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About AJ

  • Birthday 05/12/1989

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    Some Dancing, Drinking a Good Glass of Wine, Board Games, Retro Gaming (you can't beat those SNES', Megadrives and old PlayStation Platformers), Experience Attractions and Anything Adrenaline-Fuelled, Eating a good Indian and Producing an Epic Smelling Fart

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  1. Once upon a time, I thought I heard this area was possibly getting a mini Legoland retheme - Is that still a thing or was this dropped yonks ago?
  2. Currently looking at dates I can do Blackpool, Alton Towers and Fright Nights - so pencilled into the diary
  3. Go on then - Count me in - It's been a long time since I have seen everyone
  4. AJ

    Wicker Man

    The ride I did enjoy as mentioned earlier, it just left me confused with what the secret bit was that's all. Interesting, you mention it was the first one advertised as a weapon, must of been how I found out about it being coded as that. Probably what happened was is that I heard it in passing and then linking it up with the knowledge I learnt when I was younger when I delved into all these things. Knowing that these things were internal codes and then not looking into it further just made me assume there was a bit more. However on a general note, I'm not one for gimmicks if it focuses too much on that and they then forget the fun throughout the rest of the ride. Ultimately wickerman is fun, exactly what is needed and for me I have it in the leagues at the park as 13, something that is just ultimately fun!
  5. AJ

    Wicker Man

    I'm not saying it needs to be a world first but generally I've got accustomed to a secret weapon being something that brings something new. Its a decent attraction but if it's a 'normal' addition in that sense then I personally found it a little bit misleading with the tag etc...but that's just me
  6. AJ

    Wicker Man

    Wood and fire though, is it really that groundbreaking? Like the pyros are likely encased on steel which has cleverley been designed to have a wooden structure just far enough away from it. Surely it must be something else?
  7. AJ

    Wicker Man

    So after riding it, I found it an enjoyable ride. Not the best Woody I have ever been on in terms of the rollercoaster itself, but the overall experience of everything coming together was very well executed However one thing that has kept me a little bit puzzled...Previous Secret Weapon Rides have all had a world first or something new that's not been done in the industry before within the area at least. But for Wickerman...what was the secret weapon element?
  8. AJ


    The thing I like about Th13teen is that it's just fun, it's not too tame, it's not too extreme - it's just joyous! However one thing that was bothering me slightly this weekend, as I don't know if my memory is inserting things that were not there originally...but in its first few seasons of it being open - did it not have wraths dotted around the woods in the distance that could be seen in the queueline? I could of sworn they once did and it is a shame if they have moved them away or thrown them. If they were never there then I must of once dreamt of what I wish should of been there....
  9. It saddens me to bring this news to the forum. From his niece - Unfortunately over the last week, Adams health deteriorated quickly and so he made the decision to stay in a hospice to try and build up his strength. Unfortunately his health took a turn for the worse. On Monday, the doctor said his liver was deteriorating very quickly and that he was facing days. He had did family around him but sadly he passed away this morning. Adam was one of the most kind hearted people I had the fortune of meeting. His sister Kirsti would like me to pass this onto you. This has been a pretty awful morning, but he is suffering no more. Due to the speed of the deterioration, no arrangements have been made for the funeral but I will let you know as soon as I do, I'm not sure if any of the group would like to attend. With regards to the crowd funding page, Adam never got the time to make any memories and the money hasn't been touched. I know a lot of the group donated and I would like them to know the money is going to be put into ISA Accounts for his two little boys. For those who met him at the meets, will know he was a very kind, warm natured character who will be truly missed within the community. His big sister Kirsti has asked me that if anyone has any photos of him, doing what he loved to pass onto me, so I can pass onto her etc. My thoughts are with his family and friends and especially to his too little boys who have now lost a dad at just the ages of 4 and 6
  10. Please explain....I know I'm lazy but don't really read on here I just catch up with the goss when at the meets so truthfully have no idea what you bash. Sooooooo what is it? My judgement is waiting...
  11. Yay it's not Nando's may as well make an appearance then. As further persuasion I don't even have to drive
  12. How did you know! I even worked there once you psychic! You coming to this meet? Or just observing
  13. AJ

    The News

    That's a bit discriminatory isn't it? I understand it's a tough time for certain communities in America at the moment and that there is a lot of uncertainty after lots of progress has been made. However plenty of progress has been made and will stay due to globalization people just wouldn't stand for it now when everything is shared on the internet. Women have their platform now, LBGT have their platforms - they are not going away and in fact I see lots of reports these days with everyone ganging up to support these communities - a lot more than I do for the straight white male. I personally don't think anything Ian-S has said is wrong (hence why I have unhidden his post, as it wouldn't be fair to not have both opinions being shown). Ian clearly stated the points he clearly made an error - looking at the civil partnership point there - and made a valid opinion on the other things he brought up. His comments only became more exaggerated as people got so defensive which is a modern day problem on a lot of issues, which for me just grows more cumbersome. They are maybe opinions not everyone agrees with but keeping a rightful opinion hidden would be taking away the 1st Amendment as it were I know it's a very touchy and emotional subject for people but loads of progress has been made in recent years, and I know for us who don't belong to certain communities will not fully understand, but it doesn't mean to say we don't try and that by not fully understanding, our opinions are wrong. If after things are said and disagreements still occur - that's what it is, a disagreement!
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