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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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Someone has filmed the new ending although not meant to (even on press night). If you search on YouTube for Derren Brown's ghost train new ending, it is there


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Seems like that TP have got that video taken down already. Shame as some people would like to know how scary it is before riding.

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On 4/6/2017 at 7:37 AM, Benin said:


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Please don't tell me that the new ending on the 'dark ride to change dark rides' is a fake finale, which has been done countless times before? 




If this is your request, then no one is going to tell you what it is. Hope that helps! 



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Spoiler It appears that the crash effect is now back in operation and looks better than ever! 


Now lets see see if it stays this way...

Rode it again today and I too saw it working finally. Rating for the ride has now gone from 7/10 to 8/10 for me after that!


Thankfully it was, as predicted, a broken effect that clearly wasn't working until today. Wonder what took them so long to get it running again?

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25 minutes ago, Martin.C said:

Rode it again today and I too saw it working finally. Rating for the ride has now gone from 7/10 to 8/10 for me after that!


Thankfully it was, as predicted, a broken effect that clearly wasn't working until today. Wonder what took them so long to get it running again?


It's just a problematic element I think... I'm going back in two weeks so I really hope it's still on. Hopefully it was off being fixed to be more reliable!

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Likely because it fits and there wouldn't be any point making new audio. It's also a nice little Easter egg for enthusiasts! 


I'm sure they could make new audio as the majority of the ride has new audio, I just think it's a case of it not being necessary seeing as I'd imagine it'd more or less be the same announcement recorded twice. :) 


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On 05/04/2017 at 11:27 PM, Owen said:

Well in that case all I can say is I remember what I remember - and this was that the headphones  looked and felt different. No need to begin acting somewhat dismissive and causing issue over minor things! ;) 


However, moving away from the past I hope people enjoy my review!

This is an issue? I am just merely correcting you, so you don't look silly. 

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On 7 April 2017 at 5:59 PM, Owen said:
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It appears that the crash effect is now back in operation and looks better than ever! 


Now lets see see if it stays this way...



When I read about the changes to the live action scene I was a tad disappointed as I love the crash effect (and watching people's reactions) so was a nice surprise to see it yesterday- and watch people jumping out of the way :lol:


I also saw at least 3 people in tears yesterday after riding DBGTROTD - felt kind of bad for them but.....


maybe I'm a wuss - I screamed and swore very loudly on the second VR section the first time I went on it yesterday-  that last VR bit and the ending have made a massive difference from last years version - love it

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After visiting the attraction on Tuesday, I can safely say I wasn't wowed by Rise Of The Demon.

The attraction for sure makes improvements, but I generally found the attraction "okay" rather than "WOW THAT WAS AMAZING"..

The new ending was by far my favourite part though- I completely fell for it!

Though the excessive VR just really isn't for me.. But the attraction seemed reliable throughout the day, which is a massive improvement on the train-wreck which was last year for DBGT..

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All the headsets were working on the two runs I had on Saturday, however they are all still very glitchy. Multiple times on the first section my head moved the opposite way I turned and at one point I fell out of the train completely. It wasn't as bad on the second section but they were still there. Not too sure what they can do to fix this though..

The ending wasn't working either on the first run either, which was disappointing as it meant first time riders missed out on the best part of the ride. It was running later in the afternoon though.

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