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Storm Surge


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There's one at Hansa Park (with Rainbow Lift) and Parc Asterix (with Glorious Moustache) at least, plenty of this ride type exist over the world...

Unfortunately, Storm Surge is the only one that had absolutely no thought or effort put into it's design and construction... Indeed, it would have fitted into Legoland Florida so much more... Why they bothered, I have no idea...

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  • 2 months later...

This ride now successfully doesn't spin, doesn't get you wet, and yet still manages to have an inch of water at the bottom of the dingies after less than an hour of operation? The ride leaks, the audio doesn't work / can't be heard and is just generally useless it seems.

Last season, the ride wasn't actually that bad, though went a bit downhill towards the end. This season it's been bad, and is now just stupid and pointless. Though 2 years later, our fears about this ride have come to fruition it seems... :(

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  On 9/22/2012 at 6:25 PM, 'JoshC. said:

This ride now successfully doesn't spin, doesn't get you wet, and yet still manages to have an inch of water at the bottom of the dingies after less than an hour of operation? The ride leaks, the audio doesn't work / can't be heard and is just generally useless it seems.

Last season, the ride wasn't actually that bad, though went a bit downhill towards the end. This season it's been bad, and is now just stupid and pointless. Though 2 years later, our hopes about this ride have come to fruition it seems... :)


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Am I the only person who actually likes the ride? I went in it in the dark at fright nights and it was just amazing! Me and my mates were screaming our heads off, especially after the last drop! We got soaked by the waterfall and the boasters that kept shooting at us! Overall I like the ride although it hurts your eyes to look at is it really about the looks or is it about the overall experience?

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  On 9/23/2012 at 9:55 AM, 'Theme Park World said:

Am I the only person who actually likes the ride? I went in it in the dark at fright nights?

The key word there is dark, because you couldn't see how ugly it is in daylight ;)

I really think the best thing Thorpe Park could do is remove it, though you might be thinking "Oh its silly to remove a ride after 2 years" many parks in the past have installed rides for only a year and removed them because it wasn't working out, plus they don't even need to put a ride in Storm Surge's place, they could just make it a nice picnic area

From what I hear, it rides okay but the presentation of the ride is one you wouldn't even find at Drayton Manor, its also really silly to put such a ride in a crowded area of the park, many people was trying to jump over each other just to get past Storm Surge's entrance when I was there, it really is packed area, not good

/RantOver :P

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Best thing to do with it IMO would be leave it for now, then tear it out as part of a remodel of Neptune's Kingdom / removal of the beach. If they absolutely had to have a ride around there rather than open space, they could then put whatever the ride happened to be closer to the beach, creating more space near X and then have the much requested open space / picnic-ey bit where the beach currently is. Possibly even demo the Megastore and build a new one as part of the new area next to the dome, where Wet Wet Wet currently is. This would also mean a wider path to Swarm... Everybody wins, and we don't have Storm Surge any more ^_^

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I really don't get the vibe that Storm Surge is a long term attraction. Does anyone know if it has just temporary permission or is it here to stay from a council perspective?

The placement and look of it all just screams temporary at me so I'm holding on that it's just a filler attraction and will be removed during that area's future remodel.

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  On 9/23/2012 at 1:24 PM, 'Original Glazed said:

I really don't get the vibe that Storm Surge is a long term attraction. Does anyone know if it has just temporary permission or is it here to stay from a council perspective?

Here to stay, it wasnt cheap to install, with all the plumbing and what not, and the difference between this and eclipse is people actually ride Storm Surge, id say its here to stay for a few years yet.

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I still haven't been on the ride...

My (spectator) opinion: Firstly it looks like absolute junk. Secondly it wastes water leaking everywhere. Thirdly it hurts my ears with its constant squeaking. It blocks the view of X and makes the space feel cramped & cluttered. The boats appear to hardly spin any more. I refuse to sit in a boat with feet on floor if it's an inch + deep with water. The queue is always massive for a 30 second ride (after sloooow lift).

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  On 9/23/2012 at 2:42 PM, 'dragon2000 said:

I still haven't been on the ride...

My (spectator) opinion: Firstly it looks like absolute junk. Secondly it wastes water leaking everywhere. Thirdly it hurts my ears with its constant squeaking. It blocks the view of X and makes the space feel cramped & cluttered. The boats appear to hardly spin any more. I refuse to sit in a boat with feet on floor if it's an inch + deep with water. The queue is always massive for a 30 second ride (after sloooow lift).

Why would you want a view of X? Now that's the worst ride in the park and needs to go before Storm Surge.

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