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13 hours ago, ChessingtonSam said:

Can't wait for Room on the Broom ?


A very small part of me hopes they give it Dragonfly trains (themed to broomsticks) but then I remember which park we're talking about and all my dreams disappear.


So much for magic making.


Do one Merlin.


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Whilst everyone's opininins will vary on the 2017 changes, there certainly seems to be positive ones.


The new Carousel looks stunning and will certainly become a major eye catcher in the Adventure point area when it's running. Yay for for 'potential' water feature.


Gruffalo shop looks interesting enough and the additional theming additions in Vampire are adequate.


Loving Black Buccaneer's paint job and the new food outlets in Adventure Point are perfectly adequate, given the area has been shifted around slightly to accommodate the new Carousel. 

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As much as I hate to continue being a downer on this park (especially seeing as it's Chessington), those photos just show how extremely tired most of the park is looking, and how low-budget patch-ups (please Merlin, cut it out with the flat and sterile graphics, and for heaven's sake stop making crappy piecemeal additions to Vampire) aren't making things any better. Rameses Revenge looks completely dire (which has been a while in the making), and even Land of the Dragons looks like it needs a deep clean/repaint (though I suppose it's now 13 years old, jeepers...).


That having been said, the Adventure Carousel certainly looks lovely, and it's nice to see Black Buccaneer getting some attention.

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The Adventure Tree does look very nice, but something about it felt a little...off when I saw it in person.  It was like the tree was a little too short and stubby, and needed to be taller.  I thought it might look better when you see the bottom half, but looking at photos, it seems the 'tree stump' on the carousel half is a lot thicker. so it just feels a little bit weird and unnatural.  


It still looks decent and I'm sure when it's operating it will be fine, and I don't like to complain about something that does look good.  But it just looks a bit awkward.

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Its a fantastically themed Disney rip off carousel. Kids will enjoy it, though if you ever needed to see a purer example of Merlin's attitude to fix a broken park - it would be to throw loads of money at a suped up carousel while spending no proper money on anything else. Seems that's the end of Creepy Caves and the Mexican restaurant too, now become vinyl signs.

Glad to see nailing to scrap pieces of wood together and sticking them in the ground counts as 'theming' still and excites people, for some very odd reason. Vampire needs thousands spent on redesigning its queue and scenery, not £20 from the local joke shop and some skull heads.

Some parts of the park look improved, again only piecemeal like every year. Hopefully Gruffalo is entertaining in the end.

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Tbh that Vampire theming looks awful. I could quite easily have made that. And the chess board is... odd. What is actually replacing Creepy Caves? And why is it called California California California? Apart from that, it looks good. Quite alot has changed. 

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Most the speakers are still broken from what I hear, though could be wrong.


The music does not even loop correctly. It's still playing the very poor cassette recording of the Vampire music, downloaded off ReRide.net and circulated on YouTube everywhere. It's so unprofessional and ignorant that a theme park would play a hissy recording of its own music that they got off the internet, instead of restoring the original mix or bothering to source the original.

It apparently plays through the entire queue now, so that you'll get bored of this tinny music playing on a 2 minute loop before you even reach the station. The music should be Dramatic and Powerful sounding, not token and thin just 'because it's the Vampire music' and so seemingly any rubbish copy of the music 'will do'. 

That it took them a whole year just to turn the volume up speaks, um, VOLUMES of the park's sheer shoddiness.

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21 hours ago, BaronC. said:

The Adventure Tree does look very nice, but something about it felt a little...off when I saw it in person.  It was like the tree was a little too short and stubby, and needed to be taller.  I thought it might look better when you see the bottom half, but looking at photos, it seems the 'tree stump' on the carousel half is a lot thicker. so it just feels a little bit weird and unnatural.  


It still looks decent and I'm sure when it's operating it will be fine, and I don't like to complain about something that does look good.  But it just looks a bit awkward.

The actual carousel bit isn't meant to be a tree, there's a green bit on the top meant to be land and the tree on top.

3 hours ago, Wumbamillio said:

Most the speakers are still broken from what I hear, though could be wrong.


The music does not even loop correctly. It's still playing the very poor cassette recording of the Vampire music, downloaded off ReRide.net and circulated on YouTube everywhere. It's so unprofessional and ignorant that a theme park would play a hissy recording of its own music that they got off the internet, instead of restoring the original mix or bothering to source the original.

It apparently plays through the entire queue now, so that you'll get bored of this tinny music playing on a 2 minute loop before you even reach the station. The music should be Dramatic and Powerful sounding, not token and thin just 'because it's the Vampire music' and so seemingly any rubbish copy of the music 'will do'. 

That it took them a whole year just to turn the volume up speaks, um, VOLUMES of the park's sheer shoddiness.

The music sounded excellent today, very loud and clear.

2 hours ago, Coaster said:

Adventure Tree looks nice but much smaller than the Carousel it's replacing, presuming what's in the photo is all of it.


Chess set is random.

The ride is massive, can easily be seen from Land of the Dragons and Transylvania.

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3 hours ago, Wumbamillio said:

The music does not even loop correctly. It's still playing the very poor cassette recording of the Vampire music, downloaded off ReRide.net and circulated on YouTube everywhere. It's so unprofessional and ignorant that a theme park would play a hissy recording of its own music that they got off the internet, instead of restoring the original mix or bothering to source the original.


Thought this was the case the past few times I've visited, but wasn't sure if I was imagining things. Bizarre that this is the case when Graham Smart's remastered version is also available for a couple of quid on the net.

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5 minutes ago, OlivusPrime said:


Thought this was the case the past few times I've visited, but wasn't sure if I was imagining things. Bizarre that this is the case when Graham Smart's remastered version is also available for a couple of quid on the net.

Not even that, can easily be found on YouTube.

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30 minutes ago, ChessingtonSam said:

Not even that, can easily be found on YouTube.

No, the proper 1990 version cannot 'easily be found on YouTube', also I can guarantee the music did not sound as "loud and clear" as it should do - had you known the ride in its better years the difference would be great. It is like a cinema screening a pixelated download copy of a movie to guests paying full price, just because they 'lost the original' - pathetic and totally misunderstanding.


The music currently does not loop (there is a gap of silence and it loops in the wrong place) and it lacks the bass & clarity it should have. Because it is literally the version in the  video below, downloaded and played on a file. This is so unprofessional and makes the music sound pathetic in comparison.


Audio is a much misunderstood thing. People get away with real shoddiness sometimes, but when done properly, everybody will enjoy it so much more. There is no reason why a track from 1990 can't sound as good today if it were played properly.  There are currently so many broken speakers in the station too.


Also, the music in the mix below (other than being sourced from a hissy old cassette tape), is not the true version of the music that used to play in the station for years. It misses sound effects and is a different track mix. The track was designed to synchronise to the animatronic organist's movements, again this has also been broken for a long time - and the animatronic seriously needs servicing.


The guests pay enough to visit the park that the audio should be of best effect, not this shoddy and laim. It would take very little effort to restore for someone who knew what they were doing and had the right skill. But quite simply, the park don't care and say "most people wouldn't notice". Wrong attitude completely.




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