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Does the 17th December work for you?  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. The Dates

    • Yes - Saturday 17th December
    • No - Sunday 18th December
    • No - Saturday 10th December
    • No - Sunday 11th December

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I was looking forward to this meet, it was going to be my first one but it falls on the same day as my works xmas do...Again! :(
I am probably gunna end up going to London on the Friday 16th instead, but have a good one people and if anyone is interested in a mini crimbo meet on a different date I'll try and do that one instead.


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On 18/11/2016 at 9:10 AM, Mer said:

Let's remind ourselves of one of the great photos from last years meet...


Fish Creek is the best.


Someone told me about this last night, allnis say is What the...


On 18/11/2016 at 5:02 PM, mrmonkey said:

Hey I'm up for this if any spaces left? 


The more the merrier ^_^

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