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Think it's time chessi dumped the rides, clearly they're not working to their capacity anymore

And just turn in to a zoo

Yes, they're just totally going to kill off the biggest draws to the park in favour of going back to what it originally was, a struggling zoo (the reason it was turned into a theme park in the first place, correct me if I'm wrong). That would REALLY get the visitors in.
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Yes, they're just totally going to kill off the biggest draws to the park in favour of going back to what it originally was, a struggling zoo (the reason it was turned into a theme park in the first place, correct me if I'm wrong). That would REALLY get the visitors in.

Although you are completely right of course, it's at the point now that even a nostalgic old thing like me would rather they got shot of all the knackered stuff (ie most things) and scaled it down to the few things they can do well, then build it back up from there.

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There were similar issues across the park yesterday aka monday.

Falls was evac'd and closed early/mid afternoon.. Only reopening not long before park close ...

Vampire had numourous issues including a long shutdown involving security and a adult urinating in the station.

Operations across the park were dire to say the least not an ounce of urgency to keep rides/ queues moving EG dragons fury was advertised as 50 minutes queue wasnt too long... But in perspective the queue was 1.5 hours from the 20min sign. All 6 cars were pretty much stacked for most of the time in the breaks... And then sending empty cars as the merge point staff member was to busy talking and forgot to let guests up.

Another example vampire full queue when we finally got on after 1.5 hours the online side was ready to dispatch and we had been placed in the front row(I prefer vamp at the back). The staff member was sat chatting about her night out to the operator even after the second train was back.

Overall the park was dire today countless rides evac'd and closed for long periods

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It is worth mentioning that a few queue boards around the park are now broken. Sea Dragons on a queue of d2, Rattlesnake on a queue of 888 minutes, and on or two others I can't remember too.

Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk

The queue time board use the hexadecimal counting system when the queues are long. d2 minutes converts to 210 minutes ;)

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The queue time board use the hexadecimal counting system when the queues are long. d2 minutes converts to 210 minutes ;)

That's funny, however would be hilarious if we weren't talking about Sea Dragons [emoji6]

Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk

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