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The Smiler Incident 02/06/2015


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After remembering my password I can finally put my two cents in.

Firstly, those poor people, no one can imagine what they are going through and my greatest sympathies are with them.

Secondly, at my work I have had the greatest pleasure in getting to view the headlines everyday of the past few weeks. After the way it was made out in the paper I'm surprised it only lasted less than a week in the actual news, not online but paper, that being said, I think the Sun had a lot of wasted ink. The headline 'Towers of Terror' was a great loss to the world of ink. I am not in anyway shocked at the mail, sun or express for their portrayal of this incident. The times and telegraph should know better.

The sympathy for the victims in the papers was amazingly lacking. Well except the mail when they got the only exclusive interview. Now I am aware that the papers are positively cottage cheese but this time I'm not shocked at how they wrote the articles but I'm shocked at the lack of understanding and the lack of sympathy for those humans that had to go through was is and will be a very traumatic event.

Way to go UK papers once again you have proved why other countries have the view they do of us.

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Are people just trying to find more reasons to make people hate Alton Towers? 2edgy4u


I saw this somewhere a couple of days ago and literally smacked myself round the head.  The media are doing anything and everything they can to pull Alton Towers to pieces - they really should focus on more important "news"


So, a man was offended when he saw the shirts?  Christ on a bike, is there a need to start a fricking campaign? 



Perhaps he needs a hobby.....

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Two headlines on that actual page...





Suggestive indeed, on the site of a family paper. Where's the petition? BAN THIS FILTH!


Also liked the (presumably) misprint...



So outraged he decided to wear one then!


I thought it said "sported" but wasn't 100% sure - this post has made me laugh though....what delightful sounding articles mentioned :wacko:

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The papers want to keep the original story in the limelight, as such, any story relating to the park can be linked to the incident...


Papers literally do this ALL the time, there's zero point getting aggravated over it, especially in this "Easily Offended" world we live in today...


Personally, the shirts are pretty tacky, but he best not visit the Dungeons then, they have a "Well Hung" shirt in relation to Extremis...

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I have a question; noticed on Sunday a further change to Oblivion and I don't understand why. I get the "This ride is perfectly safe..." stuff, makes sense. But in the station it has changed:


"For some things there is so rational explanation, there is no way out, there is no happy ending to this story. Welcome to the unknown, welcome to eternal darkness, welcome...to...Oblivion..."


"For some things there is so rational explanation, there is no way out, there is no happy ending to this story. Welcome to the unknown, welcome...to...Oblivion..."


Why just remove that one line? The video shows the camera zooming out when he's talking so it just cuts to the next section. Interesting.

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This is very sad news, and apparently she was also a dancer too which this incident without doubt has shred that in tatters. I hope she has a speedy recovery.

Apparently Vicky & Leah were both in the front middle seats when the car collided.

I can see Smiler having a mid season reopening now with the way things have gone.

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Really sad news - she had gone through a lot to try and save the leg to no avail, poor girl. As I've said before, I can't even begin to imagine what it must feel like to lose a limb but I wish her and all the others injured that day the best possible future after what they have been through

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It was confirmed on Twitter via herself and a friend that she doesn't do dancing as a career, that's just something the media picked up on to make the story sound more dramatic.


Thoughts are with friends, family and Vicky & Leah during this difficult time.

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