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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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I'm done with reading this thread now and possibly these forums for a while mainly for 2 reasons.


Reason 1 - I don't want to know anymore about the ride from here on out.


Reason 2 - There is far too much unwarranted negativity from too many people in this thread. I suggest anyone who thinks they might enjoy the ride stays away from this thread since it's getting a little too toxic with no real reason. Even if the ride does turn out badly I don't want to go into it having been soured by the select few. You may say that it would be better to go in not expecting much and being surprised but I respectfully disagree with that.


Adios Amigos! See you on the Ghost Train.

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Don't get me wrong it is good they have actually spent some money. I'm sure everyone agrees this new attraction is welcomed. The issue lies with its not what people expected/wanted. We do know very little about it and have done so through out the whole construction process.

The negative people (me included) have seen what Merlin have done before and right now I believe they are going to repeat it. Unoriginal name, run down warehouse, live actors, pointless IP. They may have finally perfected it however there is still this massive concern it will be like the others.

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There are more people on this thread moaning about people moaning than there are people moaning in the first place. Seriously, what's everyone's problem this morning?


People aren't just pulling the points of concern out of their ass, they are based on real issues both with some of the (very few) things we know about this and also the many many disappointments that have preceded it from our theme park overlords. It's not just blind negativity. 


Am I excited for this? Yes, it'll be interesting to see what they come up with.

Do I think it'll really be all they want to sell it as; groundbreaking, game changing, etc etc? No, probably not.

Do the worlds firstisms in everything they put out want to make me self harm? Yes they do.

Do I want another abandoned warehouse in a place I'd rather were uplifting? No I don't.

Do I have deep routed concerns about their ability to pull this off in the first place, then operate it long term based on the (lack of) quality of many previous installations, but see some hope in certain aspects of some more recent (ie Shrek) Merlin efforts? Very much so.

Would I rather they just used the tried and trusted technology of something like TAAO Spiderman that we don't have in the UK rather than trying be the first of something else which very probably won't be as good anyway? Hell yes.

Will I actually enjoy this in the end? Very probably yes, but hopefully that enjoyment isn't tinged with the bemusement of the obvious 'what might have beens' of pretty much everything of recent years, even the better stuff.

Would I be very glad to be proven wrong on every opne of these points? Very very.


Do these thoughts make me a bad enthusiast? No.

Should I be an unwavering ray of sunshine on the forums anyway? No.

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Yes.  I, too, agree.  I can't believe that people who proclaim to be fans of theme parks (and, most specifically, thorpe park) just bloody moan on and on about something they know nothing about.  


You're getting a £40M attraction, that fuses live actors, theatre, ride, technology, story telling, horror... and all most do is moan about it with no proof or very little knowledge.  Considering they haven't even released what this thing will ACTUALLY do - it's not fair to moan about it.  

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...that fuses live actors, theatre, ride, technology, story telling, horror...


The last time we saw a list like that we got Sub-Terror, which started awful, clawed it's way up to acceptably fun (but somehow still not a sum that was as great as it's parts), then became inoperable. All in the space of a couple of years. Yes, it was a filler attraction and not a headliner, but it's from farces like this the concerns arise. Moaning is not the right word.


Maybe apart from CoasterJamie, he just likes a good moan about everything. :ph34r:

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The last time we saw a list like that we got Sub-Terror, which started awful, clawed it's way up to acceptably fun (but somehow still not a sum that was as great as it's parts), then became inoperable. All in the space of a couple of years. Yes, it was a filler attraction and not a headliner, but it's from farces like this the concerns arise. Moaning is not the right word.


Maybe apart from CoasterJamie, he just likes a good moan about everything. :ph34r:


Difference is we have Derren working on this and it cost £40million. I understand people's concern, but I genuinely believe a lot of people are going to be pleasantly surprised :D

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The negative people (me included) have seen what Merlin have done before and right now I believe they are going to repeat it. Unoriginal name, run down warehouse, live actors, pointless IP. They may have finally perfected it however there is still this massive concern it will be like the others.


I take it your thinking Saw the ride here - one of Merlins most successful investments? 

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I wish people would make their mind up how much this is costing...


So far any negativity around the ride has been rather founded I'd say... After all how many actor heavy attractions can we really term a success in Merlin times? And how many dark rides?


To me, this sounds like a bigger version of Ghost in terms of multiple experiences and the like... But is adding actors going to end well? Will it affect other things on park? Can Merlin do anything not involving a disused/abandoned/destroyed theme? Will guests be annoyed if they have to queue for the simulator portion inside?


There are a lot of questions over the feasibility of such a ride, especially with Merlin's history of upkeep and the like... That's not moaning, that's an actual fact filled worry... Don't see anyone really defending the concerns against Galatica and the vr issues...


The building does look nice, maybe someone took inspiration from Baron's look (or general stations)... Probably the best level of theming they've done...

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I wish people would make their mind up how much this is costing...


So far any negativity around the ride has been rather founded I'd say... After all how many actor heavy attractions can we really term a success in Merlin times? And how many dark rides?


To me, this sounds like a bigger version of Ghost in terms of multiple experiences and the like... But is adding actors going to end well? Will it affect other things on park? Can Merlin do anything not involving a disused/abandoned/destroyed theme? Will guests be annoyed if they have to queue for the simulator portion inside?


There are a lot of questions over the feasibility of such a ride, especially with Merlin's history of upkeep and the like... That's not moaning, that's an actual fact filled worry... Don't see anyone really defending the concerns against Galatica and the vr issues...


The building does look nice, maybe someone took inspiration from Baron's look (or general stations)... Probably the best level of theming they've done...


Agree with a lot of what you say, but regarding that first point, maybe the budget has changed since the rumours of £30million came about before?

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