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Dragon Falls

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  On 4/9/2013 at 4:24 PM, Holly said:

Depends, are you gonna try and convince people your opinion is fact?

I like that this proves me point to someone, others come along and say stuff like I just did and everyones like omg that's totally happening. I say it and this happens...

Nice try at angering me though RideAddict.

No, I'm not going to convince people. Because if you believe what you see on Loggers today is a permanent and completed change, then you're the arrogant one who needs their eyes testing. It's not a fact, just common sense which you lack.

Proves your point to someone? You've proven nothing, only that you don't know what a temporary fix is.

Like I said, you're one of those who wants to believe the tunnel won't be rebuilt. Well keep believing, and prepare to be disappointed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

2 reasons I won't do this ride:

1. I don't like water- with bubble works I can do a good job of avoiding it, but with falls... even if I sit right at the back, I'm going to get soaked by the end of it- and also when I've looked at it before the place where the boat goes.. when it leaves the station actually looks scary

oh and, this is a stupid reason for not doing it, but I also think.. or used to if I don't get on the boat quick enough, I'm going to fall in to the water and float away. seriously!. I can just see the look on the dragon falls operators face... hey, stop the ride- because we have a person in the water....:D

but in all seriousness, if that happened, I'd probably drown

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  • 3 weeks later...

As we know Chessington have stripped this right back ready for redevelopment and invited ideas to be submitted by visitors.

I don't like just linking out to other sites, but for those not on TS these have to be shared. Firstly my personal favourite from ElectricBill...


And another mighty impressive one from CGM...


I have pretty much no idea where you'd even start to come up designs of this quality, I do hope Chessington take these ideas at least a little seriously and incorporate elements into the final build.

Anyone here come up anything they'd like to share?

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I love those designs. If they just copied the first one completely it would be great. The second one, I love the gap in the rockwork with the bridge - it's got a Expedition Everest feel to it, if on a smaller scale. Not sure about the pagoda though - imagine it being big enough to cover the whole main drop - it would look seriously tacky at that size unless they spent and unfeasable amount of money on it.

The thing is, with all these designs, I'm almost certain the retheme will be crap, and expect to see that the elements taken from designs will amount to about one small thing that is painted onto a plywood board rather than a model.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Where has all the theming gone that you saw before the largest lift hill?

There used to be things like bikes labeled "Chan's Cycles" and a laundry that were really nice touches, but they have gone!

You can see for yourself at 2:42 in this pov.

Why remove that? They have surely destroyed enough of the park already this year, why remove something that isn't doing any harm?

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The bunch of bicycles always looked to me like the staff cycle rack or something... Homemade props are never very helpful for a theme park. The backs of those buildings used to have a load of decorative windows, lights and stuff but it was removed so long ago. This year they removed a bit more of the platform that used to run beside ittt

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It's shocking to see that ALL of Chessington's original rides, especially those from the 90's, have been revamped in some way!:

1. Dragon River being renamed to Dragon Falls

2. 5th Dimension, then Terror Tomb, then renamed to Forbidden Tomb, then Tomb Blaster

3. Vampire's new trains

4. Bubbleworks retheme

5. Beanoland to Wild Asia (well, Beanoland did kinda suck balls anyway)

6. ToyTown to Africa/Flying Jumbos replaced with Madagascar LIVE

7. Runaway Train cave/Dragon Falls rock face retheme

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  On 7/14/2013 at 3:18 PM, CoasterDude said:

It's shocking to see that ALL of Chessington's original rides, especially those from the 90's, have been revamped in some way!:

1. Dragon River being renamed to Dragon Falls

2. 5th Dimension, then Terror Tomb, then renamed to Forbidden Tomb, then Tomb Blaster

3. Vampire's new trains

4. Bubbleworks retheme

5. Beanoland to Wild Asia (well, Beanoland did kinda suck balls anyway)

6. ToyTown to Africa/Flying Jumbos replaced with Madagascar LIVE

7. Runaway Train cave/Dragon Falls rock face retheme

A lot of those changes were necessary, Retheming and Revamping can breather new life into rides that, over the years have gotten old and drab. I'm glad that Chessington are refurbishing Dragon Falls & Runaway train, Can't say I'm a fan of how they're carrying out the refurb, though.

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  On 7/14/2013 at 8:17 PM, Fred said:

Beanoland only appeared in 2000 didn't it? Not exactly original or classic.

Leave Beanoland alone, it was fab when it opened :wub:

Things actually worked and they had (for the UK) quite good shows of varying types... Of course in the end it needed redoing because it was old and not suiting to the park's new brand or the guest tastes...

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  • 5 months later...

Are we really in for a worse season than last year? I was hoping for an amazing season with a great performance from Chessington but it just looks like it's going to be the same, poor quality experience as previous years.. What Next? Bubbleworks closed the whole season? Scorpion Valley not opening till 2015? Who knows, I just want them to buckle up and realise that the people that come to their park come for a good experience and people will not be returning if the experience is poor- which it has been for a while now. I won't be surprised if Rameses revenge isn't fixed... If runaway Train isn't open... If Creaky Café isn't redone. I am ashamed of chessington, how long does it actually take to retheme ONE ride!? :mellow:

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