queue was Asylum, when S13 was put in the capacity was half that of Asylum, and the queue moved at a snail's pace!


Of course I expected the queue to be long, but if it's fast moving I don't mind.  This queue was static most of the time, I was in it for fifteen minutes and it moved once, and even then it was only a few steps.

Stop complaining we could of had nothing this year and you would still  complain 

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  On 4/9/2015 at 5:56 PM, Coaster Jamie said:

The point I'm making is that they should ensure that the attraction has a high throughput when it's going through the planning stages.  For example, with the trials, have two identical rooms set up so they can get double the amount of guests through the maze on peak days - then they can run just one of them when it isn't peak.


They were building this maze from scratch, so they should have considered throughputs.  It's the same with the FN mazes, the only one that ever shifted a queue was Asylum, when S13 was put in the capacity was half that of Asylum, and the queue moved at a snail's pace!


Of course I expected the queue to be long, but if it's fast moving I don't mind.  This queue was static most of the time, I was in it for fifteen minutes and it moved once, and even then it was only a few steps.

Stop complaining we could of had nothing this year and you would still  complain 

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  On 4/9/2015 at 6:17 PM, J.S217 said:

Stop complaining we could of had nothing this year and you would still  complain 

Not if there were park improvements instead of a new addition - I don't expect new park additions every year.  Saying "don't complain" doesn't cut it, as a paying customer I have a right to be unhappy with things, if Thorpe took the attitude of basically telling people to shut up then it would be seen as ludicrous.

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One wonders why they didn't expand the current building or build a new building to house the maze...


Then they could've designed it all to a reasonable degree and had the doubled up rooms and hence an improved throughput...



If there are problems with the park, there should be complaints... But they NEED to be constructive, moaning that the attraction is poorly designed in regards to getting a decent throughput is constructive...


Probably not helping if Thorpe are doing their usual upselling of Fastrack though...

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  On 4/9/2015 at 7:39 PM, Benin said:

One wonders why they didn't expand the current building or build a new building to house the maze...


Then they could've designed it all to a reasonable degree and had the doubled up rooms and hence an improved throughput...



If there are problems with the park, there should be complaints... But they NEED to be constructive, moaning that the attraction is poorly designed in regards to getting a decent throughput is constructive...


Probably not helping if Thorpe are doing their usual upselling of Fastrack though...


From what I understand, after the Pizza Pasta extension and the dark ride building, Thorpe have very very little 'allowed building space' as agreed in the current MTDP.  So to build a new building / extend the current one, whilst not impossible, would be quite difficult to get planning permission for.  


In a sensible move, Fastrack isn't avaliable on the maze yet (unless they've started to do so in the past few days?).  They're probably waiting until they get more consistent actual throughputs / the inital hype dies down before they actually start using Fastrack.

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it's a real shame all thee changes, for the worse... it was actually a decent attraction on the preview night, and then done it again the saturday following it, and felt more rushed, dreading taking my friends through it on sunday as I'm sure they'll be disappointed!


We spoke to someone who worked at the park on the preview night and they asked us about the maze and said how long it took us to get through, and we said about 15 minutes or so, which was really well paced; and then he was like we need to half that, it looks like they've really tried to, such a shame!

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  On 4/9/2015 at 5:47 PM, ThorpeAddict said:

Theme park guide posted on Facebook today that the Cargo net section in the celebrity cyclone has been removed. I'm yet to have been in the attraction as well, but the people that have, why would this of been removed?

To stop silly people like my whacking their head on the well disguised metal bar at the end?


It was quite uncomfortable climbing under that net with the bark on the floor (painful on the hands for some reason) I know it is supposed to be challenging but I am glad it is gone, I feel it will make the final room more fun .. others may disagree but hey ho!


I just assume they took it out for throughput reasons? I mean it did slow people down quite a bit!

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I know this may be sad, but I visited Thorpe the Saturday after it opened and did it 5 times (Hooray for VIP pass) and I freaking love it. Its so much fun and really enjoyable. I think the throughpout is slow because it is still quite new and all new attractions, especially ones like this will have teething problems. The actors in the attraction make the experience and I've heard a few changes have been made too so can't wait to try out again on my next visit.

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  On 4/10/2015 at 9:54 PM, flubber said:

I think the throughpout is slow because it is still quite new and all new attractions, especially ones like this will have teething problems.

I think the throughput is quite slow as it's a poorly designed attraction designed not to cope with a park like Thorpe Park. A two hour queue on this maze in sheerly only a 30minute queue on a rollercoaster due to ridiculous throughputs.

On both my visits, it wasn't scraping more than 200pph maximum throughout the trip, however when they decided to comprimise experience at the end of the day and give me the worst possible ever run, I can believe it was hitting 500pph under that circumstance.

