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The Smiler Incident 02/06/2015


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Unfortunately, the Media have every right to comment and document anything that happens publicly. They aren't breaking any law, and no petition can stop the media due to it being their freedom of speech. 


Petitions are solely to allow people to prevent things happening, such as change to rules and regulations or prevent new laws being signed/abolished. When they are trying to prevent people to have the freedom of speech, it will go as far as the bin.


Yes it is annoying, but there is literally nothing you can do, the media will eventually stop publicising pointless things when they realise there are more pressing matters than a ride having a a few minutes down.

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With the misleading and untruthful titles like "80 people stuck upside down", Alton Towers could and SHOULD start civil lawsuits for Libel (Deformation) against the media companies responsible. Facebook sharing of news articles purely based upon titles without reading the full article or looking for references/sources is very common, and is clearly pushing a further backlash against the park based upon misinformation. Any decent lawyer could absolutely argue that this is detrimental to the reputation of Alton Towers, and could win suits against these newspapers, and after a few wins, the newspapers would stop publishing such nonsense.

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Their portrayal is the newspapers/sites is getting beyond ridiculous now. I'm going to the towers next week and can't go by one day at work without someone mentioning something they read to me I.e "omg your still going, did you know 13 broke down today" tbh I don't think I've ever been to the park where every single ride was running constantly all day.

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Their portrayal is the newspapers/sites is getting beyond ridiculous now. I'm going to the towers next week and can't go by one day at work without someone mentioning something they read to me I.e "omg your still going, did you know 13 broke down today" tbh I don't think I've ever been to the park where every single ride was running constantly all day.

I think you get a special badge if you manage to pick the day none of the rides have a breakdown. They're incredibly rare and sell for over £100 on ebay. 

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He seemed really calm in the interview and made sure Leah's privacy wasn't invaded, there was also a point where they asked him about fair ground rides and he immediately said they aren't the same so you can't really compare so he seems to know some stuff. The constant close ups on his finger and knees weren't the nicest thing to see in the morning though

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  • 5 weeks later...

Very brave & inspiring person, she has taken this very well.

As bad as things were having a keg amputation & everything, things apparently could've been a lot worse as apparently she was close to death at least twice during the rescue after the accident due to an escentisl blood vein being damaged where she had to keep getting medical attention. The amputation was done immediately as it was the only way to save her life.

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What a lovley girl. Such a shame it's something that will affect her life forever.


Also, she seems to have a greater and more reasonable understanding of ride breakdowns than most of the general public!


Agree totally - she said herself that rides break down all the time so she didn't feel any need to worry.  So sad that she has lost a leg, she seems like a lovely young lady but hopefully with the support she will be getting she can look forward to a good future.  I read an article about her and thought she was inspirational - I think if something like that happened to me, I would be extremely bitter. 

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And cringiest comment about a crash victim goes to..



She's a pretty young woman before and after the crash. Did you want me to call her ugly, then?


It is interesting that she noticed people taking photos of her after it happened. I know it's exciting for people watching but it is so cruel. I get they couldn't do anything other than alert members of staff/police but it's quite shocking what social media does!

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"Having one leg doesn't ruin her beauty!" I don't think whether she is beautiful to you or not was really on the cards when she got her leg amputated. I'm sure you didn't mean it that way but it was a daft way to phrase it like that. No, having one leg doesn't make any difference to her appearance

or maybe people do consider that maybe having 1 leg could have made her less attractive? Actually that sounds more in line with how tabloids and trashnews readers consider these situations.

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Haha sorry it's late and I'm obviously not thinking before I type. No I wasn't trying to suggest that.

It's the fact that the comment was weirdly personal and irrelevant to the atrocious situation of being hounded by tabloid media after having your leg cut off.

Not trying to censor you, just of all the things to say whether she was beautiful or not hadn't even entered my head. What an awful situation all the people must be in

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