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Derren Brown's Ghost Train: Rise of the Demon


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I rode yesterday, and I have to say Merlin have outdone themselves, the amount of detail put into this ride is amazing and when everything works fluidly it is the best ride in the UK by a long way. If you are considering reading spoilers, don't, better to go in blind. I didn't find it scary in the slightest, but I have never felt so part of a story in my life on a ride. The second you know for sure it will be open, go and ride it. :)

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I rode twice earlier, and was very impressed. I'm just wondering if anybody has any idea of how the ride system actually works?

I get that the train moves forwards to get you to the live action part, but then I can't see it waiting for the same group to finish the middle part before moving back as the throughput with this system would be awful.

The way I think it works is they have 2 trains, that move round in a rectangular motion. Does anybody else have any ideas?

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Managed to get on it twice today as it was open for technical rehearsals again.

Compared to Fridays ride, it was a lot better. The 4D effects seemed a lot stronger and prominent and the experience seemed to flow a lot more.
It does still need improvements. I find the VR to be blurry no matter how I focus it, and the headphones just aren't loud enough (While the VR shows an empty train, I hear people screaming around me).

It is a very good attraction and one that I'm glad Thorpe have decided to put it in other than another rollercoaster. It is without a doubt the best dark ride in the UK.

A good 8/10 from me.

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I have to say I now honestly get why the ride isnt officially open yet. We went on today for it to fail half way through reset back to start and the VR cut out for half the ride.  Whilst I get the whole idea of technical rehearsals there are allot of gliches in the system that need fixing as it meant we didnt get todo/ see half the ride today

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As you go in to the train room you can't see the other end of the train, that's where the tunnel is where the inside bit of the train moves to the next section. I agree that it must be some kind of turntable with trains slotting in and out of it.


So you start in the carriage, train moves through to the bit where you evacuate, while another train moves back into the carriage to let people out. You go through the walking bit while 'your' train actually moves around with you to the second platform, letting a new group into the evacuation bit. You then move back to the start position and slide back into the carriage to be let off. 


Means in theory you could always have one group in the pre show, one group in the first bit, one group in evacuation, and one group in the second vr bit, all at once. That's 4 groups of 58 - or 232 people on the ride at once!

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4 minutes ago, StevenVig said:


The topic is clearly marked in blocked capitals stating that there are spoilers in here, it is ultimately your decision and your decision only if you wish to read said topic. 


I refer you to the other topic on DBGT should you not wish to read spoilers, though I know you have already ridden it. 


Fully aware of that, but people who haven't ridden it are coming in here and looking at what happens. It really is a ride that is best enjoyed when you don't know what's going to happen.

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6 minutes ago, Ryan said:

It really is a ride that is best enjoyed when you don't know what's going to happen.


As are all dark rides really.


I agree it would be better if detailed descriptions weren't out there, it is entirely possible to review it without spoilering the hell out of it, but thinking that this wouldn't happen is a bit of an unrealistic expectation. 


The best that can realistically be done is to mark it up as spoilers and let people make an informed decision whether they read it or not. It's only themselves they are effecting by reading it.

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45 minutes ago, Ryan said:


Fully aware of that, but people who haven't ridden it are coming in here and looking at what happens. It really is a ride that is best enjoyed when you don't know what's going to happen.


As I said, its clearly marked that there are spoilers, it is ultimately each users decision. 

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Yeah I'm happy to delete the things I've said, but I assumed the thread being marked for spoilers was so people who had ridden it could discuss it, because it is really interesting. He even says in the video bit that you should discuss it with others who have ridden it!

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4 minutes ago, TPSou said:

Yeah I'm happy to delete the things I've said, but I assumed the thread being marked for spoilers was so people who had ridden it could discuss it, because it is really interesting. He even says in the video bit that you should discuss it with others who have ridden it!


Yes but at no point did he say "tell everyone on the internet how the ride system works".

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37 minutes ago, Ryan said:


Yes but at no point did he say "tell everyone on the internet how the ride system works".


This is a forum about rides, run by people who are interested the industry, ride systems and operations. 


It is a given that people will discuss how it works, anything less cannot be expected. You of all people should fully understand this.

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I got bored of waiting for the ride to open so decided to read the spoilers as I'd lost the hype. :P I could've/would've stayed away if it had been open for my visit in May (meaning a week of not reading things) - I don't go to Thorpe more than once or twice a year and don't have an AP ;)


After reading about it though - it does sound impressive and the delays now would make sense as it does sound a bit of a challenge technology wise. Sounds like a proper opening is a little way off still - my sister went on at the weekend and said her VR headset wasn't loud enough and didn't work correctly.

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