Honestly such a poor decision for thorpe to make when they are supposedly heading in the right direction through the theme park market.

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The throughputs on this are really poor - yesterday, groups of approx 9-10 were being let in every 3 minutes, yielding an hourly throughput of 180 - 200. I asked the staff member at the gate what throughputs they were seeing and she replied that they're "supposed to be getting 200, but it's more like 150 at the moment".


If the target is 200, you know something's wrong... this is a top-drawer Theme Park that can achieve gate figures of 15,000+!


The Park has also relaxed the Fastrack rules, which doesn't help - they're not selling Fastrack yet, but a. VIP Annual Pass holders, b. Shark Hotel guests (until 11am), c. Ride Access pass holders and d. Maze Priority Pass holders were all being allowed in ahead of the main queue. It meant that the main queue was seeing more like 120 guests going through per hour... surely this must have been thought of by the attraction designers?


As for the attraction itself, I loved the themeing - it's up there with SAW and Swarm for me - but thought the overall experience was pretty unexciting, and mostly confusing. The Holey Moley trial has been changed to "put your hand in the hole for 10 seconds" (where most of the holes just have wool & sawdust inside), the Chamber of Horrors trial has good intentions but is poorly executed (how does anyone know if they got the answer right or not?!), and without the cargo net the Celebrity Cylone becomes a short walk up a mildy windy ramp.


You have to commend the Park for moving in a more family friendly direction - and indoor "experience" attractions are ones Thorpe really needs - but this looks pretty poorly conceived. A shame.


As always, full review and photos over at Total Thorpe Park!

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Went on I'm a celebrity this morning, overall I thought it was alright but I want another run through later. The them sing and everything was excellent, was pretty amazing. Even had moving trees and stuff. The trials I thought were dreadful, holey moley was pointless, you put your hand in a hole for 10 seconds with nothing in. Chambers of horror was alright, we only got asked 2 questions but nothing happened to me, the light just went off, didn't even know if it was right of wrong. My brother got oats dropped on him though. Celebrity cyclone would of been better if it had the cargo net, with no instructions we just ran up a hill and went down the slide.

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  On 4/12/2015 at 11:39 AM, BenC said:

The throughputs on this are really poor - yesterday, groups of approx 9-10 were being let in every 3 minutes, yielding an hourly throughput of 180 - 200. I asked the staff member at the gate what throughputs they were seeing and she replied that they're "supposed to be getting 200, but it's more like 150 at the moment".

As always, full review and photos over at Total Thorpe Park!

So at the end of the day I had a look at clipboard with all the hourly throughputs on and the best today was 164 people in an hour, most of today it was running at around 140. There was defiantly more than 40 people coming up the disabled queue every hour, so the main queue was under 100 an hour :P Today wasn't a busy day, and it still had a 100+ queue for most of the day so I couldn't imagine what it would be like on a busy day.

My opinion has changed on the maze though, my first run through was pretty poor ( my post earlier) but I've had another 2, and everytime it's got better and better. The last one of the day was by far the best, I'll post a mini review later :P

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I can only imagine, the idea is that this attraction is only supposed to be a quiet attraction that was never aimed at the mass market. In a few years when its popularity dwindles, it'll still draw the family crowd and offer a great experience, without having to worry about not being busy throughout the day.


Either that, or Merlin really are stupid, and didn't even theorise potential throughput, and thought "eh, lets just hope for the best"...but a multi million pound company couldn't be that stupid,right...?

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Its 100 more people per hour than the park was managing last year. Then again I value this attraction at absolutely nothing. I wouldn't even wait if the queue was 0 minutes as it still takes away 5 minutes of my day I could have used else where. I can always find a breezy hill else where. The throughput on this is shocking and the amount it must cost to run must be quite high because of all the actors. I would have preferred the money to be spent on some paint around the park. 

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I went on this for the first time, and other than the very slow queue, I enjoyed it! The actors were really good (may have only been that because it was in the morning) and the theming and atmosphere in general was amazing! The Pre-show was not cardboard Ant and Dec masks with a Geordie actor as I anticipated, and it took us all by surprise (with the air in the seats) The second trial may not have been very good, but it was really funny when my mum got oats chucked down her back (she spent the rest of the day looking like she had very bad dandruff from all the oat dust). I thought the photos taken on the green screen 'with Ant and Dec' was a bit naff.

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IAC getting a universal panning on all the review sites, spent the last couple hours reading around (go away insomnia!) and haven't found a good review yet, apart from here.

It's a bit sad really, must cost a bomb to run and although it's not my type of thing, if I worked on it I'd be seriously pissed at some of the reviews.

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