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New For 2015?


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Good to see Fungle finally destroyed now as it was just rotting there for the last 5 years (or what was left of it).

Really hope we see a new ride put there in its spot soon as it's quite a decent patch of land there. Would like to see a dark ride there personally as it would fit like a glove and possibly fit in within the surrounding area.

2015 could be an interesting one for development with Fungle and beach ear marked for possibilities not to mention a possible Rumba retheme,

This would leave just 1.5 derelict ride sites at the park then.

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The freeflyer has a better capacity however that or a zac spin I don't think would add much. All it would achieve is long queues and a let down. Top spin may work at Thorpe but it would need to be different to ripsaw. A suspended top spin may work with a few water and fire effects themed around the nemesis volcano going off, or the aftermath. However it wouldn't bring in a load of guests as they are still pretty generic.

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The potential dark ride is currently designated for the arena. Also some of those trees cant be removed as they are there to hide the park from the other side of the lake. Also if you look on the mtdp it shows that the land behind the old railway tracks they dont own. So achiving planning permission for a large building there would be hard.

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  On 9/26/2014 at 1:14 PM, Project LC said:

The potential dark ride is currently designated for the arena. Also some of those trees cant be removed as they are there to hide the park from the other side of the lake. Also if you look on the mtdp it shows that the land behind the old railway tracks they dont own. So achiving planning permission for a large building there would be hard.


I'm pretty certain that all the trees on the Fungle spot can be removed - there's a second set of trees past the service road (so around Monk's Walk; which Thorpe don't own as you say) which I think are taller and hence block the view.  The MTDP also stated plans for a 'Staff entertainment building' behind the site, so a plan of a building there isn't wholly new.  There's enough space for the park to build a dark ride in the MHFS and surrounding area if they're clever.  



(Image from TTP)



Yes, achieving planning permission would be extremely difficult, but not impossible, especially if they stay within the constraints of the MTDP about floorspace, building heights and so forth.

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  On 9/26/2014 at 1:08 PM, CoasterDude said:

Why are we talking about tiny flat rides? The old site for MHFS, combined with the (soon to be) Studio 13 building, would provide enough space for a fairly decent dark ride! I can already see them adding in a Sub-Terra clone in 2021, themed around Nemesis Inferno!



  On 9/26/2014 at 1:05 PM, Project LC said:

Suspended top spin if it has good operations can achieve 900pph (people per hour). That is pretty good on Thorpe park scale so it would reduce the queues. However to do that maybe it shouldn't have water so on cold days people still go on it.



Top Spins and Sub Terra clones. Such ambition is unparalleled. 

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I loved the 2021 prediction tbh...


Interestingly, Thor's Hammer at Tusenfryd cost a massive €8.5million... The way Merlin seem to budget their parks, that would never be seen as a filler season addition... Which is naturally disappointing, as that could be very affordable, as I'd assume that a LOT of that budget went towards creating the massive caverns in the rock that the ride lives in...


A slightly more realistic addition, especially if it was like Huntik <3

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  On 9/26/2014 at 3:38 PM, Thorpeparkfreak said:

If they wanted a really BIG dark ride, they could use the whole of the Ranger county, as the carousel and Banana boat don't really bring in the people, they're a bit of a 'meh, alright let's go on it ride'.

...therefore creating a navigation nightmare regarding pathways, of which there won't be any left in that area! ;)

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  On 9/26/2014 at 3:47 PM, CoasterDude said:

...therefore creating a navigation nightmare regarding pathways, of which there won't be any left in that area! ;)

Well, leave a little space outside, and you will have a pathway!

Could Nemesis Inferno- Sub Terra could just be the Flying Fish painted again and put in a shed shipping container and make it look moderately like a volcano?

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