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Theme Park bloke

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  On 3/4/2012 at 5:51 PM, 'Sheepie said:

People who lack very basic common sense/ initiative with things when they've most likely been given the information already but are still confused so they sign up to a forum and ask the all very important question:

Nothing annoys me more than when people do this on Yahoo Answers or similar sites... Or when somebody asks a question so incredibly stupid; that image Pluk posted in the Random Picture Thread about ejaculating in a fish tank is a prime example.
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  On 3/4/2012 at 5:51 PM, 'Sheepie said:

People who lack very basic common sense/ initiative with things when they've most likely been given the information already but are still confused so they sign up to a forum and ask the all very important question:What do I wear? :D

I feel this is an appropriate post from someone who is suppose to encourage other members to welcome newcomers.

(Someone edited my post to change the meaning! Changed it back.)

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Stressed out right now! A few weeks ago I asked my supervisor for some days off: Sat 17th, Sun 25th and Sat 31st March, for Thorpe trips, although I didn't tell them this. Even though weekends are busiest and the 31st is the first weekend of the Easter hols, he said they are fine to take off and he just had to get authorisation from someone. So it wasn't 100% definite that I had got the days off but he said to me, quite clearly, I can go ahead and make plans because he thought it would be highly unlikely that the dates wouldn't be authorised. But today when I see the rota for next week, it says I'm working Sat 17th. Don't know about the other dates because we don't have the rotas for those weeks yet. I ask a senior member of staff and from what they were saying to me, it sounds as though the supervisor I asked about having the days off has forgotten to get them authorised, because I asked "so long ago" (yet if I asked too late I'd have had less chance of getting them off!). :P So tomorrow I have to speak to one of the staff members who authorises days off, I just hope there aren't any problems. I've done everything right by asking in advance, it's the supervisor that forgot to do their job. So I hope they don't say I have to work! I don't want to get funny with them or cause problems but if they do try and get me to work I will tell them that I was told I could make plans, and in the politest way possible, maybe say that I'm annoyed that it's not even been authorised yet. Hopefully it won't come to that though. Or, seeing as they don't know the reasons for me needing those days off, I could just lie and say I'm away the night before etc, I've booked tickets for something etc. Shouldn't have all this stress though! Argh!

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  On 3/10/2012 at 8:01 PM, 'Mer9 said:

.... Or, seeing as they don't know the reasons for me needing those days off, I could just lie and say I'm away the night before etc, I've booked tickets for something etc. Shouldn't have all this stress though! Argh!

May be you could have, but now you've written it on here it has become a substantially less good idea!!
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One sarcasm point for Fred, keep up the good work. You're on the right path to Sainthood.iTunes:Song titles that begin with the word The isn't listed under the letter 'T'. So, 'The Only Difference Between Suicide and Martyrdom is a Whole Lot of Press Coverage' is listen under 'O' instead of 'T' or 'The Fame' is listed under the letter 'F'.I never knew that...But with MS Word documents, all titles between with 'The' ARE listed under the letter 'T', which is strange.

Edited by Will
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  • 2 weeks later...

Theme Park's facebook pages are seriously annoying."Hannah Severns Would be if it wasn't so expensive"Predictable"Phoebe Love Womack I am but not excited bout the price. :/"Predictable"Matt Robinson Nemesis was the last good ride you built...And that was 15 years ago!"Dull"Manda Jane Halstead thought there was a Nemesis already"Posted Image

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Urgh. I've actually been so stressed out over the past two days. All I've spent them doing is revising and my mum has had a fit because I started too close to my exams (R.S- 15th June).The past few days she has been incredibly stressed out over every little thing and I'm not sure why, which means crossing her path is not a good idea. She has cancelled my trip to Alton on Monday because she's a moody ***** so all I have to look forward to over the next 10 days is a trip to Thorpe and lots of revision. I doubt I will be able to go out much because I don't want to ask for money and I have no way of getting it for myself because I can't find/get a job quickly enough, (I'm 14 for those of you who don't know). I'm incredibly stressed over exams/mother being stressy and as a result a rash has broken out all around my mouth which doesn't seem to go away. I know it doesn't seem that bad at all compared to what others have to deal with in day to day life, but I'm feeling tired, stressed and unable to talk to my mum or dad because all they seem to be doing is getting annoyed with me. (My Dad has sided with my mum in all of this and he won't listen to me at all because he seems to be incapable of letting me speak a single word without butting in telling me I'm being 'rude' or 'cheeky'). I fear that if my whole holiday is like this then I will not have a chance to relax, not get any effective revision done and I will go back to school stressed out and with a bright red rash on my face...

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