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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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It would have cost more than they were willing to spend (I'm not standing up for Merlin, more so how people are criticising the attraction with even ridding it), not only this but I'd much prefer one section was fully themed with a red box out the back instead of having the entire building themed and looking a lot less themed overall. Also has no one taken into account Derren is an illusionist? They don't look like they are part of one another when looking straight on and so it makes the attraction seem much smaller than it actually is - so the ride will have a 'tardis effect'. If the building looked big it wouldn't have this effect. Honestly, I don't think that X will last much longer and so the building will like be blocked off when X closes - but even so I think it's a bit silly to complain about this when it's really only a minor detail. Critiquing them once or twice is one thing, the repeative up bringing of it is another.

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It would have cost more than they were willing to spend (I'm not standing up for Merlin, more so how people are criticising the attraction with even ridding it), not only this but I'd much prefer one section was fully themed with a red box out the back instead of having the entire building themed and looking a lot less themed overall. Also has no one taken into account Derren is an illusionist? They don't look like they are part of one another when looking straight on and so it makes the attraction seem much smaller than it actually is - so the ride will have a 'tardis effect'. If the building looked big it wouldn't have this effect. Honestly, I don't think that X will last much longer and so the building will like be blocked off when X closes - but even so I think it's a bit silly to complain about this when it's really only a minor detail. Critiquing them once or twice is one thing, the repeative up bringing of it is another.

This post is hypocritical, considering the fact that you have now repeatedly critiqued the moaners.

What is wrong with moaners? What is wrong with pessimists? Nothing. Moaning is simply a way of verbalising your disappointment for something. People are disappointed that the red warehouse had not been disguised and is largely visible, therefore people moan.

In addition, I believe the "Disney don't theme all of their buildings, so why should Merlin?" Argument is invalid as Merlin aren't Disney and Disney aren't perfect. If Disney don't do something, there is no reason to think that other companies won't do it. Concealing the warehouse would have dramatically improved the exterior of the ride and just because other major companies don't theme the entirety of their ride buildings, enthusiasts should not lower their expectations by assuming that "if Disney don't do it, why should Merlin?"

I apologise for my rant, but it's ok to moan!

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It would have cost more than they were willing to spend (I'm not standing up for Merlin, more so how people are criticising the attraction with even ridding it), 


Welcome to human nature. We judge things before the final product in every walk of life. Look at how everyone was critiquing the London Olympics in 2012 before the event or how based on the trailers, the internet decided Batman v Superman was going to be awful.


We're going to spend the next ten, twenty, thirty years with this ride in existence, we want it to be as top quality as it can be. For some, they may be looking for things to rip apart, but that isn't the majorities intention. For me, it could be so much better if it was a completely themed facade, all the way round the ride building.

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I respect that, but I'm saying to how people have already written off the ride as a disappointment based on one thing, I'm not saying it's absolutely everybody however in my short time in this forum I've noticed a lot of negativity toward this development, more so than other forums. To CharlieN, I agree it's okay to moan however is it really necessary to repeat the same things? No, not really. In terms of Disney and Merlin I agree it's very different - but you must remember that most of their attractions aren't plonked right in the middle of a park ahaha.

All I'm saying is let's let the ride get finished before we completely write it off. I'm not saying this is the majority by any means as I do agree it could be a little less prominent by X (it's very tall) however it's not got to do anything by complaining on here, instead we could be trying to figure out practical and cost effective ways to conceal the building, and avoid slamming it before it's finished. I hope that clears some issues up.

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Wasn't the whole idea that it was going to be a Victorian train? Or have I completely lost the plot? :lol:

I believe it will combine the Victorian theme with a modern day, London Underground theme (Possibly Derren's illusion, time travel or another method of transferring between 1871 and now :) ). Images of the VR content also showed some creatures in a modern city.

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