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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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29 minutes ago, Project LC said:

Oh the ride is edging ever closer on my ratings towards Rita and Sub terra. I understand its complex but its over complicated. When you throw so many new things into a project this sort of downtime and delays should be expected. 

It's far too complicated for what it actually does IMO, it could be so much more impressive with a less complex ride system but that's just my opinion.


Hope it opens for those at the event!

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Given there was apparently a pretty major issue with the attraction this afternoon (which is why it closed after operating for a short period of time), it was good to see that the park managed to reopen it for Summer Nights tonight.


It perhaps wasn't on top form tonight, but still a very enjoyable attraction for me!

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24 minutes ago, Benin said:

It'll only have more added/changed to it if the guest reaction is really bad, like Sub Terra...


From what people seem to say on here, that's not been the case, so doubt they'll change anything major because the stats will say they don't need to and guests are happy...


The second VR is pretty much universally disliked.  And whilst people have responded to the ride very well, it isn't being rated as scary


So despite the good response as a whole, changes can't be ruled out given how weak the final third of the ride is

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Haven ridden it 2 times today, I am far from impressed from both experiences. How can an attraction that has only been running for just 9 weeks (excluding the 2 week downtime in August) be in such a dismal state already?

Some of the differences I've noticed and problems I experienced are listed below:

- Outdoor queue-line audio was silent with absolutely nothing coming through the speakers. Every few minutes, someone was tapping against a microphone which could be heard and that was about it.

- Besides the outdoor audio not working, the interior audio was muted too, both the corridor up the stairs between the pre-show room and the warehouse as well as the sound effects used inside the warehouse too.

- I had to change to a different headset 3 times in the first section of the VR experience on the first ride as the audio through the headphones was either not working or only one side was working.

- The half-way walk through section was a lot quieter than before with the audio levels turned down, plus, there was almost no smoke coming from the tunnel with the moving tube train.

- Worst part for me was when I boarded the carriage for the 2nd half of the VR experience, we all sat here motionless with nothing happening for approximately 3 minutes on both rides. It appears that Thorpe have decided in order to fix the green smoke scene where you were waiting for a few minutes, you instead wait here before the train begins to move and VR footage begins inside the carriage with no audio or visuals. As much as the green smoke scene kept you waiting, this new method is even worse as it kills the pace from the evacuation scene half-way through the attraction from earlier.

Back when I rode this during the rehearsal periods in early July, I rated this attraction very highly as it worked quite well, the VR worked perfectly and the pace never dropped at any point. But now however, none of this is the case. It's half-finished whereby I've yet to experience more than 3 out of the supposed 12 different experiences and the other ending, the VR headsets were broken... every time, and the atmosphere for the ride is virtually non- existent any more.

There might be a lot of new technology and mechanisms in this attraction, but that is not a good excuse for a ride that is technically only 9 weeks old. Is this "the future for theme parks across the world" now, where half the stuff stops working after a few weeks of use?

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I expect the outside / inside audio are all one issue rather than 2 - hopefully once one is fixed the other will be Be!


Intresting you were held at the station- not had that on any of my rides this week for any longer than normal - i cant see that being how it's run now as I expect would delay the other train and enable that to need a holding scene?

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That's what I was thinking with them holding the carriage at the 2nd station just before you depart, but I could hear the other train in close proximity to my one a few seconds before we departed.

My guess is that when the other carriage arrived on the exit side of the platform, my carriage departed straight afterwards. When this happened, we were held in the green smoke section for about 10 seconds before moving again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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@Martin.C I also visited today and couldn't agree more with all your comments. Rode twice today and it a far superior experience when I rode during technical rehearsals. They really need to sort the waiting in the smoke, it completely kills the pace, everyone just gets confused and ruins the end of the ride. And there's no excuse for not playing the music outside, without it the atmosphere is just dull.

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