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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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^ I couldn't care less who goes on it before me, but if I was on park and saw people going on then I would be a bit peeved - especially given the fact it was due to open well over a month ago.


Also why would I book a night's stay when it's only a 40 minute drive away?

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10 minutes ago, Coaster Jamie said:

but letting people on in front of the public (who by the way have spent a lot of money and have been waiting for months to experience this attraction) is wrong.


At universal we watched countless Team Members etc go on Kong and no one complained? In fact it was the complete opposite, everyone was excited and all the geeks crowded around there were talking together and saying about how they're anticipating opening! It's great to hear they're letting small groups on to test aside from the staff! :)

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5 minutes ago, Owen said:

If you aren't bothered why comment, to cause unnecessary irritation? Out of boredom?


 You aren't told by anyone to go to these places, but if you do you've just got to accept these things are in place - like it or not.

I'm not bothered about being one of the first people on, I would be bothered by seeing "select customers" being let on when the majority aren't.


And I commented because that's my opinion.

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Then that's fair enough, but is it really necessary to throw your toys out the pram in every instance something happens that you would be bothered about if you were there?


Its just a bit silly really - and definitely unnecessary. It's fine stating your opinion once, don't drag it on if others don't agree with you.

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8 minutes ago, Coaster Jamie said:

I'm not bothered about being one of the first people on, I would be bothered by seeing "select customers" being let on when the majority aren't.


And I commented because that's my opinion.


It's called soft opening, parks across the world do it. This is the most tedious topic for a new ride I think I've ever seen, and it's not helped by miserable people like yourself moaning about every tiny little thing. 


If the feedback from guests today was positive, then expect this ride to be open very very soon. I think people are forgetting that Thorpe are finally getting a high investment dark ride, something people have been screaming for for years. I for one am very excited for this. 

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The thing that amuses me if that, say by some chance you were chosen to be in the small group of people who got to experience the technical rehearsal, you most probably wouldn't be remarking how unfair it is for other people not being given the opportunity.


Maybe they did it in the midde of the day incase there were any difficulties which led to there being substantial delays, and they wanted to ensure everyone who was told they'd get to have a go would get a go without both the riders and any staff involved having to hang about until a time that's inconveniently late?


I genuinely don't see the issue with this being a thing, and judging by the comments of people who I believe witnessed this from reading the last couple of pages, they don't at all seem upset or angry at the park for them not being allowed the chance to ride it!

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5 minutes ago, Ryan said:


It's called soft opening, parks across the world do it. This is the most tedious topic for a new ride I think I've ever seen, and it's not helped by miserable people like yourself moaning about every tiny little thing. 


If the feedback from guests today was positive, then expect this ride to be open very very soon. I think people are forgetting that Thorpe are finally getting a high investment dark ride, something people have beeb screaming for for years. I for one am very excited for this. 

I thought soft opening was opening a ride to everyone but without advertising/before the official opening day?


I'm not a miserable person and as previously mentioned there's no call for personal insults because someone has a different opinion to you.

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Just now, Coaster Jamie said:

I thought soft opening was opening a ride to everyone but without official advertising/before the official opening day?


I'm not a miserable person and as previously mentioned there's no call for personal insults because someone had a different opinion to you.


Soft openings can be for a small group of people. Any theme park has the right to open any ride to any number of guests at any given time.

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3 minutes ago, Coaster Jamie said:

I thought soft opening was opening a ride to everyone but without official advertising/before the official opening day?


I'm not a miserable person and as previously mentioned there's no call for personal insults because someone had a different opinion to you.

How. Many. Times.


Thorpe decide when to open the ride. 

Thorpe decide who goes on the ride. 

Thorpe decide when the ride is acceptable to open. 

Thorpe decide what advertising they put out there in relation to ride opening days. 


@Coaster Jamie - understand this. You cannot enter the park and have an expectation that you deserve to ride this attraction, at any given time (prior to full guest opening). It isn't open. It isn't advertised as open. As such, it isn't a publicly available attraction


Thorpe do NOT need to explain why they have allowed certain people on the ride. They don't need to explain why they chose said people. They don't have to explain ANYTHING to you, or others. 


Its their park. Their ride. Their investment. 


You will ride it, as and when it opens. Accept it, and move on. As someone said above, if you were chosen on park to ride in advance of opening, you wouldn't turn down the chance, so please, stop moaning. It's boring. 

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If I personally entered the park, knowing full well the ride was closed and not open to the public, if I then saw people going in my opinion wouldn't change. Ive been told I can't go on it as its still technically under development/improvements, so I for one would assume this is for developmental purposes (which it is) unless I'm told otherwise.

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39 minutes ago, Coaster Jamie said:

I'm not bothered about being one of the first people on, I would be bothered by seeing "select customers" being let on when the majority aren't.


And I commented because that's my opinion.


But if you were one of the first on, you would probably be boasting about it?

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1 hour ago, Insider said:

Ghost Train isn't open. 

Ghost Train isn't advertised as open. 

Ghost Train hasn't been publicly scheduled to open. 


You have no argument. 


You're the one who said people should be honoured they get in the park at all and Thorpe are not obliged to provide any rides or entertainment and to quit moaning and check their sense of entitlement at the door when rides are unavailable.


Perhaps you didn't understand but I didn't present an argument, I stated that attitude was a **** one to have (and gave an alternative non-theme park related example to highlight how the same attutide would work elsehere) you are the one arguing with anybody that disagrees with your point of view. 


It would be much better if you  countered an opposing view with a sensible, mature argument, rather than sarcasm.

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I think this has happened so that the park can make sure it is as good as it can be when if officially opens to the public. They'll get the reviews from the VIPs, and tweak the ride to make sure that when it opens fully, it will be as good as it can be without spoiling marketing (hence why they got people to sign NDAs before riding)

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44 minutes ago, TallGuyDom said:

But if you were one of the first on, you would probably be boasting about it?

No, absolutely not.


Also, 'insider' do you actually read anyone's posts? Because I'm struggling to find anywhere I have said that I "deserve" to go on it before it's open, nor that I "expected" it to be open. I'm not repeating myself as it has been said several times but you seem to have missed that.

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Please stop this silly pettiness now.


Further discussion will be about the ghost train itself and not your opinions of its delay or each other.


Feel free to PM each other or the team regarding personal issues, or use the 'park operations' topic if you would like to comment on how Thorpe go about their business.



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6 minutes ago, Owen said:

So now with the attraction having run with a decent amount of people, when do we think it might open?


Also, I didn't hear much in terms of it having tech issues, which is a good sign - granted it was only in operation for a little while but surely this is a positive?


It really depends on the feedback they are given. If hotel guests feedback is good, I can see it opening very soon however if the feedback is bad, I would like to think that further improvements would be made as the result of this.

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What I could gather was that to the general park guest the ride was pretty good, with an enthusiast giving it a 6/10. According to staff it wasn't running at its best yesterday, which is slightly odd because you'd think they'd have one standard of running it. Personally I can see either the 24th or 1st.

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1 hour ago, Ryan said:

Anyone at the park today? Wondering what the #ChanceOfTrain is? 


Someone has been following Kong! Haha


Thrill Nation are on site today and so far there nothing to suggest there will be further openings - although it was that same yesterday and look what happened...


Announcement testing -



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