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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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Call me old fashioned, but I love a traditional Ghost Train a la 'The Haunted House'.  There is something exciting about being whisked off in a rickety old train into the darkness not knowing what awaits.  The point is, it is fun as well as scary and the shared experience with friends and family is what makes it a joy.  What worries me about this, is the notion of having an individual experience.  Part of what makes a theme park fun is shared experiences.  Am I making any sense here?!


PS I'm not putting it down as we have no idea what it is yet, but it just worries me a little.

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My favourite bit of dark rides is discussing with your friends afterwards...

We won't be able to do that after this....


I think you will. The differences will have to be relatively limited and subtle as there's no escaping that yo will be sharing the same physical space.

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The chances of there being a 'no cameras or recording equipment' rule on this attraction are equivalent to this ride having fastrack. AKA it's going to happen.

On the positive side, it'll mean the ride's experience shall be in tact.

Darn I was planning on turning up with my £10,000 camera and boom mic. There goes that plan I guess.

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The chances of there being a 'no cameras or recording equipment' rule on this attraction are equivalent to this ride having fastrack. AKA it's going to happen.

On the positive side, it'll mean the ride's experience shall be in tact.

 It won't have fast track for the first 6 months I don't think

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It won't have fast track for the first 6 months I don't think

I guess it depends on how good the throughput is. Look at Swarm; that has a good capacity and did from day 1, so Fastrack was on sale from the get go. But the likes of Saw and IAC only had Fastrack introduced later when the throughput had improved / became consistent.

I would expect it to be avaliable during summer unless there are major problems; too good of a profit avaliable not to really!

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I expect it to be timed entry with no fast track at all.

As in the whole queueing system for the attraction is RnR style with no 'real queue'?

Would seem to be a huge waste of the extremely long queue they're going to build, no? And would go against Thorpe's decision to pull RnR usage from FN?

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