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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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So 10 minutes of the entire 13 is VR?

What happened to real dark rides? :(


We don't know that, we do know it's a 13 minute ride and that train section is only a part of the attraction. There's also other transit vehicles and other segments to this ride. I'd be surprised if you have a VR headset on for 10 minutes.

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We don't know that, we do know it's a 13 minute ride and that train section is only a part of the attraction. There's also other transit vehicles and other segments to this ride. I'd be surprised if you have a VR headset on for 10 minutes.

I hope not, but this definitely suggests that VR headsets will be worn for 10 minutes;


You put on your "contamination goggles" and for the next 10 minutes your world turns completely upside down.


As for the ride being split into multiple sections, I would much rather have one well done ride rather than a more disjointed attraction, but maybe that's just me.


Regarding the train carriage, could it be possible that it will be split in half once inside?  Therefore they could have two "shows" (or whatever they want to call it) taking place in the train carriage to increase throughput?

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VR just like any ground breaking tec in the computing world will age horrifically. Moores law stating that processing power will double every 2 years. The resolution of screens doubling every 3-6 years. These are the first headsets available and while best on the market now they wont be for very long. Over the years they will show there age. To keep this ride up to date is going to need a lot of investment. Its not the case of buying 180 new headsets every couple of years but also updating the animation every few years as well so its compatible. Screen based rides don't have this issue as much as its just a projector on a big screen where the resolution isn't critical as its far away. On VR its a few cm's away where you will notice low quality images, the high latency in movement ect. To have a ride which seems to depend on a brand new technology (in the computing world) is risky to say the least.  

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Does anyone remember the first time Thorpe Patk opened a VR attraction next to the Magic Mill in 1993 (I do)? Judging from the MMM VR screen shots that were posted the other day it does look exciting, if a little 'fright nights' for a year round attraction.

My biggest interest in this attraction is the transition into the Immersive Tunnel section (better not be a mirror maze)

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This being the case, the above diagram suggests there is just the one suspended train carriage...


...but what on earth happens in the rest of the warehouse is anyone's guess!


I find it funny how the train carriage was technically in the plans all along, and no one really focused on questioning what the crossed rectangular box could be. :P


I've been doing a lot of thinking about it, and I wonder if the train carriage is just a shell to hide the ride system to some degree.  Obviously the whole attraction isn't taking place in the suspending carriage, so you have to be moved away from it somehow.  Could lead to some sort of illusion where it seems like the suspended carriage has 'disappeared', which would be quite awesome.


So 10 minutes of the entire 13 is VR?

What happened to real dark rides? :(



I hope not, but this definitely suggests that VR headsets will be worn for 10 minutes;



As for the ride being split into multiple sections, I would much rather have one well done ride rather than a more disjointed attraction, but maybe that's just me.


Again, been doing some thinking about the 10 minutes of goggle time.  Given that the HTC Vive has the front facing cameras, could it be possible that there are sections that show a 'real life' view whilst you wear the goggles?  It would stop the experience feeling disjointed, with having to take headsets off, and help with the idea of not being able to distinguish between what's real and what's not.  



Explain why everyone is worrying about vr. Has anyone tried vr to this quality before ?? Looking at the vr pictures they look amazing

The vives technology to use the space and objects around you is game changing


I think some people's worries are, regardless of the quality, theme parks should stick to 'real' theming as much as possible.  VR moves away from what (people tend to think) theme parks should be about.  And I can see the concern there.  


I'm open to the idea of VR at theme parks, and I certainly think it has potential to be one of the next big things in the industry.  But I hope it's not rolled out here, there and everywhere to be honest.


Does anyone remember the first time Thorpe Patk opened a VR attraction next to the Magic Mill in 1993 (I do)?


I'd completely forgotten about that!  I'd never tried it of course, but had read about ages ago:  http://www.memoriesofthorpepark.co.uk/vrc.html 

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Again, been doing some thinking about the 10 minutes of goggle time.  Given that the HTC Vive has the front facing cameras, could it be possible that there are sections that show a 'real life' view whilst you wear the goggles?  It would stop the experience feeling disjointed, with having to take headsets off, and help with the idea of not being able to distinguish between what's real and what's not.

I never thought of that but actually I can see it working, and it would make sense with the "you won't know what's real and what's not" idea.


I'm prepared to give Ghost Train a chance but the idea of Virtual Reality in a theme park just doesn't appeal to me, hopefully this attraction will change that though!

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If the VR section supposedly is in the train iteself, and said train is suspended by just a few chains, then how are they going to hide the 60+ hefty thick Vive wires that will need to feed off to the computer running the VR scene? Even if they managed to house it inside the carriage itself they'd still need a hefty power supply leading in to it somehow.

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Just because it's 'suspended by a few chains' doesn't mean that it actually is. I can think of 100 ways to make that illusion to guests that I assume will viewing it from the same angle.


Following the the VR 'show' in the carrage, I expect actors will lead you out of the carrage and into the ride (Immesrsive Tunnel) section, allowing the next group into the carrage/VR 'show' behind you. Seems the likely way to keep things moving across various scenes.


@Will, the immersive tunnel cant be a train coming to you. You have to be on a vehicle that moves into the screen area that was visable during construction.


We know there's more to this attraction, yet everyone seems totally focussed on the VR bit.

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Following the the VR 'show' in the carrage, I expect actors will lead you out of the carrage and into the ride (Immesrsive Tunnel) section, allowing the next group into the carrage/VR 'show' behind you. Seems the likely way to keep things moving across various scenes.




Nope. That won't happen. You're right - there is more to this than meets the eye.  

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I've pencilled in my first and probably only visit to Thorpe this year on Wednesday 11th May - can't be doing with weekend queues, and figure they may tweak things over the first few days, iron out any problems etc.


With a confirmed opening date - surely TV adverts must now be imminent...

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From what I saw in the leaked photo, the Victorian train carriage appeared to be a shell for something to go into it from underneath. I presume that the ride vehicle will work by being raised into the carriage for people to get on and off, and lowered to maneuver around the ride building with a car like mechanism acting as the base for the chassis which will move along the ground.

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