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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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7 minutes ago, MilesK said:

Fingers crossed that that information is true. Although surely the picture would've been kept secret, and employees would have been asked not to share the information.

I remain hopefully, but we can't be too sure whether it is true or false until directly confirmed by the park.


Indeed, it certainly is odd. It should be added this was posted in a Facebook group and so it could just be another hoax to get people excited. On the other hand, unlike normally stating if it is a hoax or not, the resort have given the generic 'we are unaware' response to this information.


Its just a waiting game from here on out.

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25 minutes ago, Owen said:

This has arisen, apparently it has been sent out to various team members.




I am am slightly concerned about its legitimacy, however it has been confirmed by various employees. I also enquired about the ticketing service and received the response that this is "definitely will not be a ticketed service for the first few months". I am not sure about either of these statement, however they are intresting to say the least.


12 minutes ago, MilesK said:

Fingers crossed that that information is true. Although surely the picture would've been kept secret, and employees would have been asked not to share the information.

I remain hopefully, but we can't be too sure whether it is true or false until directly confirmed by the park.


2 minutes ago, Owen said:


Indeed, it certainly is odd. It should be added this was posted in a Facebook group and so it could just be another hoax to get people excited. On the other hand, unlike normally stating if it is a hoax or not, the resort have given the generic 'we are unaware' response to this information.


Its just a waiting game from here on out.


For the record, a source has admitted to falsely creating the above image, it shouldn't be believed.

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5 minutes ago, Celia Mae said:

For the record, a source has admitted to falsely creating the above image, it shouldn't be believed.


The slight hope I had in my doubtfulness has now been destroyed. We need an official announcement soon. If not an announcement then just open it with zero notice! It has been over a month since the intended date of opening..



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Why must 'various employees' mean I am friends with them. As I say the one person I am friends with had stated they have had nothing of the sort - which is why I questioned its legitimacy in the first place. I do not have to trust random people and so I am not, as I can't be sure - there is no point arguing and acting in a rude and childish manner as its truely unnecessary.


Returning to the subject matter in question, I am personally expecting a July opening, purely to save myself for disappointment (although I hope earlier as I'll be going to Alton Towers in July so I need some money haha). Although the delay is becoming increasingly more annoying, I am still very excited about the attraction - but I'm slightly concerned they have set expectations so high that many may be disappointed.. I hope this isn't the case.

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Annoying thing is (and maybe this is a little far fetched) but creating images which pretend to be official opening dates can end up in anyone's hands on the Internet; including the GP. Do we really need GP rebooking tickets for these fake dates only to be disappointed and further negative press is made for the park? And it's not even their own doing this time round!

Not exactly very supportive of a place your meant to enjoy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Derren is supposedly coming to sign the attraction off tomorrow, with soft openings being exclusive to hotel guests. Although this information cannot be 100% confirmed it comes from those working on the attraction.


Staff are expressing how the attraction is "incredible" and "one of the best attractions they've ever ridden". This is very exciting indeed, hopefully the opening will be asap!

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56 minutes ago, Owen said:

Derren is supposedly coming to sign the attraction off tomorrow, with soft openings being exclusive to hotel guests. Although this information cannot be 100% confirmed it comes from those working on the attraction.


Staff are expressing how the attraction is "incredible" and "one of the best attractions they've ever ridden". This is very exciting indeed, hopefully the opening will be asap!

I'm staying at the shark next Tuesday so this news if true would be great news for me. Be interesting to see what happens.

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