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I rode Vampire the other day during one of the park's busiest weeks so far, and the queue was a comfortable 30 minutes with quick dispatches.

Blimey, please tell me when this was so I can visit when they are working like that...

Past two visits, one this past Wednesday, one two weeks beforehand on the Sunday the Vampire queue immediately went to 40mins after opening and then remained at an hour+ for the rest of the day. This past Wednesday the Vampire queue was 90mins-120mins all day. I even ended up waiting 70mins after joining the queue at 7pm...

Anyway, back on topic, what seems to have sparked this whole debate was my comment that the Bubbleworks fountains were off.

What I needed to say alongside this was how disappointing it is that they have been broken or off so much this year. It's more vital than the fire on Swarm. It is *essential* to the finale of the ride. It's the fountain finale! :)

Other little things like the moving head light beams being flipped 180 degrees so they point down takes about 5 button presses - assuming it's similar to my ones at home...

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I'm not surprised about the queue if you visited last Wednesday, it was exceptionally packed. There are reports that last week had the highest visitor numbers in a good few years, and it is unlikely to get as busy for the rest of the year.

It's unfortunate but these problems are more caused by the lack of high capacity rides, another thing that is looking to be resolved in the future.

Don't worry, it wasn't your BubbleWorks comment that irked me (I can imagine how disappointing it was with the ride's only redeeming feature not working!), it was the general whining/jibes about Chessington all over the internet that I think is misinformed.

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I totally agree, loads of you just moan for the sake of moaning. If you don't like what chessington is doing now, don't go, plain and simple, and start moaning about other parks, I think over the next few years there is going to be some amazing changes. There is a completely new management team that wants to see chessington succeed. There has been a lot of great improvement this year so far. and if you don't like them tough.

Ah, the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and pretending everything is rosy, singing loudly to drown out any sense of reasonable discussion and conversation. Good work insider9150, because listening to genuine concerns is going to help make the park a better, wiser place isn't it. Nice one.

I love this notion that the people discussing why Chessington isn't in the greatest place are considered moaners. They probably care more about the park then you ever have, I can only vouch for myself when I say it built a lot of my childhood memories and to see images like this:-


(Thanks Theme Park Insider)

really makes me sad and hope it works again soon.

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Problem is with Chessie especially in recent years we've heard all the "things will improve" stuff time and time again from those working there... But since Wild Asia opening, we haven't seen any real improvement to the overall quality of the park after a decade of pure neglect...

Yeah they hope to get something big in the future, but doesn't every park? And since Chessie has had a history of projects being cancelled or designed by idiots, it's literally at times a "we will believe it when there's an actual new ride opening"...

As for Bubbleworks, I just wish the fire had burnt down a lot more of it... Would have made it easier for the park to put some effort into it...

The idea as well that Merlin seem to believe that theming and escapism is not the way the UK industry should go is so opposite to the European ideals... Amazing how they can so badly run these parks, and we should really hope that Paramount park opens and shows the UK what a real theme park is like again... Not full of half arsed ideas with awful execution...

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The fountains have been turned off so guests can get a clear view of the new wall.

Aside from the obvious ride failures, the new attractions staff seem to be clueless which I guess is down to poor training. The new 'safety' rules on Vampire combined with batchers not being able to sort people out before the next train, even when it stacks is hilarious. I am not sure why people give this park sympathy when it is run by THE SECOND LARGEST THEME PARK OPERATOR IN THE WORLD, SECOND ONLY TO DISNEY.

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That's very poor indeed - it's one effect for heaven's sake! How hard can it be to keep a fountain working?

To be fair they are probably more complicated than a typical fountain you would find in your garden pond!

Sure it don't look great how it is, and Chessington and its Engineers will be well aware of that and is no doubt top on the list to be fixed. For all we know its waiting for a part or something, but in the busy Easter period they are probably better off having the ride open without the fountains working.

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The fountain finale is probably the only thing interesting about this ride since the retheme. The rest of the ride is so bland, boring and a complete waste of time.

Maybe they should just scrap this ride and put something new in there. Although I can't really see what would work theme wise.

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They just need to give the ride some attention. Having the fountains off (and open to the public) was just shocking. There is no excuse for such a BAD, BAD show-and I bet they know how crap it was too.

However, the ride is well under the eye, and up for an 'upgrade' - when this happens is another thing. I know that it has been close to happening, but as always with Chessington, it never quite gets done.

My only concern is that if the powers that have no idea, put Tomb up for an upgrade before this....

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