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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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1 hour ago, 3Dimensions said:

The visuals in the advert look cool but oh my god, the script is so cheesy and the feedback of the delay on his vocals is so strong I can barely hear what he says until the 'my ghost train' line which to be honest makes it sound purely idiotic.

I think it add atmosphere and captures the mood of the ride. And why he says my , is obviously because everyone who's who Derren is and would get quite intimidated by the idea of him consoling your mind ! Haha , that my thinking anyway 

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Got to see the shop for the first in person yesterday and it looks amazing! Really am impressed with the amount of themeing put into it and the atmosphere it gives, all my mates said how good it looks and how well themed it is so hats off to Merlin on that! Just a shame it was delayed opening.

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All photos from TPM's Facebook. They show a boring queue jumping sign, a nice looking blue queue time board, and the luggage sign.

My only question is this: What is that huge area on the bottom left of the luggage photo for? I'm guessing to hold the 60 people going into the building at one time.




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4 hours ago, ThemeParkManiaUK said:


I posted a diagram of how I see the interior of the building will be like, as well as the Victorian carriage being a shell. Here is a link to the page if you are interested in seeing it and maybe build upon the idea. 



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The hanging carriage being a shell to disguise a ride system is the most logical thing I can think of at the moment.  How else are you actually going to get down from it into the rest of the building?  


Works nicely with the idea of 'grand illusion' too - doesn't seem too out of the question to have this huge, Victorian train carriage seemingly disappear, despite the fact you're inside it, for example.

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3 hours ago, BaronC. said:

The hanging carriage being a shell to disguise a ride system is the most logical thing I can think of at the moment.  How else are you actually going to get down from it into the rest of the building?  


Works nicely with the idea of 'grand illusion' too - doesn't seem too out of the question to have this huge, Victorian train carriage seemingly disappear, despite the fact you're inside it, for example.

Yer while that makes sense I don't see if you are going to load one train carrying only 60 people , surly the throughput is going to be so slow? 

and if there is two trains how are you going to load the two together , when there is only one unit in the building ?

, the ride is so clever and utterly mind boggling ! , it really is an illusion.

I just hope it is perfected and performed correctly on opening day .

So I hope they do a lot of tests before . 

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I wish I had evidence to confirm it, but I have heard, from a lot of trustworthy sources that this will be a multi car (3 car) ride. Obviously my account is as good as the next person, but this is what I have listened to from multiple sources. I do question how the interior of the trains will be done, assuming you walk into a victorain train 'shell' but the interior would be of a modern one, or vice versa.

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It's not exactly difficult to refurb the interior of something old into something new...

As for it being 'mind boggling', we can only say that when the thing eventually opens... They might just be using a really simple trick or whatever, because lets face it, those are usually better than over-elaborate ones...

Peppers' Ghost is still in use for that exact reason...

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One would assume that by having multi-cars they can then increase throughput - the experience in car 1 starts and after X minutes that car perhaps moves into the hanging train as suggested, by which time car 2's experience has started and is timed so that it enters the hanging train once car 1 has moved back out.

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3 minutes ago, jack holmes 12 said:

The real ghost train ... just kidding I'm just getting super impaitent waiting now haha 


THE RIDE EXPERIENCE REVEALED! You enter the train and it magically teleports to this place (cant tell where it is)- and a new one magically respawns! Then you walk into another carriage and teleport back! That's GENIUS!

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