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Chessington General Discussion


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Probably because Lego is cheaper to run, has always had longer summer hours and remains busy to the end and overall gets a heck of a lot more guests. Chessington must be one of the more expensive ones with the constant looking after of animals, rides that don't work etc. It's easy to cut from a park that doesn't need investment to somehow gain visitors. Plus if the majority of visitors are pass holders then that won't help. Why invest in a park that is a success just by opening same as it did last year mainly.

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Disappointing but somewhat not too surprising.

Hopefully the park will get enough demand to extend closing to 7pm most of the time anyway. I do think most of the UK parks could do with longer operating, so that it insures longer days and more time to complete guest's ride bucket lists. Thorpe's hours are perfectly fine for the things they do as are Legolands (one must remember it's a kids park).

Towers and Chessie though could definitely add an hour or two to their closings in busier times and would make a great positive impact to both parks.

I just hope Howl'Oween doesn't go back to 7pm as that wouldn't offer much over main season except scare attractions and the very limited night riding too.

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Probably because Lego is cheaper to run, has always had longer summer hours and remains busy to the end and overall gets a heck of a lot more guests. Chessington must be one of the more expensive ones with the constant looking after of animals, rides that don't work etc. It's easy to cut from a park that doesn't need investment to somehow gain visitors. Plus if the majority of visitors are pass holders then that won't help. Why invest in a park that is a success just by opening same as it did last year mainly.

Chessigton is actually the most profitable park in the Merlin Group. It's expensive to run, but like you said, it's a massive success revenue wise that it doesn't really matter.

It's strange, with Thorpe being the one that struggles profit wise you would have thought that it'd be the park with the shortest hours, yet for some reason it seems to be the other way around.

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Most people really don't care about park open hours, so long as it's a 'reasonable' length of time. You can look yourself, when you visit the park there is always a guest asking a member of staff when the park closes and they're usually shocked when it's as late as they say. And even then, people tend to plan to leave around half 3- 4, so there isn't a constant demand for closures as a large proportion of guests leave at least an hour before close.

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Funny I used to think the public had the mentality of leaving before 4, but they just don't anymore. I have spent many a great day at Chessington this season with the park still rammed at 5pm. Legoland is obviously open later because of the traffic issues and it is easier to leave the park between 5-7 than ever before, but again it is also rammed late on especially in good weather.


It's a shame but as said sadly really not unusual for Chessington anymore.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The main reason LEGOLAND is closing later is probably how busy it is, loads of people on Facebook have been complaining about how many people are there and it sounds more than rammed. Longest queue the other day was around 3 and a half to 4 hours, can't remember what ride though. I'll have to see just how busy it is tomorrow when I go.


In case you couldn't tell, I'm new here :P

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The main reason LEGOLAND is closing later is probably how busy it is, loads of people on Facebook have been complaining about how many people are there and it sounds more than rammed. Longest queue the other day was around 3 and a half to 4 hours, can't remember what ride though. I'll have to see just how busy it is tomorrow when I go.

I definitely agree here, as the park was open for half an hour extra yesterday (7:30 close).

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It's been a while since there was a silly Merlin PR stunt, so here's one for you...






Hello Adventurers, we would like to apologise if you have had any animals ‘photobombing’ your photos during visits to the Resort. Following a letter from a concerned guest received in early July, we understand this is a bit of an issue for some of our guests, and we can confirm none of our animals are trained to photobomb your pictures. We have installed signs in all key photobomb areas and urge you to review these during your future visits to the Resort, and please do report any photobomb activity to our Zoo team. Thank you.


(From Chessington's Facebook)

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Just looking on CWoA's Facebook:


"Oh Chessington, how times have changed. 20 years ago you were a place full of joy and excitement. Now you are old, in need of repairs and a refreshers course in service. What happend? Where did it all go wrong? Went to write my feedback on your touchscreen and that too didn't work properly. Just had to laugh."


EDIT to ask - what's the deal with this smell around Dragon's Fury that people complain about? Is it sewers, rubbish, or both?


Also Lorikeetgate continues, people saying that some staff saying the birds are ill, others saying it's never reopening. CWoA of course say the classic "essential maintenance". That's lasted since the season started. Brilliant.

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Post sums up Chessington 2015 very much,

In the 90's & late 80's lots of care & effort were put in to the park and was a magical place.

Then in the 2000's things started getting half done on the cheap and weren't as well themed, in addition once grand theming decayed or was eventually removed altogether.

The 2010's then which brought some hope in the form of Wild Asia, but then the decline has continued as more once great theming was neglected becoming worn and tired before being completely removed & unreplaced (falls, vampire, ramesis, tombs & mine train) whilst once immersive ( neglected) level queue lines are being culled for cheap cattle pens & there is a general 'only fix or update this if it brings guest & money attitude).

The accommodation & other activities have improved noticeably but the rest of the park hasn't kept in line with this looking worn, tired & forgotten, not being a patch on its magic making days.

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Even at 32 and 27 years old respectively, the other half and I would genuinely be very disappointed if Lorikeet Lagoon was closed when we visited without it being stated on the website. It's a nice - different - little attraction. Would be sorry to see it go, but it wouldn't surprise me with how things seem to be going at Chessie. I know I harp on about it but it really was a fantastic place in the 90s, truly magical memories from back then!

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The Lorikeets were (wait for it..) bought cheap. Merlin wanted them in quick and cheap. The birds were ill from the beginning. I guess that's just got worse.

The smell around Fury, comes from the back of the Original Sandwich Co, and is supposedly to do with long term issues dating back to when the building housed the larger, smelly animals!

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The smell comes from the stinky drain next to the queue line shop, it's really acute in that area and caused some people to vomit before (nice).

Sometimes the wind wafts it towards the station, but it's definitely from the drain. Don't worry: some cardboard has been put on top of it so problem solved

Apparently the drain was there long before the ride. Behind Sandwhich Co. are rubbish skips so they smell all the time anyway

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The Lorikeets were (wait for it..) bought cheap. Merlin wanted them in quick and cheap. The birds were ill from the beginning. I guess that's just got worse.

Isn't that technically animal neglect or basically just illegal? I'm not certain of the laws surrounding animals but it doesn't sound good.

Also is there any proof that they were ill too?

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That drain issue sounds vile - that must be quite some stench if it's caused people to actually throw up because of it, wow! I'm sure the cardboard will do the job *thumbs up*


That's really sad if that's true regarding the Lorikeets - there's obviously some issue/problem behind it being closed, that would make sense - "essential maintenance" for 4 months, would not make sense.

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